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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. I think it's rather heart-warming that they would encourage a poor old gentleman to get up and do his party-piece live on national television. So much for the nay-sayers and doubters.
  2. Reading that guff about "Only about 10% of happy customers will wave my flag" ... "let me do what i do best without interruption" and knowing what's [i]really[/i] happened prompts me to think this guy is 100% full of his own sh*t. Only one line from that mail is relevant: [quote]after the order is place and specs are set, I really need to just build the order.[/quote] So meet your commitments and get on with it.
  3. [quote name='maxrossell' post='682125' date='Dec 12 2009, 01:08 PM']Oh, also, a matter of personal preference, I don't like being called "kid" if you don't mind. Cheers.[/quote] At your age, Max, I'd take that as a compliment
  4. [quote name='Marvin' post='682076' date='Dec 12 2009, 12:05 PM']People tend to look down on the pick because double bass players don't use them and guitards do. [/quote] People look down on the pick because it's a shameful historical symbol of a dark, oppressed period in our history. I refer to the days when the worst guitarist was ignominiously demoted to bass playing. Thank the Lord those days are long gone.
  5. That's a really, [i]really[/i] pretty bass. Blonde, not mustard. I'd love to have a look at that in the flesh. So nice, it's almost pointless speculating as to whether it's 'correct' or not. Gen or fake, it's kind of got that 'glow' about it.
  6. Colour controversy bump. Maybe it's my browser or my ageing eyes but I can't see any red. Def none on the back. F'sure it's not a 70's type 3-tone - black, blood and custard... Good luck with the sale - pretty axe.
  7. TBH, that sounds like a normal gig for me. Boxy venue, tight for band space, no foldback, boomy bass, no soundman and a few one-off mistakes. The only things that might differ would be the luxury of hearing the other instruments and having an audience in double figures. Welcome to the Pub Covers Circuit
  8. That's very pretty. Other BC-er's will know more about these, but I reckon £100 for a lawsuit Fernandes is a good price. Upgrade order sounds right. Personally, unless they're knackered, I'd leave the machineheads on - they look appropriate and nicely aged. You'll need to take a head out to measure the hole diameter before purchasing a new set. Get the right diameter and they should drop straight in. BadAss is not necessarily [i]better[/i] - more a matter of personal sonic taste - best check attachment screwhole spacing before purchase as you may not wish to get into re-drilling. And see the badass sticky elsewhere here. Assuming the Fernandes bridge is identical to a Fender, then a Badass or a Gotoh should drop straight in. P/Up's, yes. Nice set of Lollars / seymours / wizard. Straight re-fit. And maybe a new wiring harness - pots, caps, jack socket, if the old one's knackered. (Though if it's anything like the one on the blogspot, I'd try some TLC first). Set of chrome knobs (check shaft diameter / type) and maybe a new scratchplate. New p'ups + new scratchplate may require a bit of filing to get them to fit. Or not. If you change your mind about doing this upgrade or the costs add up to non-viable levels, PM me and I'll take it off your mitts for somewhat more than you paid for it!
  9. [quote name='maxrossell' post='681055' date='Dec 11 2009, 10:23 AM']As I said, my band aren't anything special, the question isn't "why won't people join my awesome group", it's "why won't good musicians leave terrible bands".[/quote] All sortsa reasons for this: * The people are more important than the music * [i]They[/i] don't think the band's terrible or they're happy to be the best muso in the band * Music is just their weekly stress-buster - who needs the hassle of learning a new set, dealing with new people, new objectives * Interpersonal dynamics - might not like the person who's doing the asking. I've been put off more than once - great sounding band, fish-faced bandleader totally up himself * Shortage of local opportunities - if it doesn't work out, could be ages before they find another gig - better the devil you know * Don't want to disrupt existing relationships - e.g. brothers, old friends * They see the new band as having logistical drawbacks - rehearsal dates / times, rehearsal room facilities / location, gear humping
  10. TBH, that looks to me like a bit of old 70's tat that's not even a Fender. Spray looks wrong, logo looks wrong, profile of arm cutaway looks wrong, frets look skinny as paperclip wire. Pot knobs def wrong for a Fender but right for Japcrap. Antoria? Columbus? And the chances of him just happening to have a Fender hang-tag are miniscule. He may not be a scammer - just someone who's acquired what he thinks is a Fender and is now beginning to panic. [color="#FF0000"][i][size=1]Edited to remove equivocation [/size][/i][/color]
  11. [quote name='thunderbird13' post='680273' date='Dec 10 2009, 02:19 PM']Now if it had 5 wheels it would be some much more impressive [/quote] Remember the ones that had [i]six[/i] wheels? Obviously for a better class of driver [quote name='Doddy' post='680283' date='Dec 10 2009, 02:27 PM']What do you mean by 'HDSQ's'? I'm crap with acronyms-only just sussed what 'LOL' means.[/quote] His Duck Said Quack
  12. [quote name='bumfrog' post='680100' date='Dec 10 2009, 11:59 AM']use whatever you need and what sounds good. Anybody who says the one is "better" than the other in that respect is just being a snob and can kiss my ring [/quote] Oh, Yes indeedy. The ability to use both 'techniques' - or to accept the possibility that one might need to employ alternatives - is a clear sign of professionalism and an open mind. Furiously denigrating one or the other is a giveaway 'tell'. Kinda like ... "I'm an F1 driver, me. My car's got [i]four[/i] wheels, you know..."
  13. :ph34r: Here's the secret: First, align your bass neck to point at the Great Pyramid of Giza (South-East-ish). Now, dip your screwdriver in Holy Water and dry with a sheet of paper torn from Aleister Crowley's 'Book Of The Law'. That's to balance the forces of Light and Dark. With the sanctified screwdriver, carefully align the pick-ups so the angle precisely replicates the vertical point of a Masonic Triangle. That's about 60 degrees, so they might look a bit pointy-uppy. Now, screw them flat again, plug the bass in and adjust till each string sounds sort of balanced with the others.
  14. I too thought about having a pop for this - but thought the e string looked just a little high. Some of these older re-issues develop a little warp in the neck pocket ... easily fixable with shims.
  15. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='678927' date='Dec 9 2009, 11:36 AM']I suppose it's not long until i'm some incontinent old man anyway.[/quote] Speaking as a spectacularly incontinent old man, I can assure you that the middle bit is worth waiting for. Until you start getting buggered around by lecturers, start paying taxes, get married / divorced, work for an idiot, end up in bands with idiots, realise that everyone on the bus is an idiot, develop haemmorhoids the size of a sack of basketballs and retire. So there's a window of about 36 hours when you can really enjoy yourself. Make sure you don't miss it, EH.
  16. [quote name='mark_random' post='677997' date='Dec 8 2009, 03:02 PM']I'm sorry guys. I think I may have missed some sarcasm. As always, it's hard to tell on t'net.[/quote] No sarcasm - genuine respect. Loadsa stores incur the wrath of Basschat. Very few have the nuts or the nouse to come on here and sort it with such speed and panache. Well done, Sir. So, anyway - Alias - much missed. "Outrigger requiring immediate extraction".
  17. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='677883' date='Dec 8 2009, 01:58 PM']I don't think I'd be that popular if I was to start buying MORE synth pedals right before christmas... Nice to hear it's finally out though.[/quote] Best time to do it. You'll be much more skint afterwards. And you can disguise the item as some lavender bath salts or a nice tie. Go on, you know you want to. Can't hurt to get a price...
  18. [quote name='mark_random' post='677664' date='Dec 8 2009, 11:14 AM']If you are interested in taking one, I suspect that I will only have these two now before Xmas, so drop me a PM and I might even be able to knock you a few quid off the web price.[/quote] Kudos to this bloke. Heads off a complaint and flogs some product into the bargain. He's clearly a total dude and a player.
  19. [quote name='chris_b' post='677851' date='Dec 8 2009, 01:32 PM']...I guess I generally play with "older", experienced musicians who have a more mature attitude and outlook.[/quote] Sadly, older is no guarantee of maturity. Most of the knobs I've dealt with recently are middle-aged - like me. The young 'uns, by contrast, have been a pleasure to work with. One's mileage may vary, I s'pose. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='677645' date='Dec 8 2009, 11:05 AM']...it's very easy to say that if you live somewhere where finding musicians is no problem.[/quote] That's a problem I'm facing. There's a goodly clump of musos down in Oxford or up in Brum. But out here in the white space there's a limited pool, which is maybe why the other guys are reluctant to unload our incompetent fantasist. It's not that he's particularly detestable - just bastard irritating, whiny and can't play If the Gods of Old Bloke Pub-Rock are listening - I'm perfectly happy to travel...
  20. Is it a Dutch auction? Sorry. My coat awaits...
  21. Exactly my position at the moment. The reason why I don't like him is he oversold his abilities / experience when I responded to his ad, deliberately covered his problems up at the first session and now spends his time ducking the fallout by bullshitting me and whining: * "I don't need to know what the notes are on the neck - I play by gut instinct" * "I prefer not to play the original riff. It's more interesting that way" * "A is my favourite key, can't we play it in A?" * "Sure I know how to play that - I can reel it off in my sleep. Er .. how does it go? Er ... can we leave it till next week. Er .. I don't want to do that song, it's not my style" * "No, I'm not playing in the wrong key - my guitar's gone out of tune. It's probably warmed up. Amazing!" * "Is that an E chord I'm playing?" * "I'm here to Rock!" * "I'll be wearing a Stetson with things hanging from it" * "I think I'm holding you guys back, so tell me if you think you want to replace me. But this band is my life, it's all I've got and I don't know what I'd do without it" This is a man in his 40's. His end is fast approaching, or I'm out. The other two are fine - nice guys and excellent musicians. And that's the problem... were it not for them, I'd have walked within 10 minutes.
  22. You're not mad. It's a beautiful thing.
  23. [quote name='thebeat' post='676998' date='Dec 7 2009, 06:52 PM']It's actually a teen 'spy type' comedy effort, but yes it is rather disconcerting that this thread has been taken over by Chuck fanboys [/quote] Er ... and they're late twenty-somethings, not teens. But it [i]is[/i] a comedy, of sorts. :ph34r: Maybe GAK's a bit like the BuyMore. Is Mark Random actually 'Big Mike'?
  24. Sorry to hear this, Jack. Good luck with the sale and hope things look up.
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