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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='766978' date='Mar 7 2010, 03:40 PM']And Bunty? How was dear, dear Bunty?[/quote] As well as ever. Pie-eyed on the Port. Sends his best. Apparently, shrapnel from that 88mm is still coming out, 60 years on. Who'd have thought it?
  2. [quote name='gafbass02' post='766467' date='Mar 6 2010, 09:03 PM']Crucially, how was the reunion?[/quote] The numbers grow fewer year by year - old Jumbo Collaterly dropped off the twig only last month. Arnhem seems so distant now. It was another time.
  3. My gig last night? Well, I don't think the audience noticed much, but harsh truths must be faced. A meeting is called for. A gig notable only for our inexplicable and unplanned rendition of Route 66 as a country two-step. The blank bewilderment on all our faces was a joy to behold.
  4. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='765978' date='Mar 6 2010, 12:39 PM']As are Bass Cellar, Hanks Acoustics and Rockers - Staff and stock seem to often rotate around all of these shops.[/quote] Which makes any shopping trip something of a bagatelle. You have to be lucky on the day. [quote name='Golchen' post='765988' date='Mar 6 2010, 12:49 PM']no ............. IT"S A MEMORY TOY!!!!!! Sheeesh.[/quote] Dammit. It was, indeed, the 'Toy' that I trialled. Cor, what a Carry-On.
  5. [quote name='Clarky' post='765961' date='Mar 6 2010, 12:16 PM']Perhaps if you carried some condiments (chili oil and a small packet of grated parmesan should do the trick ) with you next time you would get a better response in Music Ground[/quote] Next time I may conceal an anchovy about my person.
  6. Up in town for a Regimental reunion and being in need of a warm-sounding analogue delay, I resolved to visit Denmark St, the better to try out an item which had caught my ear. Brief visits to a number of shops convinced me that a concise mini-review of these establishments might benefit my fellow-toilers here on BC. In each instance, I bade the assistant a polite and friendly good day and enquired “Do you have the Electro-Harmonix Memory Toy”. Here are the outcomes: [b]Rose Morris[/b] – EHX Stockist Asst: (As if catching me out) “You mean the Memory Boy” Me: “No. The Memory Toy” Asst: (His tone hardening somewhat) “ You mean the Memory Boy” Me: “No. The Memory Toy” Asst: (Nastily) “No. It’s the Memory Boy” Me: Okey-Doke. Bye! [b]Regent Guitars[/b] (A rank of colossal Orange rigs dominates the landscape. In the back, a lad of no more than 15 is working his way through a compendium of 70’s classic rock licks. Nice for an old Bob like me, but how unprogressive we have become) Asst: Sorry, we don't. You could try Music Ground, though. They’re a main EHX stockist. What a nice young man. [b]Music Ground[/b] – EHX Stockist (The Assistant behind the counter is eating a pizza) Asst: “You mean the Memory Boy” Me: “No. The Memory Toy” Asst: “You mean the Memory Boy” Me: “No. The Memory Toy” Asst: “Oh. That one. None in stock” A silence as he eats more pizza Me: “When will you be getting some in” Asst: “Dunno. Some time, I suppose. Maybe in the next few weeks” Further silence Me: “And do you have a price on them?” Asst: “Dunno. Whenever they come in.” A silence as he licks cheese from his fingers Me: “Enjoy your lunch. Looks nice. Careful you don’t choke on it” [b]Vintage & Rare[/b] A pleasant young lady informs me they don’t stock them, but I should try Macaris. I admire her charms and an old Melody Maker. We chaff for a while and I leave, having been made to feel entirely welcome. Their stock isn’t really high-end. Mostly £1k-3k guitars in reasonable nick, but not much exotica. Nice, workmanlike instruments, shall we say. [b]Macaris[/b] … are in the process of replacing the price stickers on many of their pedals. How strange. They have one. Sensation! They assure me that they’ll sell me the pedal at the current sticker price, even though it’s about to go up when they change the sticker. How generous. I finally try a Memory [s]Boy[/s] Toy (edit: dammit, they got to me), priced £20 above ebay average. It’s OK but not great. As I hand it back, they change the sticker price. It now costs £10 more than when I walked into the shop. [b]Postscript[/b] I passed briefly through the Bass Cellar. The two assistants present were treating shoppers with interest and respect. An aspirant hard-case purchaser was very fairly traded down to a gig-bag, as her requirements were clearly ‘light-weight’ and infrequent. I thought this a commendably honest approach. A small child thumping arrythmically on a 5-string through a gigantic rig was neither evicted nor eviscerated, though his conduct richly merited suchlike. How much at variance with recent reports. Perhaps they’re putting something in the tea.
  7. A square section neck and mini-switches perfectly positioned to puncture the artery that runs into your groin. (Is that the femoral artery?) "Lots of our products have got CE certificates". Priceless.
  8. 'Band Look' offstage? It depends on both the band's status (pro, semi pro, amateur) and genre. * Pro band with media exposure in a tightly-defined genre (e.g. Somethingcore) = Essential * Amateur local covers outfit (e.g. 'Terry Bottomley's Hits Unlimited'*) collectively strutting round someone else's covers gig in their own matching logo'd t-shirts = Pitiful [color="#808080"][size=1]* 'Hits Unlimited' is AFAIK an entirely fictitious name. In the event that there actually [i]is[/i] a band called Hits Unlimited and they see this and get a bit batey, may I proffer my sincerest apologies. No reference was intended. Happy Gigs! Unless you actually [i]have[/i] wandered round someone else's gig wearing your own Hits Unlimited t-shirts, in which case you deserve to burn in Hell, your lungs clogged by the Devil's arse-smoke.[/size][/color]
  9. [quote name='budget bassist' post='764276' date='Mar 4 2010, 06:33 PM']i totally forgot about this, yeah i didn't really ask her about it, apparently they raised a bit of cash which is good, though i never actually heard how the night went....[/quote] Alls well that ends well.
  10. Titles can be a dangerous thing. Michael Angelo Batio was feted as 'The World's Fastest Guitarist' and look how he ended up: [size=1][b]Local youths taunt guitarist - "You're a tosser, Batio!"[/b][/size]
  11. I am unsure whether there is any connection between Andysguitarnet and Andy's Guitars, the now-defunct retailer previously occupying premises on Denmark St. The latter has incurred some particularly pungent criticism from several members here, relating to allegedly questionable business practices.
  12. Here's something I posted a few months ago. Frankly, as long as you use the correct pen / spray combination, you should be able to DIY, partic if you mask off the body and just spray the area around the sigs: [quote]I'd think about getting a pro refinisher ([i]not[/i] the local guitar tech) to do it - not necessarily the whole body, maybe just the area in question. Knowing what type of pen was used to sign it is fairly crucial - see here: [url="http://www.ehow.com/how_4866104_preserve-a...hed-guitar.html"]http://www.ehow.com/how_4866104_preserve-a...hed-guitar.html[/url] Here's some stuff on DIY autograph preservation: [url="http://www.elixirstrings.com/tipsandtricks...autographs.html"]http://www.elixirstrings.com/tipsandtricks...autographs.html[/url] [url="http://www.vai.com/messageboard/viewtopic....f=4&t=23932"]http://www.vai.com/messageboard/viewtopic....f=4&t=23932[/url] Clear gloss nitro is available from Manchester Guitar Tech: [url="http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/lacquer.html"]http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/lacquer.html[/url] Try googling variations on - guitar autograph preservation refinish spray - there's quite a lot of info out there. In the meantime, you could stick some clear contact film over the sig to keep it safe.[/quote] If you're spraying over a poly body, I'd just use Plastikote clear spray, available from all good DIY stores (and some crap ones as well). About £5-10
  13. Blimey - that looks in really good nick for a 35 year old starter bass! And a fair price, IMO, even with the electrical issues.
  14. TBH, this sort of bass crops up so infrequently here on BC, you might be hard pushed to get a price steer. Unlike vintage guitars, these old troopers rarely seem to get much love... you could certainly tout it round Denmark St and see whether anyone bites. Bass Gallery in Camden might be worth a call, New Kings Rd Guitars in Fulham - in other words, the usual suspects. That said, you might profitably check out the prices in some German guitar stores and ebay.de - perhaps there may be more of a premium for Framuses in their land of origin.
  15. As you surmise, possibly rewired to 4 ohms to match the combined impedance of the new speakers rather than an attempt to get the full whack without using an ext cab. It's worth checking the speakers' impedance rating along with the wattage - may be printed back of the speakers - and have a gander to see how they're wired up. Assuming the job was done properly, £150 is quite a good price for one of these nice little combos.
  16. White or CAR, matching headstock, tort plate, rosewood board, hold the ashtrays. Yum.
  17. [quote name='silddx' post='761391' date='Mar 2 2010, 12:20 AM']...with burlesque inlays...[/quote] You're all over this burlesque thing at the moment, aren't you. Mind you, it [i]would[/i] make a change from the old 'flying bird' inlays. And, without wishing to stoke one particular aspect of this debate, you're right about the rich, if my kazillionaire neighbour is anything to go by. Every time his gardener comes round, I can hear old Moneybags out the back, bellowing: " I want it [i]there[/i]. And that one over [i]there[/i]. [i]How much[/i]? I'm not paying that for some trees. Take 'em back. No, Tilly, darling, you can't have sweets, you've spent all your pocket money till next week. [i]How much[/i]?!? For one bloody bush?"
  18. Well, here are pretty much all the options - I'd avoid #1 and#3: Here are some bigger pics of three approaches I've used in the past : My favourite - straight down into the neck heel - downside is it sticks out if you lay the guitar down on its back. Into the front of the heel - can be difficult if the heel has a narrow radius like the one above: And sort of off-set angled into the face of the heel so the strap sort of wraps around the heel: Strap buttons are cheap as chips off the bay. Always drill a pilot hole for the screw when fitting the button.
  19. Hi Bassej and welcome. No biggie, but forum rules changed recently to require sellers to show an asking price. If you're unsure about how much it's worth (given the sigs), post a query in the 'basses' sub-forum and someone will be along to give you a steer. Also, a rough location (city, region, etc) will assist your sale no end. Other than that, hope you enjoy the forum.
  20. Replacing the pot may invalidate your warranty.
  21. In my band a [i]few[/i] bum notes would be a seriously good result.
  22. I know how you feel - they don't call it 'the cold light of day' for nothing. But don't let 'The Guilt' obscure the fact that it was simply a case that your reach exceeded your grasp. In your ambition to inject some jollity into the proceedings, your musicianship took a hit. Happens to us all. By all means practice your material till the blood seeps from your eyes - but maybe try doing it stood up and throwing some moves. 'Show' is much to be encouraged and the intent cannot be faulted, even if the outcome left you plunged in deepest woe.
  23. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='759087' date='Feb 27 2010, 01:42 PM']What is the person enquiring hasn't bothered to fill out their location etc as well. Stale mate?[/quote] Fair point, well made. I suppose it's a question of who blinks first.
  24. [quote name='Bassassin' post='759080' date='Feb 27 2010, 01:35 PM']Why, though? How would letting people know the town they're in realistically make them more prone to being robbed?* I really don't think that's why people don't - it's much simpler than that![/quote] Yes, you're right. I agree that a lot of people [i]are[/i] too dim or lazy to include a location. I'm just thinking about those who deliberately want to retain some privacy until they get an approach from someone they can check out via their posts / feedback, whatever.
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