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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Once you've traded your amp up, start saving for the #2 bass. And once you've got the #2 bass, start saving for the spare amp. (Or a teeny, gig-bag pre-amp with EQ, cab-sim and XLR out). Though I've had numerous amps fail or go a bit wobbly during gigs, I've only ever had one bass disaster so far - the E side-bit spanged off the nut during soundcheck at Kempton Park. E string hanging off the side of the neck. No spare, but a bit of gaffa tape held the string in place long enough to do the gig.
  2. [quote name='maxrossell' post='659721' date='Nov 19 2009, 10:27 PM']Do you think it's just snobbery and pointless nerdy obsession?[/quote] No [quote name='maxrossell' post='659721' date='Nov 19 2009, 10:27 PM']Do you share my infatuation with older equipment[/quote] Yes [quote name='maxrossell' post='659721' date='Nov 19 2009, 10:27 PM']do you believe that modern stuff is better?[/quote] Probably, but who cares? It doesn't have that smell.
  3. [quote name='erisu' post='660355' date='Nov 20 2009, 05:18 PM']I'm just thinking out loud what's the likelihood that some authoritive person will tell the band to stop playing cover songs?[/quote] No-one's 'in authority' is going to tell you to stop playing covers. Nor can they. Unless the venue specifies 'originals only' as band-night policy and you kick off with Mustang Sally. OTOH, if anyone's ever encountered a 'Covers Inspector' from HM Gov Department for Culture, Media and Sport, I'm happy to be corrected.
  4. [size=1]Speedingthingsup[/size][size=2]andprogressivelyincreasingthevolume[/size][size=3]Imightgivethatago[/size][size=4]whenposting[/size][size=5]here.[/size]
  5. It's the thought that counts. And £5.00 is e-nuff for a modest bottle of Tesco Red. Thanks for the headser, casapete
  6. Jack wants a nice unmolested bass. This one is compromised, IMHO. Why bother, unless it's a screamingly good deal? There's bound to be another one along shortly...
  7. People should be free to wear whatever hats they like, free from mindless insults and persecution*. Same with waistcoats, though one runs the risk of being taken for a snooker player. Mind you, I suppose we share the common aspiration of playing with balls. For myself, I eschew the hat practice as it's unlikely to rain indoors and my mum told me always to remove my hat when in someone else's house. [i][size=1]* Unless it's me doing the insulting [/size][/i]
  8. P-bass. Been heard on so many things, it's never going to stand out as wrong. See, it's not about optimising success. It's about minimising failure. Funny about that Martin. My J-180 (bling-free J200) is exactly opposite. Lousy with a pick, great with fingers.
  9. [quote name='maxrossell' post='657323' date='Nov 17 2009, 06:43 PM']From experience, half the time when people are "starting a band", they give up as soon as they realise that running a band takes time, effort and money.[/quote] That is [i]so[/i] true. Many people like the idea of being in a band either to impress their peers or to get out from under their partners' feet once a week. Bit like having a de-pressurising game of squash. But I'm not surprised BC-er's are so often disappointed by other peoples' lack of commitment and application. If you can be bothered to get off your lardy arse and sign up to a bass forum, you're probably reasonably serious about the whole band malarkey.* [i][size=1]* (or you've got some gear to shift )[/size][/i]
  10. Follow-up to my post in this thread 6 days ago. You may recall I got suckered into a session last week with a brilliant drummer and a useless guitarist, with a commonly-agreed view to doing some savage rockabilly / psychoblues. (Keep that genre in mind as we progress). So, I fully expected the drummer to get in touch to discuss looking for a new plank-spanker. Not a bit of it. He doesn't see any problems, despite the fact said twanger knows hardly any standards and wobbles if he has to play any key other than A. In fact, the the only thing he does well is ponce tabs off me. Instead drummer reckons he's got the perfect frontman for our Rocking Psychotic Blues project and suggests I meet up with them both at a gig. Turns out the frontman [i]is[/i] the gig. Crooner standards with tapes. Great voice, but totally wrong. Does two RnR numbers and they're so .... polite. During the gig, his increasingly drunken rellies keep prodding me and yelling "You'll be a fool if you don't work with him. It'll have to be [i]his[/i] band, though. He likes a chooon, y'know, nothing too heavy". From discussions afterwards, singer seems to think he's in the band already. Turns out the drummer co-owns a PA with the putative Matt Monro. 2+2 = Stitch-up Doing one session tomorrow to make sure it's the trainwreck I think it's going to be, then out the door like weasel sh*t. Is everybody completely f*****g mad? Or deaf? Or stupid?
  11. Post pics here anyway- may stimulate further interest!
  12. I used to be a conjuror, but I haven't been in the Magic Circle for ages.
  13. eastwood guitars do a couple of semi-basses. About $500 + $189 shipped if bought direct. Not sure who the UK dealer is - it might be cheaper. Edit for: There's quite a long list of UK dealers on the eastwood website: [url="http://www.eastwoodguitars.com/"]http://www.eastwoodguitars.com/[/url]
  14. Or there's always the Squier Classic Vibe 50's P - £300-ish new and re-spray?
  15. I'd imagine Brick House would go down well in most boozers.
  16. Wide strap helps - partic one with cloth backing, or scuffy side of leather. Moving the [i]rear [/i]strap button might be an option.
  17. Hofner Committee or Club Bass? Framus? Or this Hagstrom - a skinny-necked Coronado 'homage'. [url="http://www.vintageguitars.org.uk/hagstromConcordBass.php"]http://www.vintageguitars.org.uk/hagstromConcordBass.php[/url] I reckon Japcrap's the way forward. Here's the Univox badged version of my first ever Bass - £35 in 1975:
  18. [quote name='ahpook' post='654526' date='Nov 14 2009, 03:01 PM']the one on the left is called phillip[/quote] Cute. :wub: But what's the one on the right called?
  19. As this thread (perhaps) nears its end, I'd like to spread some happy thoughts. Here's a picture of a particularly pretty sunflower arrangement:
  20. [i]Such[/i] a dilemma - moral high ground or savage revenge? Perhaps something on the lines of : "Hi Guys - as you requested, happy to send you the details of the gigs I booked for the band. They are: XYZ. Hope all's going well. Thanks for the unkind and untruthful Facebook comments." Then post this to the 215 contacts. Best of both worlds.
  21. To be honest, I usually avoid solo bass pieces and withhold my opinion, because they're not really my muffin. The [i]real[/i] reason I viewed the first Manring piece was to see what was so good that it merited such confrontational posts. And the reason I abandoned my usual practise and posted as I did was to see what would happen next. Because I really don't give a rat's ass about the issue either way. I'm always intrigued by the conflict that arises when we get on to the bass virtuoso topic. There seem to be three broadly prevailing attitudes: * Deeply entrenched, unpleasant Luddite aversion to experimentation, manifesting itself in the character assassination of people like Wooten, Manring et al * Furious zealotry for 'The Cause' - resulting in unpleasant disparagement of players (including fellow BC-er's) who adopt a more simplistic approach or 'fail to understand' * An acceptance that the world is big enough both to accomodate differing approaches to the bass and differing opinions. We agree to differ on string gauges, fretless necks and Badass bridges - why not here? Well, I sense that, for the extreme Luddites and the extreme Zealots, personal issues at stake. I could speculate at length, but it would ignite further unpleasantness. Attitudinally I usually fall into the third group above - Acceptance - but I have a specific exclusion. The world is not big enough to accomodate the attempted suppression of either self-expression or opinion [/creosote rant]
  22. [quote name='Duarte' post='653867' date='Nov 13 2009, 05:52 PM']Oh don't say that! If everyone played Bongos this would not happen.[/quote]
  23. World peace. More happy people = better gigs.
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