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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Hi Russ and welcome [quote]would love at some point to be involved with a really solid blues band, maybe getting into festivals and a few small tours[/quote] Oh, you and me both. You'd think it would be fairly easy to find a decent blues band - but it ain't. Good luck with your endeavours and a Happy New year to you.
  2. Hi Alton and welcome Toronto - probably a bit chilly in the winter... are you sure you wouldn't rather be back in Waterloo, sunning yourself beneath the blue sky and palm trees? Hope you enjoy the forum - and a Happy New Year to you.
  3. [quote name='observer' post='697352' date='Dec 31 2009, 05:21 PM']Anyway, in Poland you can still buy these instruments in price range maybe 30-50 pound. Prices on uk or american ebay just makes me laugh.[/quote] Basschat Road Trip! Split the petrol, fill the van with old 'curiosities', flog 'em on the bay. Throw in a 'fur' hat with each one. This time next month we'll all be living on Easy Street...
  4. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' post='695677' date='Dec 29 2009, 04:05 PM']A simple 3 way selector seems an obvious addition to a jazz bass.[/quote] Agreed. One could still 'blend' the front and back pick-ups with the switch in the centre position. Better still, put a 5 way switch in and have some fun with wiring configs - e.g. series / parallel, taking the tone pot out, killswitch, etc. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' post='695677' date='Dec 29 2009, 04:05 PM']Bass players have a reputation for being innovative and not bound to tradition.[/quote] Urban myth propagated by the bass community and mostly untrue, as scrutiny of this forum will demonstrate. 51 P re-issue - phwoar! Valve Head - drool! Flatwounds - fnargh!
  5. [quote name='maxrossell' post='693698' date='Dec 26 2009, 01:18 PM']I'd be interested to hear what people have to say about Squier vs. Fender guitars. Of late people have been raving about the quality of Squier basses, but I can't see guitarists being so easily convinced.[/quote] I picked up a Squier Std Tele (Indonesian) circa 4 years ago for about £130 new from Peter Cooks. P'ups a bit feeb so shoved £30 worth of GFS overwounds into it and tidied up the string spacing at the nut. It's a lovely little guitar, resonant, light and the 40.5 mm nut width is nice for my stubby little fingers. Although I've got other theoretically [i]better[/i] guitars it's the one I always go to fanny around on. Having checked out some Strats last year, every Squier I picked up was some distance ahead of the MIM's. In many respects, Squier also seem to be more adventurous than Fender - love those P90 Tele Deluxes... and RIP the 51.
  6. Frankly, I'm hard put to think of any bass players whose playing I actively dislike. There are a few whose playing I admire and the other 99% just don't register. Most of the time, I'm listening to the song and deciding whether I like it as a whole. As for getting 'a sound' - I think we're usually fooling ourselves. Most bass players 'sig tones' sound exactly like all the others - it's those on the Doompf < > Twang tonal extremes that stand out, for good or ill.
  7. Y'know, I think you maybe answered your own question... My 2p? The P has only one p'up, hence the logical move is to add another. As the jazz has a good rep, people choose a J p'up to go into a P. The Jazz already has two and most people are pretty happy with the sound, hence fewer P p'up swap-ins. You're right - it's rare and, IMO, looks a smidge 'wrong'.
  8. [quote name='Platypus' post='691983' date='Dec 23 2009, 12:21 AM']I won it at £771 will be interesting to see how it turns out.....[/quote] Indeed! Let us know what it's like
  9. Probably a bit obvious but any of Bob Marley's singles. Suppose it depends on the kind of reggae band it's going to be. If for general audiences, you might consider 'reggae-influenced' stuff like (ahem) Dreadlock Holiday, Bed's Too Big Without You, I Can See Clearly Now, I Got You Babe (UB40 / Hynde), etc. If this band is aimed at a more -er - 'knowledgeable' audience (is there a Reggae police?) scratch the above.
  10. [quote]"Hell is Other People" - [i]Jean Paul Sartre[/i][/quote] Sorry to hear of your experiences. I'm constantly amazed that the human race has evolved as far as it has. Imagine if a billion years ago two amphibians evolved an opposable thumb and one of them turned round and said "Oh, I've changed my mind, [i]I'm[/i] going back in the water."
  11. [quote name='Lylodile' post='689217' date='Dec 19 2009, 05:02 PM']Yeah I was thinking of getting it sprayed. Dunno how I would go about it though.[/quote] I'd definitely think about getting a pro refinisher ([i]not[/i] the local guitar tech) to do it - not necessarily the whole body, maybe just the area in question. Knowing what type of pen was used to sign it is fairly crucial - see here: [url="http://www.ehow.com/how_4866104_preserve-autographed-guitar.html"]http://www.ehow.com/how_4866104_preserve-a...hed-guitar.html[/url] Here's some stuff on DIY autograph preservation: [url="http://www.elixirstrings.com/tipsandtricks/saving-autographs.html"]http://www.elixirstrings.com/tipsandtricks...autographs.html[/url] [url="http://www.vai.com/messageboard/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=23932"]http://www.vai.com/messageboard/viewtopic....f=4&t=23932[/url] Clear gloss nitro is available from Manchester Guitar Tech: [url="http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/lacquer.html"]http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/lacquer.html[/url] Try googling variations on - guitar autograph preservation refinish spray - there's quite a lot of info out there. In the meantime, you could stick some clear contact film over the sig to keep it safe.
  12. Lylodile! Notwithstanding my earlier spoofy joshing (I don't actually dislike Mr Flea at all), I hope you heartily enjoy your new bass! FWIW, I'd think about getting that Sig oversprayed in clear by a decent tech, so's it doesn't get rubbed off.
  13. 17 Watts (also, for some reason, published under the title 'Play Like Elvis') is one of the funniest books I've ever read. Highly recommended.
  14. [quote name='Basska' post='688406' date='Dec 18 2009, 02:53 PM']Power Stance? Ants in your pants? Head bangin' rants? Skankin' dance? Sissy prance?[/quote] All of the above + glaring sternly. Can't do the dropkicks anymore (knees are shot) and I'm so heavy now, rolling around on the floor is out. Can't get up without the help of two strong men. Time The Conqueror...
  15. [quote name='OldGit' post='687371' date='Dec 17 2009, 02:49 PM']Sir you are well named for truly you do Skank and Delve.[/quote] Sir, you are [i]poorly[/i] named for you are neither old nor a git. Season Greetings! So, did anyone buy a hat?
  16. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='687233' date='Dec 17 2009, 12:39 PM']Apart from the bit about his missus as I don't know whether she's a munter or not.[/quote] A long and intimate experience of Rock Stars' brides and partners suggests to me that she will be a maiden of pulchritudinous aspect and bountiful charms. She will [i]not[/i] be a "munter". By strange coincidence, this thread occurs not long after an event that took place during my recent diplomatic trip to Seattle. I was attending a reception at the home of my good friend Mr Bill Gates where, on observing my entrance, a certain lady was heard to remark: " I do declare! Who is that long, handsome cove? A sporting Gentleman with a prodigious manhood, I'll be bound!" Being informed of this, I promptly introduced myself and led her to the buffet, where, clearing a space amid the crab claws, we gave ourselves to pleasurable abandon. Matters being satisfactorily completed, I recognised the crestfallen fellow watching us from the doorway as being Mr Flea's bandmate John Frusciante. "Why Mr Frusciante," I cried. "I expect you will soon be departing, for I have indeed [i]most thoroughly packed your baggage[/i]!" How we both laughed as he scampered from the room, tail between his legs. Should Mrs Flea and I ever chance to meet, the sensible money would be on a similar outcome.
  17. Crafted in a Chinese hellhole by weeping orphans chained to benches and overlooked by a giant image of a glaring Mr Balzary, which bears the exhoratative slogan: "Work well lest I cast you into my dungeon, whenceforth none do come."
  18. I was about to deplore this unseemly hostility towards such an esteemed visitor to our little island during the season of goodwill to all men. For shame. Then I noticed you [i]only[/i] get to meet him if you buy one of his rather expensive promotional hats. So [i]you're[/i] paying him £15 to advertise [i]his[/i] product. For that sort of money I'd expect a soapy ***-**** from his Missus. I therefore invite the tight-fisted, gap-toothed, faux-psychotic, fanboy-exploiting fret-masher to pack his cash-filled Hermes bags and shag off home to his adoring acolytes, thus avoiding the likelihood of having a tightly-rolled item of headwear rammed up his Sheriff's badge.
  19. Hi Jack and Welcome Hope you enjoy the forum - looking fwd to some truss rod arcana!
  20. Nyah Nyah! Told ya so! Gloaty Gloat! Actually, you were right to be a tad wary, but I'm really glad it worked out well for you.
  21. I've never played in a Bon Jovi tribute, but I was fired from a covers band for playing Living On A Prayer [i]really[/i] badly. And, true, I was shocking. But what really decided them was that my facial expression while playing it suggested I "lacked conviction".
  22. The old-fashioned free-standing office partitions? About 5' high. Usually came in blue or khaki hessian. Available from seedy recon office furniture shops run by odd people called 'Mad Barry'. Or, better still, your local tip. Stand a few of those around the edges, round the amps, etc, see what happens. Glue some rock wool to them? Might break up some of the reflections.
  23. TBH, that looks kosher to me. Even got a brass nut - sooooo 70's.
  24. Ah ha! Heavy body, poor neck fit ... it's a genuine [i]crappy[/i] 70's Fender.
  25. [quote name='bassmasta2b' post='683839' date='Dec 14 2009, 12:06 PM']Sold[/quote] Whoopee! It's been a long, hard road for you bassmasta2b. Glad you got a result.
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