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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. For that old-school vibe, you could look at banging some old Fane speakers in there and topping it off with a suitably modded 100w-ish Sound City. Not tonally modern - or loud - but oodles cheaper and lighter than a 'vintage' Hiwatt rig. It would probably work just as well as a guitar combo were you to stick a clean boost in front of it
  2. [quote name='sirmontofgue' post='635706' date='Oct 24 2009, 10:49 PM']Wonder if you knowledgable people can help with some more info/history on early Shaftesbury Rickenbacker copies?[/quote] Bassassin will probably be along in a minute to shine light on the matter. While you're waiting, here's the Rickenfaker thread to pass the time. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=270"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=270[/url]
  3. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='635537' date='Oct 24 2009, 07:43 PM']ah yes, and that he did....but when ones preamp shits itself, and EBMM are not interested in repairing, replacing or even looking at said shatted component, I found that Mr East's fine bundle of wires and circuits gives the bass all the joyousness of a Stingray, but with some added perks [/quote] That's just [i]such[/i] a perfectly rounded single sentence post. Kudos.
  4. I like the cut of his jib. Until about 2:09, when it goes a little bit lumpy for my tastes. But hey, Sir Oswald Mosley's great-nephew making the DB sexy to today's Pop Kidz! Fair play to him.
  5. [quote name='RhysP' post='635339' date='Oct 24 2009, 03:20 PM']I'd feel more comfortable selling drugs to toddlers to raise £1000 than having to write some "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam" horseshit.[/quote] For a £K, I'd do it in a second. I've not worried about dignity ever since I heard that sappy Deacon Blue song about that bloke's boat. ( Apologies to them as likes it).
  6. [quote name='OldGit' post='635066' date='Oct 24 2009, 05:36 AM']Here's your Jesus House - Aberdeen chapter. It does list your event. [url="http://www.jesushouseaberdeen.org/index.php?mo=11&yr=2009"]http://www.jesushouseaberdeen.org/index.ph...=11&yr=2009[/url][/quote] We slagged it off. We jibed. We sneered. Now every one of us cynics is going to burn in Hellfire. And it's all ou7shined's fault. BC Angry Mob to transport, please.
  7. [i]"Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. [/i] Shakespeare on loaning out gear.
  8. Well, clearly it's some sort of a scam. Wait for a sudden request for money to cover 'unexpected expenses' or a 'donation for the starving poor'. Or just some kind of endorsement of a shifty PO box "Church". Or he'll just leg it with the door-money in the traditional fashion. Save yourselves the time and bother of wondering what he's up to. Just kill him and steal the gear. Smiles all round!
  9. You know the answer - and it's a painful one. It's back on the treadmill for you, my lad. Start schlepping around for a new band. So item #1 [i]before everything else[/i]. Secure yourself some wheels or you ain't goin' nowhere.
  10. [quote name='ped' post='633004' date='Oct 21 2009, 11:17 PM']Yeah I can't really blame Dawsons any more. The guy at Dawsons has been quite helpful in fact. As I don't know who to blame i will edit the title accordingly![/quote] You're too nice for your own good! Read the post below before you start letting them off the hook. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='632975' date='Oct 21 2009, 10:57 PM']considering the thread is 'dawsons music' it seems that they don't have much to do with it. If Roland have the wrong code for their own gear, how are the folks at dawsons.co.uk meant to sort their customers. Is it foolish to assume that a supplier (roland uk)should have the right product code for their own product?[/quote] Ped having paid up, Dawson's contracted to sell him a particular product, and it's inexcusable that they've got it wrong three times. Were they now to shift the blame onto Roland, it would be a classic "Nothing to do with me, Guv". This is one of those occasions when a retailer has to roll up their sleeves and get to the bottom of the problem. And they haven't done so. Understandable that Dawsons got it wrong the first time. Thereafter, they could have handled the situation with greater care and checked the product before it (presumably) went through their hands. Even if it was going direct from Roland, a phone-call to the relevant people there might have avoided all of this nonsense. Were I in a similar position, I'd now put someone in a car and send them round to Ped's house with the right item and a couple of packs of strings for his trouble. Ped would then sing Dawson's praises and they'd get the petrol money back in goodwill sales. It's just good business sense. Asking Ped to hang around waiting for a courier to pick up the items and refusing a refund until they're back in Dawsons hands might [i]seem [/i]like a reasonable policy. Well, it is for Dawson's, but it doesn't feel reasonable to the customer. When problems go on this long, that's a bean-counter's approach. It matches a lax, box-ticking approach to sorting the problem, which should be the subject of an internal review. Sorting it would benefit Dawson's in the long run. Ignoring it or putting it down to bad luck simply undermines their business platform. Yes, of course everyone makes mistakes, but hopefully not the same one three times in a row with the same customer. Retailers are here to take our money and supply the goods. If they can't do it competently, this fact should be publicised.
  11. [quote name='Sonic_Groove' post='632204' date='Oct 21 2009, 11:03 AM']Bin it save yourself the grief![/quote] ...or post it on an H&H forum and make your fortune...
  12. If you even [i]suspect[/i] it's on the way out, go buy a new one. We're only talking a tenner or so for a decent 12AX7. Depending what it's function is in your amp, you can also take the opportunity to try one with different characteristics.
  13. It all depends on how many gigs you're doing, how much time it takes up and whether it contributes financially or otherwise to the partnership. If you're out 7 nights a week getting back at 5 in the morning, getting paid nowt while squirting crillions on gear and ignoring her at home while you're posting on here, then she might have cause to grumble. OTOH, if it's a few gigs a month and she's got enough money to buy shoes, then I'd tell her the choice is to desist with the ultimata or sling her hook. Hypothetically, of course.
  14. Well, you had to remove the film to find out that there was gunge underneath. So, according to their policy, you couldn't have returned it anyway! Trouble is, it's all got diverted into being about your 'incorrect' choice of pickguard, rather than about the inherent faultiness of the item. Well, they have a policy. On this occasion, it's going to cost them considerably more in future business than the £20 or so quid they could have sucked up for a dodgy guard. They could make a realistic assesment of this potential loss and do the right thing, but hey... Hi, Chris from Absolute! Can you see my hand? Can you see what it's doing? It's waving goodbye.
  15. 1) Agree with Jack that you can get marginal variations on the Prec sound. But it won't magically sound like a Jazz or a Gibbo. I reckon they're viewed as versatile in the sense that a precision can sound good across lots of different musical genres. Punk, metal, blues, country, pop, classic rock... 2) Yes, weight can vary a bit between the current Fender brands and between Precisions from different eras. But weight can also vary within the same production run at the same factory. And a pound or so either way isn't really going to make as much difference as quality woods, hardware and p'ups. 3) Age is pretty much immaterial, where post-80's Precs are concerned. And don't fret about getting a vintage Precision (What's vintage? Pre-65? Pre-69? Pre-81?). These days £1500 probably wouldn't get you a retailer's vintage bass as good as a new one or a recent s/h. And these days, who knows what's vintage, what's an old dog and what's a fake? There's a lot of manky old crap out there. 4) There are variations in quality across all the Fender brands and this has been the case for years. To echo someone else - Try before you buy. You might find a Squier or a pimped s/h MIM that ticks more happy-face boxes than an MIA. 5) Hard Case - dunno if they're standard with MIA's. But there are perfectly good aftermarket cases out there for way less than a ton. Don't let the absence of a HC (esp on a S/H bass) put you off something you like.
  16. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='630191' date='Oct 19 2009, 11:19 AM']Yeah that's what i thought but it's just the way the Americans pronounce the word "solder" so i suppose he's just spelling it phonetically.[/quote] That would explain my confusion. I've never talked to a US citizen about solder, y'see. Or sodomy.
  17. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='629639' date='Oct 18 2009, 05:53 PM']For £16k I think the 82-word description of the instrument and its provenance is a bit brief.[/quote] Some people are just never satisfied, eh? Isn't it enough to know that: [quote]all of the original [b]sodder[/b] joints still [b]in tact[/b][/quote] I find that totally reassuring.
  18. Congratulations to Mrs ezbass! My favourite bit - the saddles have been properly intonated - not just a straight line
  19. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='629305' date='Oct 18 2009, 10:40 AM']Yeah I reckon all these "reality" style adverts are done with actors.[/quote] 99% of ads showing 'real people' use actors. Actors have that relaxed, glossy patina that eludes the rest of us and can deliver sentences without saying "...Er...". If it fits with the campaign strategy, they might use 'real' people - e.g the B&Q, NatWest and Asda ads. IIRC, these get round the requirement for an Equity card by using the 'advertiser employee' rule. They'll be the ones with nervous smiles jumping up from behind their counter to help you find the best deal. Just like in real life, eh? On a miniscule number of Vox-Pop type ads (or Weightwatchers) you'll actually get to see members of the public. They'll be the ones with glazed expressions, sat there mumbling and twitching.
  20. [quote name='SteveO' post='628844' date='Oct 17 2009, 04:44 PM']It's not gonna deal with that though is it, I mean it can't magically produce extra voltage from nowhere.[/quote] Apparently, that's exactly what voltage stabilisers do (among other things) - surprised me. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltage_stabilizer"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltage_stabilizer[/url] Changing the input voltage to an amp can have quite an effect on the sound. Eddie Van Halen used a Variac to run his Marshalls at a different input voltage from spec, in order to produce his "brown sound". Def going to look into this.
  21. Indeed, best wishes for your operation. Hope you find a Jag to your liking... FWIW, I've heard some [i]interesting[/i] stories about Andertons' amp repairs as well.
  22. Tucked away at the bottom of that wisegeek page [quote]Although the term "power conditioner" is often used interchangeably with "line conditioner," these terms can also refer to devices that not only condition power but also regulate voltage. This type of line conditioner, often used in industry, will boost voltage when it drops or act as a surge protector when it peaks, maintaining a steady flow of electricity within a set range of voltage parameters.[/quote] I can see why someone might want to use one of these. Voltage variations can make a difference to your sound, particularly valve amps. Been thinking about this myself since an amp tech told me he'd measured my amp's output twice - 29w when his home's night storage heating was on, 39w when it was off.
  23. [quote name='Lew-Bass' post='627521' date='Oct 16 2009, 02:19 AM']You got all of the parts needed to be assembled to create a bass guitar, how much would a luthier realistically charge to put it all together? And would they actually do this?[/quote] I'm sure most jobbing luthiers would take the project on board. Cost? Depends on the luthier's rates, but I wouldn't imagine any less than £75 -£100 at the very least, given it's a build [i]and [/i]a set-up. The other guys are right - DIY or post to see if someone here can help, indicating your location.
  24. Pimp up a cheap Epiphone EB-3?
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