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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Hi ukrodder and welcome Quite partial to a bit of rockabilly myself - more the old boys, but have been known to wind up some Cramps, Meteors etc from time to time. Hope you find the bits you need and enjoy the forum!
  2. That's excellent news! Well done. This a great example of turning a negative into a positive. And fair play to them for having the gumption to address a problem. Now all we have to do is infiltrate [i]all [/i]the UK guitar shops. The revolution starts here.
  3. Run two rigs. One hideously distorted and one clean. Adjust each volume to blend the tones. It's what us old boys used to do before multi-fx.
  4. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='610977' date='Sep 28 2009, 04:41 PM']JB is like your mate's Dad, the bloke that delivers the milk, the guy that mends your tv.[/quote] You just can't see past the comfy Xmas-present woolly jumper and the moustache, can you? Not only a knitwear bigot but a Fascist 'Tache-ist! Personally, I can't stand the man or his oeuvre, but I wouldn't slag him for being - er - homely. Glass houses and all that...
  5. Hi Sam and welcome You've got some quality gear there. There are a fair few BC-er's in your part of the country. Hope you enjoy the forum.
  6. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='610099' date='Sep 27 2009, 04:21 PM']Do you think it's pretty impossible to come up with anything different, as it's all been done before?[/quote] Yes. It's all downhill from here. Me, I'm about to pull the trigger on a lightweight contra-bass Glockenspiel.
  7. [quote name='JTUK' post='610225' date='Sep 27 2009, 07:13 PM']Bass and drums should really carry the song so it sounds good on it own..the rest of the instruments are dressing to a degree.[/quote] That's the spirit!
  8. ...and if you're [i]really [/i]worried about damage, Stewmac do little protective 'fingerboard guards' you hold over the board, with a little 'letter-box' for the fret to poke through: [url="http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Fretting_supplies/Polishing_and_abrasives/Fingerboard_Guards.html"]http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Fretting_suppl...ard_Guards.html[/url]
  9. [quote name='TheButler' post='609655' date='Sep 26 2009, 09:55 PM']So, it doesn't look like they'll be going tits up any time soon.[/quote] Which is good news. Trust me, you're gonna have a splendid time.
  10. No need to make a decision right now. You've only been in the band [i]a week [/i]- a month from now it may all have gone tits-up - or nationwide. Just see how it goes. The time to make your mind up is when you're so busy you're getting no sleep. And both the band [i]and[/i] your tutors are screaming threats at you. And unless I've misread it, you're currently looking at 9 hrs a week rhsals (for the moment, presumably decreasing as material settles in) and a mere 1-3 gigs a month. That's an easy schedule for a spunky youngster like yourself.
  11. Not on ebay but spotted today in Express Music in Solihull - new "Anniversary" brand Rick copy. Very [i]slightly[/i] brown tint to the fireglo not evident in image , set neck, £399, quite pretty in the flesh: [attachment=33563:annivers...ric_copy.jpg] [url="http://www.expressmusicstore.co.uk/"]http://www.expressmusicstore.co.uk/[/url]
  12. I know about 20% of all the songs I've ever played = Half of the intro, several bars of a verse and some of the end bit twice by mistake.
  13. What boils my potatoes is this trend for bogus 'relic-ing'. Pathetic.
  14. [quote name='metaltime' post='608777' date='Sep 25 2009, 04:55 PM']A great music shop is Hotroxs in Nottingham, Its only small and only really sells effects and other bits but the guy there is great. Anyone who is interested in trying out different effects should go there.[/quote] If this is the same guy - [url="http://www.hotroxuk.com/"]http://www.hotroxuk.com/[/url] - then I've had good experiences buying online.
  15. Dr Feelgood / The E-Street Band / Danny Gatton
  16. Gasp - I've finally developed an interest in Stingrays. Lordy, but that cream and tort one's pretty.
  17. For light grot, I use a microfibre cloth from Tesco's - in the household supplies, cloths/dusters section. [i]Slightly[/i] dampen cloth with water. Cheap, effective, doesn't scratch. Apply oil after grot removed and board is absolutely dry.
  18. Fender failed to get the [i]body[/i] shapes copyrighted in US courts, but have reserved their right to sue in other jurisdictions. Some manufacturers are more aggressive than others in pursuing 'infringements' - Rickenbacker being famously litigious. I'm sure you'd find a luthier somewhere who'd build you a Fodera replica - but probably not a 'name' luthier with a distinctive house-style of their own to promote. They might get a bit sniffy. Mail a few and tell us what happens.
  19. Their catalogue is like a timewarp. Anyone who loves 60's tat should visit the website.
  20. [quote name='Zombywoof' post='606989' date='Sep 23 2009, 07:21 PM']I used to have this problem with an old P-bass (wish I still had her...early 80's jap) and to get around the problem I used to use a spare instrument cable,one end tucked into my trousers so it was touching my skin with the other end touching the metal on my amp (held down with some gaffa) sorted!![/quote] I'd be terrified of blowing my nads off, mid-set.
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