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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='Earbrass' post='749624' date='Feb 18 2010, 01:10 PM']Maybe it was the Continuity Sally Army. They have notoriously refused to put all tambourines "beyond use".[/quote] Kudos to that man.
  2. [quote name='discreet' post='748624' date='Feb 17 2010, 04:27 PM']Ha! There was certainly a bit of a show when the current mrs discreet, the other mrs discreet, an ex-mrs discreet [i]and[/i] my girlfriend turned up at the same gig...[/quote] Dude.
  3. You'll find this sort of stuff in 'repairs & technical' [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=12"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=12[/url] and 'bass guitars' [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=16"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=16[/url]
  4. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='748316' date='Feb 17 2010, 12:35 PM']That said, I do get a sensation of different "tones" and "feelings" (bright, dark, happy, strident, etc.) from different chords and keys, which apparently not everyone has.[/quote] Me too. Certain chords definitely have a character of their own. Bm = Disappointed CMaj = Thrifty G7 = Impulsive yet strangely remorseful afterwards A Aug = Roaring drunk on Schnapps Dm7 = Bi-curious F9 = Soulful, likes country walks and evenings in by the fire, would love to have kids
  5. Hi Pacfer and welcome If you've got some general questions, try the Wiki first - [url="http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/"]http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/[/url] - some very useful basic stuff. You can also trawl the forums - to save time you can search using 'thread title only'. Alternatively, post your query in the relevant sub-forum - you'll be surprised how quickly someone will be along to help you. Remember basschat rule 47 - "There's no such thing as a stupid question". Hope you enjoy yourself here!
  6. [quote name='51m0n' post='748310' date='Feb 17 2010, 12:29 PM']Enjoy that you played well, held the band together, were tight, enjoyed the music and made people happy.[/quote] That's the key issue. And TBH, most musos tend to miss extemporized musical quotes. I was jamming with some guys one night and worked some Zep, Sabbath, Purple, Who and Small Faces into a 12- bar blues. No one noticed, or, if they [i]did[/i] notice, cared not a sh*t. Pah! Mind you, I was so busy listening to myself I wouldn't have noticed the guitarist incorporating the entire overture from The Marriage Of Figaro.
  7. My mate bought one about a year after they came out. Blinged out of existence. He got bored with it and lent it to me for a week or two. Piss-poor detailing, played like a slab of concrete strung up with spaghetti and sounded ... [i]constipated[/i]? But it's a nice ad for Mr Gentle's shop, I suppose.
  8. Given that singers know very little about anything, least of all bass tone, perhaps it was just a roundabout way of asking you to turn it down a bit. Some singers are funny like that. Very...oblique, shall we say. "That's a very punchy sound you've got there" = Turn it down "I can hear every note you're playing" = Turn it down "The guitars sound a bit toppy tonight - are you in their frequency?" = Turn it down "I'm going to stand outside and listen to what it sounds like" = Turn it down "Thanks for your contribution, but we need a different kind of bass player, best of luck in the future" = You just wouldn't turn it down In any event, get a Jazz. Everyone should have at least one Jazz.
  9. Frankly, I never much liked RD's. Until I saw this pair: A bit more interesting than the reasonably ubiquitous Natchrul finish, IMO.
  10. "Amazing work, Inspector Hamster! How did you solve the mystery?" cried Captain Bexhill. Hamster lit his pipe and settled back in the high-winged leather armchair. A quiet smile crossed his face. "My dear Bexhill, it was obvious to the very meanest intelligence from the start of this sordid affair. I immediately knew it was one person masquerading as two separate individuals from the clues sprinkled liberally in my path". Hamster leaned forward, jabbing his pipe at Bexhill to emphasise each point "First - [i]no-one ever saw them both in the room at the same time[/i]. Secondly - [i]both Jimmy and Maddude were left-handed [/i]- I call your attention to the incident with the butter dish. Yet the postings were obviously the work of [i]a right handed man[/i]. It confirmed that both personas - jimmy [i]and[/i] maddude - were false. It was clearly the work of a third party". Hamster paused to savour his Battenberg cake. Brushing the crumbs from his moustache, he resumed his exposition. "Finally we come to the acrostic concealed in Maddude's RIP post. That was the clincher. Why not read it for yourself." Bexhill furrowed his brow in concentration, his lips moving as he deciphered the simple code. Reaching the end, he sat back in his chair, a look of horror in his eyes. "But! But!" he sputtered. "Exactly so" rejoindered Hamster, ringing the bell for tea. [i]And this is what Captain Bexhill read:[/i] [quote][font="Courier New"]" i AM vIctoR wOotEn. yOu LOseRs. dAmN yOu all to hEll"[/font][/quote] *
  11. "... as this drama enters its second day, thousands have joined the silent vigil in the plaza below the BassChat Tower. I have to tell you, Frank, the atmosphere here is ... [i]electric[/i]."
  12. [quote name='bigjohn' post='745750' date='Feb 15 2010, 12:25 PM']I'm quite interested in trying a a coiled lead though. I would like to try one to find out. Any one got any insights?[/quote] I used these from about 1975 to 1985. Dreadful for the following reasons: * Because it's coiled, you end up with a proportionally longer run of cable over a shorter usable distance. Hence, longer lead = greater capacitance = tone suck. And, unless you stre-e-e-e-tch the cable, you're stood only 2 feet from your amp. Golly, it's lonely back here. * If two players are using them, the opportunity for a mighty tangle is squared rather than doubled. Spaghetti disaster. Three coily cables onstage is entirely unthinkable. * Because they're usually suspended in mid-air between the amp and the player, they bounce around, thus putting pressure on the jack connectors. In the old days the wires soldered straight onto the jack with little or no support. Hence high failure rate. Modern versions would hopefully be well clamped. Hopefully. * When the cable is at 'full stretchy-stretch' the jack suddenly flies out of the amp and hits you in the back of the head like a speeding bullet. Get used to saying "Ouch! That [i]smarts[/i]!". * Worse still, the airborne jack hurtles past you and takes out some punter's eye, leading to embarrassment and / or litigation. * So you end up passing the cable through something like an amp carry-handle. Thus decreasing the usable distance. You're now strapped to the front of your amp. My, what a lot of dust. Must give it a good clean sometime. * So you buy an even longer coily-cable. Your bass now sounds like the singing mice in 'Babe'. But they look great, so ignore all the above.
  13. Best to reserve judgment till the facts come out. Mucho potential for egg on face till then.
  14. [quote name='gonzoromirez' post='745061' date='Feb 14 2010, 06:08 PM']thats good to know thanks. Although i did read somewhere that with tube amps this can be harmful? but i guess you can't believe everything you read on the tinternet![/quote] Ah, but you can. You were right first time. It [i]can[/i] be harmful. Mismatching impedances is much more of an issue with tube amps. As you've borrowed this £1400 amp from someone else it makes perfect sense to treat it with care - as is your intention. Frankly, you're better off running the amp into the appropriately rated cab if you want to avoid potential hassle - and experience the joy of an Ampeg in full flight.
  15. Well, whatever its origins, it's been hacked about by someone. The top overhangs the edges with screws sticking out of the covering. Horrible bodge job.
  16. Great Caesar's Ghost! The plot thickens.
  17. [quote name='girya32' post='743735' date='Feb 13 2010, 09:28 AM']somebody must love that colour...[/quote]
  18. I recently saw a similar axe on the bay, truss rod hole filled in etc. Q'd the guy. "Oh," says he, "I've been setting up guitars for years and you never need to adjust truss rods, except for major bows. Anything needs adjusting, I simply shim the neck and tweak the action." WTF?
  19. If you're keen on having a combo which tilts back - well, you could either buy a normal combo and a stand which tilts back or these Fender tiltback legs you can screw onto the side of your combo. Might need some thought about where you drill the holes. [url="http://www.fender.com/products/search.php?partno=0990714000"]http://www.fender.com/products/search.php?partno=0990714000[/url]
  20. Or you could buy Elixirs and save all the faffing around. Good for years. Nice that the bass has come up all Alpine fresh and full of wholesome goodness. Enjoy.
  21. Having been on both ends of the audition process over the last year, one thing's for sure. Hell is other people. On this occasion they seem to have treated you fairly decently and handled the Big No with some considerable tact. But be reassured, the whole audition / new band thing is entirely a lottery. Sooner or later your number comes up and you find yourself in a better situation than if you'd 'won' the previous auditions. Per Ardua Ad Gig.
  22. [quote]Reserves cost too much, so all I can do is remove it, if no one bids high enough. Thank you I CAN NOT TAKE ANY ON LINE PAYMENT FOR THIS ITEM YOU MUST COME AND SEE IT, COLLECT IT AND PAY CASH.[/quote] Can he do that?
  23. In a slightly different sense, Martin Carthy tells the story of his ...er... Martin 000-18MC "Martin Carthy Signature Model". He's always preferred a zero fret and asked Martin (the company) to put one on his Sig. "Oh no," say Martin, "[i]We[/i] don't do zero frets. Mark of the amateur. Well-known fact". "Oh dear," replies Carthy, not to be denied. "Over in Europe [i]everybody[/i] and his dog uses zero fret guitars. Leave the zero fret off and this guitar won't sell sell a single unit." "Ah. Right. Well, I suppose you know your market best," concede Martin and off they go to re-tool. Suckers.
  24. [quote name='silddx' post='739336' date='Feb 8 2010, 08:05 PM']Nothing I can add to that, mate![/quote] Science. It's our ticket out of this hellhole we call 'Life'. Jah Rastafari.
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