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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='deaver' post='648308' date='Nov 7 2009, 07:28 PM']If I bought it I'd let you visit once a month to ogle.[/quote] [i]If[/i] you bought it, I would indeed come by to hug and caress this glorious bass. Maybe even give the fretboard some little butterfly kisses and [b][font="Courier New"][color="#FF0000"]PROFANITY ALERT[/color][/font][/b] Of course, 20 years ago I'd not have had it for firewood. How time weighs upon the soul...
  2. Doing a set between Melvyn "It ain't half hot, Mum" Hayes' raffle draw and 10 baton twirling kids. With Eric Knowles off the Antiques Roadshow up the front and grooving along to our deafening pub rock.
  3. Oh God, 2 of these beauties in one afternoon. And the red Coronado. The Missus is looking nervous.
  4. Sweet Mother of God, I love that bass. (Stands entranced) I remember when you couldn't give Coronados away. Why were we so stupid?
  5. [quote name='Bassassin' post='646026' date='Nov 5 2009, 10:08 AM']Sorry, never done that - but I'd be interested in how to replicate an age-darkened maple look if anyone else knows.[/quote] Amber tinted gloss nitro available on this page: [url="http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/lacquer.html"]http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/lacquer.html[/url] Works fine, but steady hand and multiple light passes needed to get even colour distribution. Spray item [i]slightly[/i] lighter than you eventually want it to look, as the topcoat seems to bring up the underlying colour. And clear nitro over the top. Can't use poly over nitro, apparently.
  6. As it happens, I've been thinking about trying a badass (or something similar) on the J. Just waiting for one to pop up at the right price...
  7. Well, I'm [i]not[/i] fitting any badasses ATM. Perhaps I should do a comparison too? Hang on... .................................................Pause.............................................. No, they both sound just the same as they did before. See, it's all voodoo and bollocks.
  8. I've never seen a wear pattern like that - almost uniform. And round the neckplate too? Previous owner touring it in an eagles trib band for years (?) then retiring it in 1994. All very odd.
  9. [quote name='thunderbird13' post='644219' date='Nov 3 2009, 10:42 AM']and just when I thought you had committed to the suicide bummers [/quote] Still am. I've bought the e-bow and the KY - when's the next rehearsal? [/derail]
  10. Our BC comrade lateralus462 is Mr Batt's nephew. And L's gran made the costumes.
  11. [quote name='silddx' post='644400' date='Nov 3 2009, 02:21 PM']When I was a nipper people used to, in a completely racist fashion, say stuff from Japan was sh*te, cheeky slopes copying our inventions and all that rubbish. I think the OP was being a bit naive with his post but in no way was it jingoistic.[/quote] Indeedy. Though we didn't know it was racist, I recall the outrage when it transpired that the 1968 "I'm Backing Britain" promotional carrier bags were of Nipponese manufacture. 'Made In Japan' has come a long way, as evidenced by the approbation given to Japanese Fenders on this forum. And wholly laudable. OED: Jingoism - "extreme patriotism in the form of aggressive foreign policy". So, unless Moos3h is massing his armoured divisions in the DMZ ...
  12. [quote name='Clarky' post='643601' date='Nov 2 2009, 05:08 PM']Shoot me down but there's some very 'right on' answers here and I don't think that the OP is saying he wants to perpetuate third world poverty. I suspect the answer to his question lies in the apparent fact that the bass is partly US assembled, pushing up the costs considerably[/quote] + 1. Our expectations have been conditioned to certain instrument manufacturers knocking out inexpensive, outsourced lines. So when someone - say Tanglewood - knocks out a £900 Chinese acoustic, those expectations are confounded. That any of this has anything at all to do with 'racism' or exploitation by proxy is highly unlikely. Where did my TV come from? Or those trainers? Or my T-shirt? Or those prawns in the curry last night? If I didn't use anything produced in a country of whose goverment I disapproved (quite specifically including the UK) I'd die pretty quickly.
  13. Band (3) will manage without you. Give them a firm date for leaving and offer assistance in finding a replacement - ad on here. Managing the transition is the critical issue. You don't want to stall their ambitions, so give them the help that's been described - work the new bass player in. When they (or you) have located your replacement, meet up with the individual and brief them on the band / set. Talk them through the songs - keys, arrangements, etc. Play them any recordings that have been made and give them any notes you have. As an optional extra, take them along to a band rehearsal and let them watch you run through the set. Talk them through any questions afterwards. Emotional hugs all round, offer to dep in emergencies and hasta la vista. So, where's band (3) and what sort of stuff do they do? Anywhere near Banbury? Eh? Eh?
  14. I have one of these and it's a very nice little combo. Great sound and records really well, using the balanced out or a mike. Or both. It's quite a loud 100w as well. On one occasion I put the head through a 6x10 and excited the wrath of a pub landlady. If your back's shifty like mine, you can separate the head from the cab and make two trips. Tilt-back's fantastically useful in tight spots and flipping the head out never fails to excite drummers.
  15. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='643245' date='Nov 2 2009, 11:12 AM']The jam night organiser came up to me a bit later and told me there was someone that wanted to play bass with the next band up, but he didn't have a bass so could he borrow mine? I felt a bit of a ar5e saying no, but I didn't know this bloke from Adam, so I wasn't going to trust a total stranger not to scratch up my pride & joy....getting the skunkeye from this chap's bandmates put a bit of a dampener on the evening for me.[/quote] Perhaps I'm old-fashioned. This sad individual shows up to a jam night without an instrument and presumes to diss (or condone the dissing of) someone for not lending them gear? He is clearly an ill-mannered 'Gimme-Gimme, woss your problem, mate?' skidmark on the underpants of Rock & Roll, and someone upon whom I would not bestow the steam off my p155, let alone a fine little Mustang. Feeling a bit of an ar5e?!? FFS! You are absolutely entitled to do what you like with your gear. His feeble little 'bandmates' should hang their heads in shame, should they not be too busy turning tricks in sc@t bars to raise the cash for a new 'band' plectrum. I'm feeling rather BBC-ish this morning.
  16. Looks like someone sprayed the red [i]over[/i] the black. Horrible as a re-fin, but quite nice if you'd never seen the original finish on which it's supposed to be based. Montezuma-burst? Moos3h is right - that crack's a shocker.
  17. Perhaps he had the legendary Gibson 'Moderne' in mind:
  18. [quote name='Apex' post='642819' date='Nov 1 2009, 08:53 PM']If they said play 'til 9 and it was nine when they pulled you I'm not sure you have a gripe.[/quote] +1. It's a pain playing a short set, but at least you didn't have to hump your gear in and out. Going back onstage after you'd come off would have looked a bit weird, too. Also, third party reports of these disputes have a habit of getting round. Whether or not the guy's a w***er, shouting at him doesn't help your band's rep. However stupid the organiser, it's their house and their rules. Unless they stiff you for payment, at which point all bets are off. Similar thing happened to a band I was in. We had a regular, well-paid annual gig at a family fun-day. When asked to finish the first set early to 'get the baton-twirlers onstage', our guitarist got stroppy with the organiser. Our second set was cancelled, we (quite rightly) didn't get paid and we never got asked back. Enlightened self-interest.
  19. I'd want to see it first hand, whether £2k or £3k. Either way, that's a bundle of cash for a bass with a nasty gouge out of the edge of the headstock just below the logos. Apropos of nothing, the phrase 'Fender Detectives' conjured an image along these lines:
  20. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='641987' date='Oct 31 2009, 04:41 PM']Which one is you?[/quote] That's me, hammering out the Smoke On The Water riff on the Flemish pipes. They weren't Flemish until about 20 minutes in.
  21. H deathpanda and welcome Friendly it is, here on BC. Always good to have a multi-instrumentalist around and glad you're getting so much pleasure and fulfilment out of your music. Enjoy the Forum.
  22. Hi and welcome. Acoustic guitarist you may be - but why not step across to the dark side and become: oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus Enjoy your stay
  23. Hi Luke and welcome Good luck with your band's inaugural gig. Sorry to hear your beast is losing it's touch Scope out bargains in the BC marketplace - cheaper than e-bay and nice people. Enjoy the forum
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