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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Top man, quality product and turns an order round like greased lightning. Time to look at some of my other cables, I think...
  2. Hi Michal and welcome Hope you enjoy the forum!
  3. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='771581' date='Mar 11 2010, 01:34 PM']No need to match. Swapping is fun.[/quote] Indeed. "Matching" tends to be reserved for output tubes. And even that's subject to debate, depending on the amp in question. +1 on the JJ's.
  4. [quote name='silddx' post='771573' date='Mar 11 2010, 01:29 PM']Good player?[/quote] [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='771575' date='Mar 11 2010, 01:31 PM']I make no claims to be a skilled player.[/quote] Oops!
  5. [quote name='Tait' post='770670' date='Mar 10 2010, 05:35 PM'].... sell guitars and stuff and to discuss non-bass subjects...[/quote] Too late. They are already among us. Things fall apart; The centre cannot hold. Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, the blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere the ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity. As for Clarky72 - he's on record as wanting to drink baked bean juice. A prime offender and one to be watched [i]very[/i] closely, if you ask me.
  6. Hi captainkirk and welcome Again, not from York. Me, I'm from Oxfordshire; I just [i]work[/i] in outer space. But there are a fair few Yorkies on here - you'll soon run into them. Hope you enjoy the forum!
  7. Hi mberker and welcome Glad you're enjoying your BB and all the bass-fun that comes with it. We're always interested in what's going on in the big wide world - when you get the time later on, give us a picture of the Istanbul music scene and what's going down. Hope you enjoy the forum!
  8. Like his style. Pithy and to the point.
  9. The whole 'vintage' thing - that older guitars are better - kicked off in the 60's. For Fender nuts, it was when CBS took over, around 1965. For Gibson buffs - and to a lesser extent, Martin fans - it was a few years later, maybe 1968-69. At the time, there was much to support this argument. These companies devalued their brands through declining QC, unattractive new models and sundry other acts of corporate negligence. Thus, there were substantive and verifiable grounds to support the idea that the older guitars were, indeed, better. This nostrum has become diluted over the years. The term 'vintage' has expanded as supply has mushroomed to meet demand. We now GAS for 70's Gibsons and Fenders (even the hideous 'Musiclander'), 50's department store guitars such as Kay, Danelectro (as Sears) and - perish the idea! - 1960's Woolworth's Encores. Now, I'm sure these are all fine guitars in their own right and in the right hands. But were you to hop into a time machine, emerge in 1974, stride into a shop and buy a new Fender Jazz, I'm sure there'd be a grizzled wiseacre in the corner who'd confide: "These new ones are crap. Get yourself an [i]old[/i] one". The more things change, the more they remain the same.
  10. FWIW, I recently saw (but did not play) 4 or 5 of these in different shops on Denmark St. At least two of these Dead-On's had the treble side of the bridge wound right down and touching the body, with no room left for further adjustment. Worse still, on these 'iffy' guitars, the g-string action at the last fret was wildly high - [b]1 CM[/b] (!) or more - suggesting fairly serious neck angle issues. More like Dead-Off. The other 2 or 3 I saw seemed OK-ish in this department, but I'd seriously suggest that anyone considering buying one should carefully examine their intended purchase in advance. Which puts a bit of a crimp in the idea of buying one off the net. Sorry Guys! In a more YMMV sort of way, I didn't much like the satin 'faux-aged' finish on the body and the dull-satin-sheen lipstick pick-up cases.
  11. I was mulling this over again and went back to the original post. As I thought, he suggested a wide-ranging, non-bass sub-forum, [i]not[/i] a guitar sub-forum. "Which idiot first mentioned a guitar sub-forum?" I asked myself. "That was [i]bound[/i] to get peoples' backs up." Whoops. It was me. Consider my suggestion for a [i]guitar[/i] sub-forum retracted.
  12. [quote name='bass5' post='769084' date='Mar 9 2010, 12:13 PM']...in the meantime, I've phoned him up and snapped that off him. So now it's on its way to moi! [/quote] Slick work by a sly dog. We are prostrated with envy and admiration in equal part.
  13. [quote name='paul h' post='769049' date='Mar 9 2010, 11:45 AM']Telecaster???? Like this one? [attachment=44471:tele.jpg][/quote] [size=4]YESSSS![/size] Exactly like that one. (Whimpers with colour-lust). So, maybe a nice Strat, then.
  14. Aria, Yamaha and ESP/LTD all do purple basses around your price range. And there's always the DIY Halford's spray-can approach. If you want a purple bass, you go get one and love it. There's plenty of people round here who go weak at the knees when they see a particular colour combination. CAR Jazz with matching headstock, rosewood board, tort plate? Whoa, Mama!
  15. [quote name='bass5' post='768583' date='Mar 8 2010, 10:02 PM']Sorry but isn't that salmon pink? Don't look like fiesta red to me.[/quote] Oooh! Now you've done it! [b][color="#FF0000"]WARNING[/color] - Fiesta Red Controversy Alert [color="#FF0000"]WARNING[/color] [/b] [quote]Faded red...custom colour...no such thing as salmon pink...flamingo pink...Heinz Baked Bean Juice Red...UV fading...Cliff Richard...Hank Marvin...red faded to pink...pink darkened to red...Bruce Bennett: "It was DEFINITELY flamingo pink and both Hank and I recall that vividly; they say now that there's no such colour but it was definitely in the brochure that we had and when the guitar arrived it was pink, not the more orangey colour of the fiesta red guitars that we got later. You see, when we ordered the guitar there was a Board of Trade ban on American musical instruments so we had to get it direct. Jennings later became the distributors for Fender and those guitars were indeed fiesta red. But I think, before that time, Fender's custom colours really were custom - I think they used to go down to the local car spray shop and just choose colours that they liked. But as far as I'm concerned and Hank's concerned, it was flamingo pink, even though all the Fender books say there's no such thing. I wore an onion on my belt; it was the fashion at the time"... Faded Dakota Red...Shoreline Gold Overspray... Lake Placid Red ... never seen an original...saw an original in 1961...custom shop re-issue overpriced ... eye for an eye ...hang them all...no such thing as core tone...Squier CV Hawaiian Pineapple Red Jazz...[/quote] But that bass is ****ing lush.
  16. [quote name='discreet' post='766219' date='Mar 6 2010, 05:04 PM']'Who the f*cking hell is that fat bird with no bra on?'[/quote] That sort of story is biblically cool.
  17. [quote name='paul h' post='767532' date='Mar 8 2010, 07:50 AM']I am currently leaning towards selling my gear (I don't really like it anyway) and getting a strat.[/quote] [b][size=6]Nooooooooooooo![/size][/b] Get a Telecaster.
  18. [quote name='hubrad' post='768383' date='Mar 8 2010, 07:32 PM']There is a different and better vibe on here compared to many other sites I've dipped into.[/quote] Indeed. The strength of this forum is not the fact it's [i]ostensibly[/i] about a bit of wood with wires hung off it. It's strength is both the BC 'Community' and the cultural continuity underpinned by our founders' vision. If I just wanted to talk about guitars, there are a million sites I could go to. But I don't, because they suffer by comparison to BC. Sometimes I just like to rap about axes [i]with Basschatters[/i]. Which, of course, does not necessarily require a formal sub-forum. But I shall wait upon developments.
  19. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='767542' date='Mar 8 2010, 08:03 AM']I think its an interesting idea but it should be separate from Basschat. Give me the weekend to figure something out.[/quote] That's good enough for me. Ta, Kiwi.
  20. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='767308' date='Mar 7 2010, 09:06 PM']According to the page title, it's for bass [i]players[/i], not basses per se. We'd still be bassists doing deep discussion.[/quote] [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='767481' date='Mar 8 2010, 12:36 AM']Also, the fact that when people post guitar threads in Off Topic they get moved to Bass Guitars suggests we need some other solution to me [/quote] Oh, [b]kudos[/b] to this man. He's like a steamroller powered by glowing nuclear logic. With a big steel roller at the front with big steel knives in it. With a deadly poison made from undiluted logic on the tips of those knives. He swerves round the obstacles. He demolishes the objections. And those big, steel, logic-poisoned knives just keep coming closer and closer. This is the first time I've seen the mods worried. The rank stink of terror pervades these pages. We [i]will[/i] have our Hitlercaster sub-sub-forum. You may depend upon it. Oh, yes.
  21. Y'know what? Just stop. Pack your gear up and put it somewhere safe. Get off this forum for a month or two and go do something different. If you want to start playing again, you will. No biggie. We'll be here.
  22. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='767013' date='Mar 7 2010, 04:24 PM']ah, my mistake. I thought you were using an algorithm for solving instances of the boolean satisfiability problem in programming.[/quote] Entirely understandable. I should have made my meaning more clear.
  23. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='766992' date='Mar 7 2010, 03:58 PM']in public [/quote] –verb (used with object), verb (used without object) 1.to mock, tease, or jest in a good-natured way; banter: They joked and chaffed with each other. –noun 2.good-natured ridicule or teasing; raillery: "I don't suppose you have an analogue delay pedal in here for £75 or so?" "Not a f***ing prayer, you lecherous old goat."
  24. A guitar sub-forum would be useful, IMO. But all we'd talk about would be Telecasters.
  25. All collectability issues aside, that's really quite a pretty bass.
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