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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. All very well, this 'play it for 30 years, put the dings in yourself, cherish the golden memories' stuff. 30 years from now, I'll be too old to climb onstage without a full crash team in attendance. See, it's alright for all you young shavers with your floppy haircuts and knees that work and "fashionable" clothes and not needing Viagra just for [i]looking[/i] at a jazz mag. You haven't got the Grim Reaper leaning over your shoulder going "You shouldn't mix 4x10's with 1x15's and [i]real[/i] bass players don't use picks". I want my Mojo now and by Chr*st, I'll have it.
  2. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='789735' date='Mar 29 2010, 06:34 PM']I don't think anyone in this thread has taken that attitude...?[/quote] Exxx-cuuuuse me? I [i]rather[/i] think I have. Gtr: "Er ... is that how it goes on the record?" Sknk: "whogivesaf*ckingrat'sassit'sonlyrock'n'roll's'allabout'feel'innitrightwhat'snext?"
  3. Go stick it to 'The Man' [url="http://www.phinnweb.org/retro/garage/lightshows.html"]http://www.phinnweb.org/retro/garage/lightshows.html[/url] [url="http://hemporganic.com/lightshow.html"]http://hemporganic.com/lightshow.html[/url] [url="http://people.virginia.edu/~rlk3p/classes/usem180/showcase/psychedelic97/psychedelic97liquid.htm"]http://people.virginia.edu/~rlk3p/classes/...lic97liquid.htm[/url]
  4. [quote name='skampino' post='789549' date='Mar 29 2010, 04:00 PM']If someone has to learn a bassline which has multiple runs and decides to just play root notes, is that improvising?[/quote] I call it 'my signature style'.
  5. [quote][quote]QUOTE (skampino @ Mar 29 2010, 10:58 AM) I have only been in bands that require each instrument to play precisely what should be there, whether it be a radio edit, studio or live version that's been agreed upon.[/quote] Do you only play in tribute bands? [/quote] That or a 'Fundamentalist' cover band. The problem there is how does one deal with a song that goes to a fade. Come up with your own ending? Copy the ending from the live album? Hire Dave Lee Travis to talk annoyingly over the last chorus? This problem can even afflict the superstar artist in live situations. I remember Springsteen putting a key change into 'Because The Night' as a 'lift' during the run-out choruses. Cue 60,000 people at Wembley going "Wuhh?" and Nils Lofgren quietly shaking his head. I appreciate the OP's problem though - those Golden Age songs are pretty murky at times. Maybe cop a decent quality MP3, drop it into something like audacity, punch up the relevant frequencies with a plug-in and slow it down.
  6. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='786413' date='Mar 25 2010, 10:25 PM']Here's another nomination for the fugly brigade [/quote] In the entire history of the bass guitar, there is not one single point at which that instrument would ever have been regarded as good-looking. You have to wonder what goes through peoples' minds.
  7. [quote name='Krysbass' post='785730' date='Mar 25 2010, 12:40 PM']2 strikes - one more and he's out! [/quote] Line up a replacement first.
  8. Hi Ben and welcome Glad to see you have a suitably iconic British avatar! And maybe someone here might be interested in trading a wal or a status for something on [i]your[/i] side of the pond Hope you enjoy the forum.
  9. Fair few Epi's been on the BC mkt, but far fewer Gibbo's. Our fellow member (and all-round good egg) jimijimmi had his '76 in 'for sale' recently. It's on the bay at the moment, but he may be open to offers... Here's his most recent post on the subj: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=78666&view=findpost&p=757062"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&sho...st&p=757062[/url]
  10. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='782887' date='Mar 22 2010, 10:49 PM']Is it wrong that I think that is absolutely awesome? [/quote] Not at all - you're entirely correct. I [i]llllike[/i] it!
  11. No one seems to have mentioned the guitarists who go out of tune and don't even notice. There's one of my acquaintance who won't keep his tuner in his line. Spoils his 'tone', y'know. So if he goes out of tune (and I tell him) it's a case of "unplug the lead from the amp, stick it in the tuner, switch the tuner on, tune the guitar, unplug the lead, plug it back into the amp". On his knees, in the dark. Imagine all that going on between every song, FFS? And he-will-not-be-told!
  12. Walnut's been an option for a while on the 'P-Bass Special'. One like this for £189 from Soundslive - less if you go for black or Candy Apple Red from other stores like Dawsons, etc.
  13. I'm always very twitchy about giving money to people who use the Conjurer's catch-phrase 'Hey Presto!' in a non-ironic sense, as in: [quote]I plugged this one into an amp and heypresto it worked[/quote] Well, it's [i]meant[/i] to work if you "plug it into an amp". It's utterly f***ing useless if - heypresto - it [i]doesn't [/i]work. Frankly, I'd have been more impressed if they'd written: [quote]I plugged this one into an amp and heypresto the card you chose which I never saw - and we've never met before tonight ladeez an' gennulmen - is inside your wallet!!!! How did it get there? It's MAGIC![/quote]
  14. [quote]There are a few indentations where fans used to throw sweets if they liked the group or coins if they didnt. This was a craze in the 60's and is part of the guitars history.[/quote] This makes no sense. Surely you'd throw money if you [i]liked[/i] the group and ...er... something else if you didn't. How times change. Frankly, if some [font="Courier New"]censored[/font] threw a Nuttall's Mintoe at me, I'd [font="Courier New"]censored[/font] up his [font="Courier New"]censored censored[/font]
  15. Oh, what a great little band! And I [i]love[/i] the bassist > drummer moment at about 1:15. Howard the Bass Doc. A Wizard. A True Star. He's cool as ****. Thanks for the vid, WoT.
  16. Of course, [i][b]your friend [/b][/i]could always pop over to Sherman Oaks and buy something expensive from the legendary [s]loudmouth[/s] e-bay seller 'tune-o-matic'. Then kick the crap out of him and take the money back. Plant the talcum powder (remember that?) on his lifeless body. Drug deal gone bad. Entirely plausible. Hey Presto! - Everyone's a winner!
  17. :ph34r: Rockinbetter out, Rickenbacker back? :ph34r: :ph34r: Of course, one [i]might[/i] peruse the NY gtr / bass shop sites for whatever might take one's eye and purchase a 'ringer' to match in advance of the trip. :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: Does it even have to be a bass? Talcum powder out, 3 keys of skag back?
  18. Send 'em round here. I'll give them each a kick in the nuts for every week of my 51 years. Then, far from being exhausted by this rewarding aerobic exercise, I shall play The Flight Of The Bumblebee at 330bpm over their slumped, bloodied forms. Mimsying little farts.
  19. [quote name='Clarky72' post='776817' date='Mar 16 2010, 11:42 PM']respect for the funniest username on here, and welcome on board! [/quote] Of that, we may be certain! Stumpy fingers - try a Fender Jazz - works for me. Hope you enjoy the forum Yours Skank (aged 51 and a quarter)
  20. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='772741' date='Mar 12 2010, 01:21 PM']When I was listening to the songs, most of them sounded like they were played with a pick.[/quote] Your ears do not deceive you. Sparko (Dr Feelgood) played almost exclusively with a pick, as did many of the blues rockers of the time.
  21. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='772432' date='Mar 12 2010, 09:03 AM']I stood in with my mate's band last night, a charity event at a local pub. One hour set consisting of Dr Feelgood covers and other blues-rock numbers. Great fun, and as far as you can get from my usual gig. Made a nice change, and I got to play my new 79 Jazz, to boot. [/quote] Some years ago, I made that kind of journey, but in the reverse direction. Depped in a jazz band for one gig. Hideous train-wreck, bodies everywhere, strong men weeping, etc.
  22. The minute I saw the word 'Douchebag', I thought "Aha! Must be the rebarbative Mr tune-o-matic, e-bay's happiest seller". It would almost be worth destroying an e-bay account just to mail him: "[font="Courier New"]thjt is A squire Mike Durnt yo hav stript i have one lik it u Nzi LOLZ, Com 2 iowa i kick yore ass, Kenny bass god[/font]" and wait for the detonation.
  23. [quote name='Spoombung' post='771979' date='Mar 11 2010, 06:59 PM']Can anyone recommend the best deal (with the least charge) regarding ordering and paying for a bass in dollars from America and the conversion rate for pounds/dollars? I'm interested in the cheapest way to convert my pounds into dollars - whether it's debit/credit card, bank or other agencies then trasferring the money. How would you do it?[/quote] Credit Card or paypal, IMO. Less hassle and you've got insurance coverage for the purchase (NB, always check the T&C's to make sure your purchase complies). Wiring someone some money by bank transfer, Western Union, etc can be a bit risky as you're simply sending them money. With Paypal and Credit Card, it's tied to a transaction. And Bank transfer's quite pricey and can take ages. Some overseas traders won't accept UK debit cards but it's worth asking. There are numerous currency exchange rate converters on the web - google is your friend - but here's a respected one: [url="http://www.xe.com/ucc/"]http://www.xe.com/ucc/[/url]
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