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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1136120' date='Feb 21 2011, 08:05 PM']Do we enjoy playing enough to disregard the pay?[/quote] Given I rarely get paid to gig, the answer would seem to be Yes.
  2. Once you find a sim that works for you, try the following: * Record your bass part clean * Copy the part to an adjacent track making sure they're perfectly aligned * Put the amp sim on the second track * Mute the clean track and fiddle with the amp sim till you get close to a sound you like * Unmute the clean track * Fiddle with the volume balance between the two, applying appropriate EQ, compression etc to each track until it sounds nice. The clean track supplies definition, the sim track adds warmth, etc. After all this fun, you can always send the two tracks to a bus, track folder, whatever, for kick drum ducking, etc.
  3. [quote name='Vibrating G String' post='1134874' date='Feb 20 2011, 10:09 PM']I'm wondering if having 2 good looking girls is a plus for a wedding band? How many brides want that competition? Brides maids dresses are ugly for a reason.[/quote] Excellent point, Sir, given that - afaik - The Bride's Mother oft-times has a say in matters of entertainment.
  4. The WD Music site in the USA has Mustang bass pickguards: [url="http://www.wdmusic.com/pickguard_mb_1500.html"]http://www.wdmusic.com/pickguard_mb_1500.html[/url] NB: they stock Squier, MIM and CIJ types. Maybe ask the guys in the UK office if they can source the appropriate choice and get it sent over. Or buy direct?
  5. [quote name='bassfunk' post='1134721' date='Feb 20 2011, 07:50 PM']I found it refreshing to be able to see a price up front on a website without having to email for a quote etc.[/quote] * Displaying a price removes one of the reasons for people to contact you. Nice for them, bad for you. You'll never know they were interested. * Some chancy little Herbert's still going to try to work you down from your quoted price, however sensible it may be. * You can't close the punter down by using the old "OK, let's say we do it for £XXX - can we call that a deal?" without going below your stated price. * A flat rate removes your wiggle room if someone's got some specific but inconvenient requirement - "The bride's got terrible conjunctivitis so the room has to be completely dark at all times". If you feel you [i]really [/i]should show a price, maybe build in a small price loading to allow for discounts.
  6. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1134674' date='Feb 20 2011, 07:09 PM']Why are you all bickering, I don't understand.[/quote] Because this is BC and there hasn't been a [i]proper [/i]row for a few days. Tension is rising. The vultures are circling. Hate is bulging like a man's bicep. And so forth. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1134674' date='Feb 20 2011, 07:09 PM']Maybe you all need to be reminded who and what Sue Ryder does[/quote] Indeed and very much the point. A fine charity doing excellent work. I've only skimmed this thread; has anyone mentioned the Group Captain Leonard Cheshire VC connection yet?
  7. Frankly, I think these Skinny Machines guys have demonstrated a pretty fair degree of professionalism and restraint. They've supplied considerably more useful information than the usual 'bassist wanted' ad. They look well organised. And most importantly, you'd think we would love them for this: [quote]Please do not apply if: - a) You are a guitarist. This is an advert for an experienced BASSIST[/quote] And yet... The minute a band comes on here and exhibits a degree of commercial savvy - age, image, competence, etc - a minority run round like left-over 60's hippies wailing "Oh no! Attack of the [i]breadheads[/i]! Let's stick it to the man, [i]Maaaaan[/i]". Well, that's how the industry is these days, din'cha know? And if, perchance, some other band asks this guy Jay if it's worth advertising on BC, I wouldn't blame him for telling them not to bother. So we all lose out. Thanks a bundle.
  8. [quote name='patch006' post='1117769' date='Feb 6 2011, 03:37 PM']Strong words, don't they have moderators on here!!!![/quote] Oh, that's nothing. You should see him on shopping at Tesco.
  9. [quote name='Johnston' post='1117734' date='Feb 6 2011, 03:00 PM']Even funnier if people took both sides in the respective threads [/quote] Very tempting... Either way, I hope it's soon resolved and they both garland each other with butterfly kisses.
  10. Ebay dispute comes home to BC in dual "What do you guys think?" thread shock. What's the chances of that happening, eh?
  11. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1115313' date='Feb 4 2011, 02:15 PM']It's funny, there seems to be 3 ways people react to famous people.[/quote] And there's the 4th way. Which is where some personification of inadequacy flames a famous person for [i]no other reason [/i] than to shag off down the pub and tell their numpty mates and feel like they're Charlie Big Potatoes. Once signed up, name players are forum members and should therefore be entitled [i]at least [/i]to the same respect we show each other. It runs counter to forum ethos and everyday politeness to have a pop at them because "they put themselves up for it". Frankly, I don't blame them for maintaining a low profile. Much respect to those who put their heads above the parapet.
  12. [quote name='bumnote' post='1113048' date='Feb 2 2011, 09:38 PM']If Skank is John Major was TBBC Edwina Curry?[/quote] The Chief and I had a love that was as dark and tempestuous as the ocean. And noisier. It was nothing like the tawdry suburban grapplings implied above. If I say "Bunnies can and will go to France", BC greybeards will get the inference immediately. The rest of you can Google it. Now leave me alone with my memories, you heartless bastards.
  13. Though Mr Berlin's approach to bass is not really my cup of tea, on the whole I rather like the cut of his jib. 'Punchy' and 'no-nonsense' spring to mind. I think he'd make a marvellous basschatter, particularly in some of the more pungent OT threads.
  14. [quote]...the original carry handles removed. Some clever person has put kitchen unit handles on ...Howard the bass doc ... a bit tatty in a vintage way ...told me there's a good chance this was a custom cab as its an odd size and Sting's name was mentioned ...[/quote] Uncle Horrid strikes again.
  15. Of course, if it [i]was [/i]live and he was [i]actually[/i] playing his bass and he [i]hadn't [/i]fiddled with his tuning peg, we'd all be slagging him off for being out of tune. Non-issue [sup][size=1]TM[/size][/sup]
  16. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' post='1112463' date='Feb 2 2011, 02:41 PM']Yep , same guy. Hey, I didn't say I agreed with everything the guy stands for [/quote] Sorry if I came across all haughty and finger pointing-like. Not my intention. Frankly, all I know about him is he's a well-known politician who plays bass. I'll check the article out.
  17. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' post='1112306' date='Feb 2 2011, 01:09 PM']And Mike Huckabee[/quote] O Rly? [quote]Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee said Monday that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange should be tried for treason. He followed up the call by saying Mr. Assange should be executed if found guilty. "I think anything less than execution is too kind a penalty" the Republican said in an interview.[/quote] Sounds like a perfect contributor for one of those BC 'Kill people who hurt animals' threads. Sign him up, Ped
  18. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1112288' date='Feb 2 2011, 01:01 PM']Ronnie Cox... (Robocop)[/quote] What? Actor-Singer-Guitarist Ronny Cox plays bass? And is a BC-er? Slab cool, Daddy-O.
  19. [quote name='silddx' post='1112196' date='Feb 2 2011, 12:05 PM']Most pro players wouldn't see their "job" in the same way a refuse collector would see theirs? [size=2][color="#0000FF"][sup][i]Citation required[/i][/sup][/color][/size] Pro players didn't go to a job centre and get offered a job as a bass player and go home thinking "sh*t I hate this job!", well apart from orchestral players that is [size=2][color="#0000FF"][sup][i]Unvalidated presupposition[/i][/sup][/color][/size] Anyone making a living from the arts almost certainly would want to discuss their art medium with others quite regularly. [size=2][color="#0000FF"][sup][i]Unsubstantiated expostulation - please supply criteria[/i][/sup][/color][/size] There are plenty of pro players on BC.[size=2][color="#0000FF"][sup][i]Transparent obfuscation - no evidence that Lewis Collins is a member[/i][/sup][/color][/size][/quote] Wiki-fixed
  20. [quote name='Clarky' post='1112168' date='Feb 2 2011, 11:40 AM']I was once in a photograph in OK Magazine - does that count?[/quote] The feature on 'Banking's Silver Foxes to watch in 2006'? Lewis (The Professionals) Collins played bass in the Mojos. Well, Stu James' Mojos, the band that went out after the break-up. And who could resist being in [i]Lewis's [/i]fan club.
  21. [quote name='RhysP' post='1112134' date='Feb 2 2011, 11:01 AM']Really Famous? That's a list of people who nobody apart from other bass players would have ever heard of.[/quote] True. No one who's [i]really[/i] famous plays bass. Like -say - Barack Obama, Jackie Chan or Bill Tarmey. Really famous people get really famous because they want to be noticed. By contrast, 99% of bass players shun the spotlight. Showing off is just not their muffin. Therefore nobody [i]really [/i]famous will ever be spotted on BC. And that's the way we like it.
  22. [quote name='daz' post='1109862' date='Jan 31 2011, 07:01 PM']ah, but Perspex is not plastic, in fact its more akin to glass. One of its trade marked names is [i]PlexiGlass[/i][/quote] True dat. Perspex is a mixture of aluminium powder, tiny glass tetrahedrons and ketchup. OTOH, Lucite (as used in Dan Armstrong instruments) was a form of laminated cellophane invented by Ernesto Arnaz (father of Desi Arnaz) and named after his son's bride - the 50's comedienne Lucille Ball - hence Lucite.
  23. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1108203' date='Jan 30 2011, 03:04 PM']grooving with a Pict.[/quote] Bobby Vega?
  24. Normal gig: Capacitors / Resistors - various Speaker re-coning kit Fretwire and fret press Bessemer converter Sun block (5l.) Pyjamas - paisley Corby trouser press Holy water / garlic / silver bullets Portable gallows Circumcision knife Mars bar
  25. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='1107977' date='Jan 30 2011, 11:51 AM']I wonder what Mozart would have said if someone had said the same thing to him ? [/quote] As the curtain rises, we see a bewigged man in knee britches. He is sat at a piano, a pile of manuscript towering over his head. (FX: A phone rings) Mozart: Hello, Mozart Music. How can I help you? Bishop of Salzburg: Mozart? Mozart: Yes, Mozart here. Bishop of Salzburg: It is I, your patron, the Bishop of Salzburg. Mozart: Hello, Derek, how can I help? Bishop of Salzburg: Herr Mozart, I vant zum lyrics in zis symphony you are writing for me. Mozart: You asked for a symphony, not an opera. Bishop: Can't I have lyrics in mein symphony vot I am paying you for? Mozart: No. Then it would be an opera and that costs double. Bishop: Vy? Mozart: To pay for a librettist. Bishop: Can't you do it yourself? Mozart: I'm a composer, not a librettist. Look, I'm busy here mein old mate. Do you want this symphony or not? It's a good one. Bishop: Vell .... Are you sure you can't put some words in? Mozart: Not for the same money. Bishop: Vot vould I get for the same money? With words. Mozart: Couple of songs. Maybe three. Bishop: That's not much. Mozart: Well, how about three songs and a clarinet divertimento? Bishop: Mmmmm. No. I'll stick with the symphony. OK - aufwiederhoren. Mozart (to himself): F***ing numpty punters
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