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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Best way to establish a price is to look out historic offer prices, price of modern equivalents - new and s/h prices. So: A very quick rummage round google reveals the following 'offer' prices. Final prices unavailable: [b]1970 SVT heads[/b] $1400 - 2008 $1700 + shipping - Talkbass 2008 $3500 - ebay 2009 $1500 -2009 $3300 - 2010 - unsold $1,400 Apr-15 2010 - sold at $1400 but a 1974 £1753 - Apr 18 - on ebay - unsold as yet [b]Full Rig 1970 head with 8x10[/b] US Retailers - 2008-2009 $2500 $2500 $2800 [b]Modern Equivalent - new[/b] SVT Re-issue - Price new from UK online stores via google shopping- lowest £1198, average = £1700 or so [b]Modern Equivalent S/H - Selected prices - Basschat 'Amps for sale'[/b] SVT VR Rig offered at £1450 SVT 2 heads - circa £1000 or so? SVT Classic - £800-900 Get some pics up and a fuller description -condition, voltage, when last tubed, etc., and some Ampeg experts will probably drop by presently and give a you a better picture of the market. You should achieve a good price for this desirable amp, but you'll probably get your best deal selling it to someone here
  2. Ta for that. Think I'll have a punt. Cheers for the headser!
  3. Because drummers spend their time hitting things in a frenzy of adrenalin-fuelled - er - frenzy, we incorrectly assume they're bluff, hearty fellows with no more depth than a puddle. A careful reappraisal of all the drummers with whom I've worked leads me to conclude that they were (nearly all), dark, tortured, passive-aggressive brooders, much given to nursing grudges and silent woe. Unless they were manic, bi-polar flakes running after unrealisable musical ambitions like a crazed dog chasing cars. It's to do with sitting at the back. Makes 'em insecure. The answer? A big, wet, sloppy kiss at the end of each rehearsal.
  4. Could be useful - what's the template made out of? Card? Plastic?
  5. Personally, I'd never visit a website run by Finns. Bunch of reactionary arm-twitchers. Have you seen what they painted on their military hardware during WW2: Disgraceful! Vote for me! Yours Dave Spart UK Socialist Alternative 2010 Trotsky House Deadend St Little Hope On The Day Lincolnshire
  6. [quote name='Jigster' post='804208' date='Apr 12 2010, 09:29 PM']so what's with the 4x10/1x15 thing - ? what are the objections?[/quote] In part,my initial reference was to some flame wars that erupted here a couple of years ago. One camp had it that one should not mix driver sizes at any cost. Another camp said you could and it was all tosh and bunkum. Then they all argued about stuff like stacking multiples of 2x10 cabs vertically in a sort of 'Leaning Tower of rig' arrangement. For a long time. And then it all went deathly quiet. IIRC, the objections were that the different drivers would produce different shaped sound patterns that would distort each other, or something, and it would sound bad. Personally, I wasn't convinced either way, but it was fun to watch while it lasted. Have a trawl back through Amps and cabs in 2008 and see what you find. It's a hoot.
  7. Your fret buzz bothers me not at all. Sounds fine to me. Tell you what - you fill your boots, me old china and I'll put the kettle on.
  8. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' post='803818' date='Apr 12 2010, 03:13 PM']I quite like the idea of doing one that superficially looks like 'ender: 'Pecker' or similar.[/quote] See here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=28735&hl=fecker"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...5&hl=fecker[/url]
  9. [quote name='Bilbo' post='803498' date='Apr 12 2010, 10:50 AM']...no strings, no amp, no electronics...[/quote] Were it not prohibited, I'd propose a whip-round for Bilbo. Times is tough.
  10. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='803199' date='Apr 11 2010, 11:07 PM']I've been told that basically the only way they could save their [s]friendship[/s] red-hot, sex-fuelled 'love that dare not speak its name' relationship was to knock the band on the head...[/quote] Fixed.
  11. FWIW, I inkjet logos onto Letraset Safmat. Peel off, stick on. Peel off if you fancy a change. Not [i]quite[/i] as 'invisible' as a decal, but fine from about 2 feet away.
  12. Good luck selling this - pedalhead's dream. Loving the avatar, BTW.
  13. The 'old school' rule was tonal effects (distortion, EQ, wah, etc) between gtr and amp. Time-based effects (chorus, delay, reverb) in the effects loop. YMMV, of course.
  14. The two most recent Magnums on ebay UK went for £800 and £820 In the last couple of years, I saw one up on a US site for $200. Can't remember where, though.
  15. [quote name='Charles Obscure' post='793828' date='Apr 1 2010, 10:45 PM']Home of delicious cheese, micro-brew beer and far too many Blues bands.[/quote] H'mmm. Sounds perfect to me. Welcome to the forum Nice avatar, BTW
  16. [quote name='Grambo' post='800164' date='Apr 8 2010, 08:27 PM']Yeah! Just tried that - it's probably in the 11 - 12lb region.[/quote] Ooh! That's a porky old bass. Mind you, some would have it that weight adds 'sustain'. Stick an extra £100 on top for this desirable characteristic
  17. Thanks muchly for the input so far, guys The unsigned guide seems to be closest to the sort of thing I'm looking for - but it's £32.99 for a book with free web access thereafter. Just amazed no-one's set up a similar 'venue' website for gigging musicians... or maybe they have, we just can't find it! Anyone else got any ideas? - the conventional gig guide sites seem to have lot of holes in them.
  18. So I'm plodding through the chore of compiling a list of target venues to approach for gigs. Trouble is, the info is scattered all over the place and there doesn't seem to be any one site with a comprehensive list of venues. Copy and paste, copy and paste. Pah! Years ago, I bought a book which detailed hundreds of London venues from big to tiny, with booker contact details, house PA specs, stage size, load-in info, room capacity, etc. Trouble is - I lent it out and never got it back - plus it now would be out of date. Does anyone know of a web site, database, info source that has: * Bundles of venues * Band-specific venue info as mentioned above Ta Skank
  19. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='797030' date='Apr 5 2010, 10:46 PM']How's the rheumatism, Skank? Giving you a bit of gyp, maybe? [/quote] No, the knees are fine, just feeling a little dyspeptic this evening. G'rrr.
  20. Like it. A very 'Country Music' approach. Like this leather-bound Tele body: [size=1]Count 'em out, ride 'em in, Ride 'em in, count 'em out, Count 'em out, ride 'em in, Rawhiiiiiiiide! [/size]
  21. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='796965' date='Apr 5 2010, 09:30 PM']Similar but not quite so extreme is Ashdown, I've had awful experiences with them and never found a combo that I thought sounded ok (and the stacks aren't as good as other similarly priced things IMO) but I know not everyone gets on with them.[/quote] By strange coincidence, the only mfrs that have ever floated my boat all started with the letter A. Ashdown, Ampeg and Acoustic. A shortage of funds currently prohibits the latter two, so I'm muddling by quite happily on a mongrel Ashdown / Hartke combination. Just my opinion.
  22. Apols in advance if this here e-bayer is a BC-er - but y'know what gets me about this listing? Everything. The spelling ("PITTY"?). The cavalier attitude towards stating accurately what's for sale. The capitalisation that suggests they think that shouting is going to get them noticed. The 'middle-aged man clearing out his attic' detail implying it's a RARE FIND. The hyperbole ("THIS BASS IS AMAZING"). The superfluous information (I USUALY USE EFFECTS PEDALS FOR DEEP RICH FLTTENED RIFFS, AND DEEP GRUNT) as if I give a beggar's toss about how you play. "THE DINING ROOM IS GETTING TAKEN OVER WITH STRINGED INSTRUMENTS, I DONT WANT TO PUT THEM AWAY. AS I DO LIKE TO LOOK/BROUSE AND PICK UP AND PLAY" - well, whoopee-doo. You'll be telling me next that the laundry bag's a bit full and you like to put your slippers on in the morning as the kitchen lino's a bit chill. I don't care about you and your life. Just describe what you're selling. Oh, it's a Gibson? Except it isn't. It's a cheapo lump of bolt-on crap that, at best, is being slackly misdescribed. It's a real shame that current technology does not permit me to wee into my PC and have it come out of his monitor into his lap. So to speak.
  23. [quote name='ianrunci' post='796270' date='Apr 5 2010, 09:25 AM']... as I am sure you are aware.[/quote] Not necessarily The OP's bro probably bought it as a CS / 60th in good faith. (As may have been the case with whoever sold it to [i]them[/i]). Even so, the serial dates it to 2005/6 out of Corona which puts it in the ballpark for a 60th designation. Some 60th Highways came out with standard size H/S's (2005-2006 production) and large headstocks were intro'd later during 2006. If it were a CS, however, it would probably also have a CS logo on the headstock rear apart from any other indicators. The '60' badge on the H/S rear looks like the one that went on the MIM 60 rather than the all-engraved badge used on the USA standard, though these may have been applied to H'Way 1's. There were various Anni models floating around in 2006 - MIM, H'Way 1, USA Standard, CS. The USA Standard carried a diamond logo on the H/S front. The CS was a single finish option, IIRC - sort of winey red trans over flame, standard size H/S. And even if it is a Highway they're very nice guitars - way better than MIM's and IMO more characterful than the US Standard.
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