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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. That bass would look better with a normal Explorer headstock. The Buzzard-y thing is forever associated with Mr Entwistle and this Reverso suffers by comparison. And I have to say that's a [i]very [/i]smug facial expression, even by Mr Clayton's standards.
  2. Never used this guy myself (out of area), but he's reputed to be legendary: [url="http://www.davedearnaleyguitarscf24.co.uk/"]http://www.davedearnaleyguitarscf24.co.uk/[/url]
  3. [quote name='tom1946' post='706271' date='Jan 9 2010, 06:58 AM']I assume it comes out of the same factory as all the other fakers? Is that the name "Anniversary" ?[/quote] Not sure where it's made - somewhere East of Ipswich, I'd imagine. But I saw this very one in the shop in Solihull and thought it looked rather nice for the money. IIRC, someone here owns one of these and quite likes it. And, yes, Anniversary is the brand name. A bit pants, but I'm sure the plate unscrews nicely...
  4. [quote name='Paul S' post='706283' date='Jan 9 2010, 08:16 AM']Surely that is the nature of being in a covers band? A lot - if not most - music, not just blues, is written buy someone who is communicating some kind of life experience. Do you have to be similarly placed in order to play it? The majority of us middle-aged pentatonic heroes would be struggling to get together a set list from our demography, I would suggest [/quote] True, one doesn't have to a razor-wielding ex-con to knock out Leadbelly songs. And yes, it ain't easy, but it does seem a bit incongruous sometimes. And can lead to faux-pas. I remember one singer of my acquaintance who always - mistakenly - modified the line 'Little John The Conqueror Root" to "His John The Congeroo", seriously insisting that it was as per the original and quite clearly a reference to eels. 'Petrification' - for me, that about sums up the state of much of the blues canon. And as a blues-player, that worries me a bit.
  5. The Anniversary 'faker is much nicer, IMO. More accurate and £100 cheaper. See here: [url="http://www.expressmusicstore.co.uk/products.asp?code=80606"]http://www.expressmusicstore.co.uk/products.asp?code=80606[/url]
  6. [quote name='teej' post='705160' date='Jan 8 2010, 09:31 AM']As a big blues fan and professional blues bassist I loathe the 'blues as a vehicle for rock-guitar cliches' approach that seems to dominate the contemporary blues scene. ... A lot of bands sound like they've taken one narrow example ... from this vast bewildering organic gumbo and not looked any further.[/quote] Absolutely! There are far too many identikit Blooz bands out there, tramping the same, well-worn path and sanitising the life out of the standards. For many bands, the blues is just something to stick underneath a couple of guitar solos. No message, no dancing, no exchange of energy with the audience. A stripped-down neo-trad approach is great and more bands should try it. But I'm wondering how the blues is ever going to progress if 99% of the fans think the material is confined to endless variations on a Jimmy Reed shuffle or the numbing torture of a paint-by-numbers slow 12-bar. And that's without even considering the anti-heretical agenda of the dreaded Blues Police. It would also be interesting to see some contemporary lyrical and communicational approaches - I'm finding it increasingly difficult to suspend my disbelief when plump, middle-aged white Brits (like me) start banging on about Parchman Farm, chain-gangs and mojo bones.
  7. Oh God, Oh God. That's practically mint. Oh God.
  8. £310 is a very good price for a 70's Musicmaster. Assuming it's fairly straight and plays OK, I'd have it.
  9. I seem to recall the Encore brand from the 70's, but not sure if it's the same company. Brand names get traded in their own right, hence the re-appearance a couple of years ago of Sound City and Acoustic. The Vox name has moved around a bit too... No connection AFAIK with the originals.
  10. ...and it's all gone horribly wrong. Andre000 now hurt by cynical 'scamming' accusations.... see post 354 here: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=611919&page=18"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.p...919&page=18[/url]
  11. Having seen your work on here, I think it's brilliant stuff and it would be great if you could dip your toe in the water as you describe. IMO the biggest problem might be pain in the ass punters who mess you around.
  12. Yes, indeedy! Ancient git here would like to give it a try, but I'm a bit puzzled as to how to go about it. Is there any way to practice the manoeuvre? Do you have to start small and work up, maybe hang a medium-sized banana round your neck on a bit of string?
  13. [quote]I met Pat Townshend in 2007 and he is one of the most gifted men I have ever met, I was so taken back with his talent that I bought a personally commissioned eight piece Staccato drums kit, the last kit he has ever made.[/quote] That's nothing. I met Mary Millington in 1978 and she was one of the most gifted women I have ever met. I was so taken aback with her talent that I [i]personally[/i] commissioned a hand-job from her, the last one she ever administered.
  14. The only Behringer items I've used are a few pedals. Perfectly adequate for the job, if a tad flimsy. Their QC gets a bad rap from time to time but I've not had any problems. If Behringer are causing some manufacturers a little wallet-ache, so much the better. It might drive prices down. If a Behringer purchaser can't afford an Ampeg in the first place, then Ampeg haven't lost a sale, have they? And it doesn't stop any of us buying 'the real thing' should we desire.
  15. About ten years ago, a guitarist asked me to change a riff slightly. This was an improvement on the original and I happily complied. Then again, I mostly play quarter note roots in one of three keys, so not much to take issue with, I s'pose.
  16. [quote name='budget bassist' post='699889' date='Jan 3 2010, 07:54 PM']really? we have a couple of rivera guitar valve combos at college, they're alright. I kinda like them but none of the tutors do.[/quote] Oh, yes. [i]Terrible[/i] amps those. Real shockers. If they want to chop them in, tell them I'll give 'em £25 apiece and take them away. I'm cutting my own throat here, y'know...
  17. [font="Courier New"]My name is Dr Karl Magnussen and I am rector of Bulawayo Missionary Church of Latter Day Christ. Our sanctified mission is to educate blind, deaf, dumb orphans in the ways of God. Since Mr Robert Mugabe (Praise Him Hallelujah) became our patron, much of our equipemnt (fridge, washing machine, roof) has been removed and sold to raise funds for a swimming pool for the Minister Of Finance and our many orphans are now hungry, wearing dirty clothes and suffering from infected bites caused by monkeys dropping on them from trees which would not happen if we are having a roof. I am begging you please to ignore the selfish ravings of the rich Western man with his runny-nosed dog and to donate your electrical goods to me so I can sell them to buy a new roof for the crying, deaf, blind orphans who have no roof to keep the monkeys out. In the name of God and His Son Jesus Christ Our Saviour, I am knowing you will do this right thing, thank you, will you pay postage as well, yes, thank you, Lord Be Praised Reverend Doctor Karl Magnussen DD (Carlisle)[/font]
  18. I'm astounded that bark, growl and plummy haven't made an appearance yet. [quote name='Conan' post='698873' date='Jan 2 2010, 05:28 PM']Fortunately, I'm yet to hear the word "moist" used to describe sound. Probably just as well!! :brow:[/quote] Anyone for a 'moist Barking growler?'
  19. ...and then there's the Spider capo - any combo of open or closed strings. Not for those of a nervous disposition:
  20. In fairness, that headstock is a [i]smidge[/i] pallid, thus highlighting the sticky-on nature of the decal. Lacks that David Dickinson-esque orange glow...
  21. The capo is an interesting musical tool and very useful in various scenarios across different genres. I suppose its association with beginner guitarists misleads those who have not explored the capo's potential. While using a capo on a guitar (particularly partial capo-ing) opens many doors, I suppose that it's use on bass [i]may[/i] be comparatively less fruitful, though by no means to be discouraged.
  22. Hi Richard and welcome Old at 38 and - er - 60 months? Not round here - excellent age spread on this forum - alongside the young shavers there's even someone here who remembers VE Day (not me...) Hope you enjoy the forum - Happy New Year!
  23. Hi Steve and welcome Always good to see a player coming back to the fold. Hope you enjoy the forum and a Happy New Year to you
  24. Hi Mazdah and welcome Nice rig you've got there - just about perfect, in fact. Impressed by the pipe, too. Not enough pipe-smoking bass-players, IMO. Hope you enjoy the forums and have a very Happy New Year
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