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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. AFAIK, the only Plek machines in the UK are at Chandlers (Kew) and Charlie Chandler's Guitar Experience (Kingston). I'd imagine they'd have little impact on your business in Salford. I can't imagine anyone travelling all the way to London to pay a couple of hundred quid and be sniffily patronised by the ghastly (and warring?) Chandler brothers.
  2. Hi Spook and welcome Like your tastes! Always good to have some Old School stuff going on here - though you are by no means be in a minority. Next time a "Slapping - what's it good for?" thread kicks off, check it out. You may be surprised at the passion that starts squirting around. As for this: [quote name='Spook' post='710038' date='Jan 12 2010, 02:29 PM']Gear wise, I have ... my battered and abused '72 Precision, ... but it's in such an abysmal state no one would want it, (Yes seriously it is!!).[/quote] Trust me - if you ever stuck it in the 'basses for sale' sub-forum someone would probably have your arm off within minutes. Early 70's Fenders [i]very[/i] popular round here at the moment! Hope you enjoy the forum.
  3. Hi Ric and welcome Lots of useful info in the effects forum, and bundles of tidy gear in Effects for sale. No useful advice from me, sorry. Lead and tuner only ATM. Know all about fickle drummers though
  4. [quote name='HoweDy' post='710710' date='Jan 12 2010, 10:36 PM']Well i think thats how much it is worth though because it is in perfect condition and i bought it for 150, so :/[/quote] When you're ready to sell, re-post (or edit this thread) as a full-on sale and see what response you get. Post a pic of it (always generates more response round here). As it may be bought as starter gear, the novice purchaser may not know much about this particular amp, so maybe you could paste a summary of the amp specification, just to jolly things along. And who knows, you may get a nibble or two from this post.
  5. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='710241' date='Jan 12 2010, 04:58 PM']Why doesn't that surprise me. Ah well So long as it works [/quote] That's what I like about you. Most of us would now launch a 12 page rant...
  6. [quote name='mcgraham' post='710207' date='Jan 12 2010, 04:41 PM']I'm actually a guitarist as well, but I took it up after bass and it has almost always taken second place to bass. Bass helped me to adopt and maintain a 'simpler is better' approach, and only to change or add to my setup when I found I was 'hearing' something that could only be achieved by modifying my setup.[/quote] I only change or add to my setup when I find I'm [i]not[/i] 'hearing' something that could only be achieved by spending bundles. So that would be - er - always?
  7. [quote name='mcgraham' post='710178' date='Jan 12 2010, 04:25 PM']Actually I'm thankful I'm a bassist! It has saved me a fortune! Guitarists constantly amass picks, pedals, multi-effects pedals, pedal boards, power supplies, batteries, cables (short, long, patch, etc) different types of guitar for different sounds, the [i]same [/i]types of guitar for the same sound, amps for different sounds, amps for the same sound but at different volumes, valve amps for vintage, solid-state for something different, broken amps for 'projects', straps for all their guitars, cases (one soft and one hard for each guitar), complete packs of strings, incomplete packs of strings with the high E having been pilfered cos they keep breaking it, mixed sets of different branded strings cos they can never find the complete packs they buy, capos, tuners (clip-on, pedal types, chromatic, non-chromatic)...[/quote] Apart from the missing high E string and the capo, that could be anyone here Good luck with the audition, Sarah! Knock 'em on their arses.
  8. These sorts of comments are disgraceful. No one should be allowed to criticise someone else's music unless they're capable of making the same sort of sound. My cat thinks it's as ugly as a hatful of arseholes, so that's OK then.
  9. Hi HoweDy and welcome to Basschat What my piss-taking, malodorous, perverted scumbag chums haven't yet mentioned is that you'd probably be better off posting this elsewhere in the Marketplace 'For Sale - Amps & Cabs' section under the thread-title "Feeler - Ashdown Mini-Rig" Go here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=20"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=20[/url] - and post, young man!
  10. Hi and welcome That's a tasty classic rig and bass you've got there! Budge up guys and send the porky scratchings down this end ... always room here for another "straight up and down pub bass player"... Hope you enjoy yourself here, Bruce!
  11. skankdelvar


    Hi Mark - welcome! Hope you enjoy the forum
  12. Hi Jordan and welcome Among many of the jazzers here, you may wish to drop a PM to bilbo230763 for advice on useful books. The theory sub-forum would also be a good place to post (don't go there myself - as a root-note blues plodder, I find it vertiginously scary) Hope you enjoy yourself here.
  13. Hi S and welcome back Hope you enjoy yourself - and good luck unloading your tasty J.
  14. Hi Brownie and welcome to the forum The section you've posted in is for intros - as in "Hi I'm X and I'm blah blah blah". You might get some thoughts but if you'd like a more comprehensive response to your questions, try posting them across these forums: * Dull sounding Squier & Fitting active pick-ups > Gear > Basses * What's good for £400-500 > General bass discussion * Synths > General bass discussion Anyhow, hope you enjoy yourself here!
  15. This should be a sticky. Nice one, Herr Git. I'm off to shout at some pencil-necked policy wonks.
  16. [quote name='WWRRSS' post='708823' date='Jan 11 2010, 01:56 PM'][u]love[/u] Strings sticking out loose from tuning pegs[/quote] Quick way to have someone's eye out on a crowded stage
  17. [quote name='jamesbass116' post='708826' date='Jan 11 2010, 01:58 PM']sorry for wasting your time with this rubbish thread,[/quote] Relax James, it's only a couple of neg posts amidst some genuine commiseration! Most here are in sympathy with your plight, including me In my case, a few days ago I bought something while accidentally selecting 'next day delivery' which cost me an extra tenner on a £50 toner cart. Don't fret, four days should be enough to wrap your head round your new baby and Hartke have a pretty good rep for reliability, so deferred pleasure aside, you should be fine. Hopefully, you've got a back-up. If not, BC [i]is[/i] the sort of place where people have been known to lend each other amps from time to time. (But not me). As for the age thing - well, no one's picking on you because you're at school. Simply warning you that life's a long, bitter, thankless march towards a slow, agonising death, unless you're lucky enough to be hit by an asteroid. Just a heads-up, y'see.
  18. TBH, I've no problem with Mr C's playing or his choice of bass. Perhaps he's just one of those people whose face, while in repose, has an unconscious and unintentional tendency to form an expression of deep smugness. I'm sure that he is, in actuality, a perfectly nice chap whose simple but effective basslines have shepherded many a wayward tune to a happy conclusion. While many affect to dislike U2, I found it significant that the gig which I attended had the highest ratio of females to males I'd ever seen at comparable assemblies. I consider this a [i]good[/i] thing, as it gave me something pleasant to look at while Bono was dissecting the shortcomings of Myanmar's military regime.
  19. [quote name='Stacker' post='707898' date='Jan 10 2010, 05:29 PM']I'm interested but VAT/Import Duty is putting me off.[/quote] FYI, there's a sticky about importing: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=139&hl=importing"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;hl=importing[/url]
  20. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='707844' date='Jan 10 2010, 04:43 PM']I've got a Pickguardian one going spare.[/quote] Ooh. That's interesting. Very interesting. Very interesting indeed. EDIT FOR: ... and sorted!
  21. So I've decided that the old '69 P would look better with a tort plate than the cheapo white job I stuck on it 20 years ago. But I don't want to squirt £hundreds on a WOW GENUINE 60'S WOW VINTAGE RARE WOW job off the bay. But I'm equally aware that the many replacement scratchplates differ in colour and pattern. So, IYO, which one is best and most accurate? And, for accuracy's sake - it's a 3TS - should I go for a 'brown' tort or a 'red' tort? Which was 'standard' in 1969?
  22. Ooh Yus! That's nice. And different in a really good way. [size=1]This from someone who usually detests slapping and soloing.[/size]
  23. [quote name='iconic' post='707361' date='Jan 10 2010, 08:16 AM']I went back thru this thread guys, grateful thanks for the help and examples of blues, but it didn't answer my question as to [i]why [/i] is it important, for me this was a more a fundamental answer to the question, which was purely put due to my lack of understanding, thanks OTPJ.[/quote] Okey-Doke. IMO, the 'importance' of the blues rests in more than the nuts and bolts of how you play it. I'd argue that it's significant for other aspects: * If you want to know where you are, it's a good idea to know where you started from. So the Blues is 'important' because it's been enormously influential. As explained above, Blues is at the root of much of today's popular music. Musically, R&B is the most obvious linear descendent. Rap continues and extends the 'attitude' side of things. * Prior to the Blues, popular music lyrics tended to be fluffy nonsense descended from the theatrical / music hall tradition -"Come into the garden Maud" etc. The Blue's street-level, blue-collar lyrics ushered in the possibility that songs could be about ordinary people and their daily lives. Much of modern music takes this approach. By the standards of the day, early blues tended to be much ruder and tougher. Hence the word play in Blues that veils innuendo and protest. When someone's singing about a 'Jelly-Roll', they're referring to a penis. So, when a female singer's going on about Her Man and his Big Jelly Roll, it's as if Leona Lewis is on primetime TV [i]openly[/i] singing about getting a big c*ck up her. * Recorded Blues music was Black America's earliest incursion into mass media. After a period when it fulfilled a role of 'community cohesion', it crossed over into the mainstream, via it's offspring '50's R&B', Soul and Rock & Roll. This seriously pissed off interest groups ranging from Media owners through Churches to the Ku Klux Klan. One of the reasons they burned Elvis records in the street was because he came on like a black dude. So White America feared for it's impressionable youth. Which can only be a good thing. * The naked exploitation of the old Bluesmen by white record executives informs Black musical history and explains the significance of Motown, Sugar Hill and Death Row as vehicles for Black musical autonomy. The Blues (or 'Race' music, as it was called till the 60's) was one of the catalysts for change which makes our society free-er today than it was 50 years ago.
  24. [quote name='AndyMartin' post='707614' date='Jan 10 2010, 01:16 PM']He's gained some notoriety on Talkbass [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=616525&highlight=nordschow"][/quote] and to save time, here's a fairly robust summary of Mr Winnen's shortcomings : [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showpost.php?p=8515109&postcount=58"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showpost.php...mp;postcount=58[/url] Not that I know any of these gentlemen...
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