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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Maple necks aren't really my thing, but either way a big thank you for the heads-up. Rather handy for us over here in the UK to have someone stationed in Guitar Centre on a daily basis.
  2. Too often we focus on candidates' musical attributes without establishing their relationship status, day job and other hobbies / interests. For example, the outcome should have been obvious when I started a band with an unhappily-divorced S&M Dungeon Fitter who had absolutely no interests in life other than being a singer / guitarist. That said, a weird hobby can be also a useful primary outlet for an individual's 'mentalism'. NB - Solstices can be a bit of a problem if 'the talent' is a Wiccan.
  3. [quote name='chris_b' post='1030511' date='Nov 20 2010, 03:25 PM']Dansette record players[/quote] One of those in my mum's attic - two-tone cream / sonic blue. As for the o.o.t. bass - well, it has a certain period charm.
  4. Teak oil. Cheap. Good. But the rags can spontaneously combust afterwards.
  5. I wasn't ignoring it. I just closed my eyes so I could concentrate. Yes, quite Macca-ish, IMO.
  6. [quote name='risingson' post='1029298' date='Nov 19 2010, 01:30 PM']How did I miss this thread?? Absolutely hilarious![/quote] Indeed. I've been dicking around in OT all day and there's nothing there as good as this.
  7. "Look children, it's Widow Tw***y!" Well, that's completely f***ed my plans for a Panto thread.
  8. [quote name='EGIL' post='1027377' date='Nov 17 2010, 10:10 PM']And if You want to share some more information regarding this amp - please don't hesitate. By the way, what kind of music were You playing during Your Marshall-period?[/quote] TBH, it was ages ago, and I wasn't that much of a gearhead in those days. Unlike now. So not much to add, really. The music? Er - bog standard rock covers, nothing too radical.
  9. 5. As for 6, I'd be thinking about copper with plain h/s
  10. Depending on string gauge and number of tuners you could have: * A long-scale conventional guitar ideal for downtuned doom riffs or... * A Jedson Tele bass As it happens, the time might be ripe for a 'weirdly tuned Jedson' craze. Quick and easy way into high register bass playing...
  11. Much as it pains me to (possibly) differ with two good chums, I feel honour bound to point out my own personal perspective on a couple of bits of ancient history: * That thread culminated in an entirely co-ordinated bait designed to trap the BBC (who was being a tool). * I do not doubt Mr Gwizdala is a good guy as Pete says, but - IMO - he did throw a [i]serious [/i]flounce. And for my taste, he's a [i]very[/i] good player, but not a great one. I don't want the current thread to subside into trouble, so I'll happily acknowledge that others may view those dusty old events in a different light. I thoroughly respect their opinions though they may differ from my own. That is all.
  12. It means whatever you want it to mean. Look deep into your onions and the answer will be there.
  13. They always say that 'History' starts 25 years ago, so we'll probably be talking about 'vintage 80's Fenders' around 2015. Though I s'pose JV Squiers have already attained that status. As for Wal, Ibanez, Yamaha, Steinberger etc, I think their cachet is one of functionality rather than 'magic' - namely that they were of demonstrably higher quality than many of their contemporaries and - to an extent - still are. Outside of a band of loyal devotees, there's no established 'vintage market' in these brands yet. Maybe time to stock up?
  14. [quote name='dood' post='1025214' date='Nov 15 2010, 09:14 PM']Zoe is a rockstar now! We've all been left behind!![/quote] Totally the Greets Queen of Intros. And a really mean bass player too, judging by the audio she posted. Far too sensible to get dragged down into the whine'n'grine of OT and Gen Bs Disc. We expect great things from her. Tal Wilkenfeld? Rhonda Thingy? Dead in the water when Zobo gets the tour exposure.
  15. Your question is by no means lame and - furthermore - you have put your finger on the crux of a sensitive matter. Piccolo bass is to guitar as leeks are to onions. Y'see, if you play modest little tunes on a piccolo bass then a world of fan-boy bass-tards will gather round your door, chanting "He's the Messiah!". Normal people think "That's quite good guitar playing - for a bassist".
  16. Got one. It works fine. Maybe not high end audiophile quality but it did the job and none of the punters have complained.
  17. Why not fit a set of Fender tiltback legs? £50? And piggyback clips and screws if you're running a head / cab arrangement. Another £50 imported?
  18. Let's all go and flame the sh*t out of them. The last evil, guilty pleasure on BC.
  19. Hi Egil and welcome Couple of things: * Your English is sufficiently good that you could be an English teacher. In England. * DBS's are acclaimed by a small but loyal band of users as a secret bargain and the last decent Marshall bass amp. I have happy memories of a DBS stack, now long gone. * Re: Your slap tone query - why not post in the Amps sub-forum on the lines of 'Slap Tone out of a Marshall DBS?'. Don't be put off if anyone posts "Why would you want to?" We're a bit quirky like that round here Enjoy the forum!
  20. TBH, a lot of these urban myths sprang up in the 70's when people could [i]genuinely [/i]hear a difference between old electrics and new ones but - lacking the wonderful Internetz - didn't really know why. We were dim in those days and seized on any outlandish proposition in our hunt for tone. So we attributed it all to the paint. These days we know all about pot values, pick-up winds and fret material. We are so much better informed
  21. I think it's a bit like the housing market. The 'forced' sales have already gone through and there won't be as many bargains until confidence ratchets down another peg. Those who aren't immediately in need of cash will hold out for a price. Cash buyers will expect a bargain. Result - impasse. The cash sale marketplace will slow down in 2011. As for trades - they may increase as they're easier to justify to 'er indoors.
  22. [quote name='steve-soar' post='1022470' date='Nov 13 2010, 02:33 PM']Yes. You get to choose any member to be your "kept boy" for one week each year.[/quote] Golly! That's like being offered a choice from the world's biggest box of chocolates.
  23. [quote name='silddx' post='1021292' date='Nov 12 2010, 12:36 PM']Um I would posit that your cable makes more of a difference to your tone than paint ever could.[/quote] The very fine guitarist Mr Eric Johnson avers that he can hear the difference between different makes of battery in his effects pedals. Among the more excitable readers of certain guitar magazines this makes him a 'Tone-Meister'. Others remain to be convinced. For myself, the most noticeable tonal improvement I ever made was jacking the action up a bit. Less buzz and a tighter break angle over the bridge.
  24. Christina Hendricks? I thought it was Cate Blanchett. Eye test required. As for this 'Elite Clique' - are there benefits? Like an executive lounge and free limo pick-up?
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