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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. That's a nice story. Have a really good day on Sunday.
  2. [quote name='Dvisions' post='730678' date='Jan 31 2010, 03:27 PM']I've been told by someone else he's having money problems, but he's said he's going to help out as much as he can, and I believe him.[/quote] Fair play to him. Hope it all works out OK.
  3. [quote name='Stompbox' post='730535' date='Jan 31 2010, 01:11 PM']And ALL OF THE EQUIPMENT & CABLES!!! WOW - how are we to reduce it down - ridiculous amount of stuff just to go out & play in a duo - and we didn't even take the monitors last night.[/quote] Headset radio mics, wireless packs for the instruments. Amp sims / POD's into a small 12 channel passive mixer out to powered speakers. Now you don't have to carry instrument amps, mic stands, mic leads or a PA amp. You'll also be lighter by about £2000. Glad you had a good gig, though.
  4. Sorry to hear life is temporarily sh*te. Learning songs can be very rewarding, but how about taking a short break and working some stuff of your own? Maybe invest in an accompaniment app like Band-in-a-box. Key in some chord progressions (it's very easy and very flexible) and set to work on a blank canvas.
  5. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='730020' date='Jan 30 2010, 07:19 PM']How can you say such a thing when you haven't even tried it. Until you can disagree without personal insults I suggest you are a twannick.[/quote] A twannick? A [i]twannick[/i]? I'm not the twannick, me. It's that fat bastard in the green waistcoat with a bullet through his head in post #3 who's a twannick. Me, I'm a gobozoid. And a thespian. Your invitation to my naturist garden party is withdrawn.
  6. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='729875' date='Jan 30 2010, 05:06 PM']This time next year, everyone will be doing it.[/quote] Utter claptrap. You're a moron.
  7. So, basically, Dennis Waterman is selling his bass because it's too big for him? But he couldn't be bothered to write the ad so someone called Vicki did it for him? I thought his daughter's name was Hannah. I had a boiled egg for tea yesterday. Must go, someone at the door.
  8. Hoick the whole rig down to a tech and get a written quote for fixing it. Copy this quote to matey-boy and see if he comes good. If he doesn't, get it fixed (well, you'll have to, won't you) give it a month, then go round and piss through his letterbox.
  9. Around the end of the first verse of Greenbaum's 'Spirit In The Sky', half of 'em go back to the root a bit early. Making it very tricky to cover note for note.
  10. You do realise you've just started the Next Big Thing, don't you? This time next year, everyone will be doing it. Even better, it's something [i]new[/i] for us all to argue about on here. Nice work, Sir.
  11. [quote name='Conan' post='728621' date='Jan 29 2010, 12:53 PM']How exactly do I donate by PayPal? I've never done it like this before...[/quote] * Log into your paypal account. * Click on the 'send money' tab on the menu across the top. * A 'Send Money form will open up. * Put jack's email address (as detailed in his post) in the 'To' field. * Put your donation value in the 'amount' field. * Below these fields are two tabs - 'Purchase' and 'Personal'. Click on the 'Personal' tab * The 'Personal' dialogue box will open, showing buttons next to a range of descriptions of the nature of the personal payment. I left it as 'gift' * Click on continue and a confirmation of payment page will appear, similar to the usual paypal confo page, with funding options etc. * If funded from your credit or debit card, there is a fee, which you can elect to pay yourself. If funded from your bank account it should incur no paypal charge. * Add a note in the message field indicating that the payment's for the Tim Kennelly fund * Confirm payment * Log out
  12. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='725926' date='Jan 27 2010, 12:10 AM']Small contribution made Jack. I hope that the family finds a way to bring their son home...[/quote] Indeed.
  13. [quote name='KiOgon' post='727626' date='Jan 28 2010, 02:26 PM']The little black & silver sticker on the neck plate, with a X through a wheelie bin?[/quote] It's for factory use. It means "Bugger me sideways, the QC's actually quite [i]good[/i] on this one. But ship it with the rest of them anyway."
  14. [quote name='readonly' post='727351' date='Jan 28 2010, 10:34 AM']I would rather look at a girls m*nge than a bass. Sorry.[/quote] Welcome to BC. When you see your first one, you could post in 'Reviews' under Miscellaneous [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=17"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=17[/url]. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='727340' date='Jan 28 2010, 10:22 AM']I'm not sure how to react to these comments, and probably shoudn't, but I get the feeling this is becoming personal.[/quote] Notwithstanding the old codgers' scrap that occurred with Silddx (those Zimmers can be lethal in the right hands), I don't think anyone's having a pop at Pete in particular. He started this thread with humourous intentions, but the fall-out from the others hadn't really settled, so this one was doomed to controversy from the outset. Basically, some people don't like certain postings - and I'm thinking particularly of the earlier -I.L.F threads. Objectors may be motivated by issues of personal credential, by aesthetic distaste or by concerns about exclusion. Either way, such threads are a divisive, hot-button topic and often lead to bad feeling and conflict. For that reason alone, the Mods often shut them down. They enforce the rules we all sign up to when we join. Members might counter that this is all in good fun and that one shouldn't be so sensitive. Nevertheless the mods have posted that some female members don't enjoy the presence of such topics. I'm aware of no reason to disbelieve them. We're a community; as in real life, that involves respecting the feelings of others, even if it means we have to forgo certain pleasures. So why upset another member simply to assuage one's own preferences? It's just good manners. Most of us can accept this trade-off, but a few would prefer to make an issue of it.They complain about 'free speech' and 'Political Correctness', attack other members and bitch about the mods, who do an excellent job for no reward. To what end? To get their own way at the expense of other members? The 'right' to post a few images? So they can shout "No - I'm Spartacus!" IMO, the marginal benefit of such threads to a minority is less important than the detrimental effect on the whole. It's a numbers game and they're on the losing end of it. How do I feel about these threads? Personally, I'm unoffended but I recognise the potential for a negative outcome. As to the motivation for posting such threads, well, [i]that[/i] intrigues me. Issues of personal credential? Aesthetic pleasure? Concerns about exclusion?
  15. [quote name='henry norton' post='726445' date='Jan 27 2010, 03:41 PM']... that Duane Eddy twang or counrty & western tic tak.[/quote] [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='726311' date='Jan 27 2010, 01:39 PM']Try a Danelectro.[/quote] [quote name='RhysP' post='726743' date='Jan 27 2010, 07:32 PM']A baritone guitar would probably be a better choice than a bass for the sound you're after.[/quote] A Danelectro baritone, at left:
  16. [quote name='Doddy' post='727040' date='Jan 27 2010, 10:51 PM']Wasn't there a thread dedicated to this particular actress a couple of weeks ago-with pics- that didn't cause any problems at all and [b]just came to a natural conclusion[/b]?[/quote] Oh, good grief.
  17. [quote name='phil.i.stein' post='724155' date='Jan 25 2010, 03:23 PM']she's probably a ferocious rabbit with pointy-pointy teeth..[/quote] Then you'll be needing The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.
  18. Any band comprising vox / 1 gtr / bass / drums? After that, it all hinges on a fat guitar sound, a bass player who can fill the song out and a drummer who understands the idea of light and shade.
  19. [quote]IBANEZ BLAZER BASS SERIES. ANYONE [b][color="#2E8B57"]HERE[/color][/b] [color="#FF0000"][s]THAT[/s][/color] [b][color="#2E8B57"]WHO[/color][/b] KNOWS THEIR RETRO BASS GUITARS [s][color="#FF0000"]HERE[/color][/s] [b][color="#2E8B57"]WILL[/color][/b] KNOW[color="#FF0000"][s]S[/s][/color] [b][color="#2E8B57"]THAT AT WHICH [/color][/b][s][color="#FF0000"]WHAT[/color][/s] THEY ARE LOOKING [s][color="#FF0000"]AT[/color][/s]. THIS IS A 1982 MODEL. [b][color="#2E8B57"]IT IS[/color][/b] BASED ON THE [color="#FF0000"][s]IDYLLIC[/s][/color] FENDER PRECISION BASS. THE SOUND IS SOMEWHAT FATTER AND DARKER THAN A PRECISION. [s][color="#FF0000"]AND[/color] [/s] IT FEELS VERY SOLID AND [b][color="#2E8B57"]AS[/color][/b] INSTANTLY PLAYABLE AS [s]ALL[/s] [b][color="#2E8B57"]ANY[/color][/b] GOOD INSTRUMENT[s][color="#FF0000"]S[/color][/s] [s][color="#FF0000"]SHOULD[/color][/s]. IT IS EXTREMELY WELL MADE AND SOUNDS IMPECCABLE [s][color="#FF0000"]AGAINST EVEN [/color][/s] [b][color="#2E8B57"]COMPARED TO [/color][/b]THE SMARTEST BASS[s][color="#FF0000"]EST[/color][/s] [s]IN[/s] [b][color="#2E8B57"]AT A[/color][/b] MUCH HIGHER PRICE [s][color="#FF0000"]BRACKETS[/color][/s]. THIS BASS PUNCHES FAR [s][color="#FF0000"]HIGHER THAN[/color] [/s] [color="#2E8B57"][b]ABOVE[/b][/color] ITS WEIGHT AND WILL DO SO FOR MANY YEARS TO COME . IT WAS MANUFACTURED [s][color="#FF0000"]IN[/color][/s] [b][color="#2E8B57"]AT[/color][/b] A TIME WHEN IBANEZ HAD SOMETHING TO PROVE AND [s][color="#FF0000"]THIS GUITAR[/color] [/s] PROVES THAT THE BLAZER IS A FORCE [b][color="#2E8B57"]WITH WHICH TO BE RECKONED [/color][/b][s][color="#FF0000"]WITH[/color][/s]!! I HOPE SOMEONE HAS AS MUCH FUN [b][color="#2E8B57"]WITH THIS BASS[/color] [/b]AS I [s][color="#FF0000"]DID[/color][/s] [b][color="#2E8B57"]HAVE HAD [/color][/b][s][color="#FF0000"]WITH THIS BASS[/color][/s]! GOOD LUCK![/quote] 2/10. Write out Hamlet's Soliloquy 20 times and present your completed work to Mrs Lupin by the close of School Day.
  20. [quote name='HoweDy' post='722935' date='Jan 24 2010, 10:54 AM']everyone says elixir bass strings are terrible and a waste of money, i use super lights that last me a year literally, whereas normal rotos etc last a month.[/quote] [i]Only[/i] a year? I left a set of elixirs on my P for at least 3 years. Maybe it was 4. 'Normal' strings last me about 3 rehearsals before they go off. Elixirs save me a fortune.
  21. [quote name='silddx' post='721204' date='Jan 22 2010, 02:14 PM']Precisely! Looks like a limited edition box of Kellogg's Cornflakes and I wouldn't be seen dead with it.[/quote] Like this? IIRC, made for Simon Nicol of Fairport Convention. See, folkies [i]can[/i] have a sense of humour.
  22. [quote name='4-string-thing' post='722161' date='Jan 23 2010, 01:46 PM']I suppose I could ask the guy what they're looking for, but I don't want to sound too keen/stupid.[/quote] Asking someone what they want from you at an audition is never a stupid question. If someone contacted me to discuss stuff like this in advance, I'd put a [i]big[/i] tick in the box next to their name.
  23. [quote name='BigAlonBass' post='722715' date='Jan 23 2010, 11:25 PM']Have a sniff round the "For Sale" pages on this very site. There are a few options of getting moderate/reasonable/good sounding Basses/Amps/Combos well within your budget.[/quote] This is the way forward. If you're patient, you can pick up some well-made, basic kit at bargain prices. Circa £150 for a nice Squier Standard P-bass Special or J. £200-250 for a 300w Ashdown Mag. You might even have a few bob over for an inexpensive multi-fx.
  24. My condolences to you, his family and friends. God, life sucks sometimes.
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