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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. For practical purposes I've seldom capo'd higher than the 7th fret (though one can, obvs) and it's almost always involved a bit of re-tuning or string tugging. That's the thing with capos. You can't just stick them on anywhere and assume everything will be in tune
  2. Me too. The umlaut ï is your friend. Other diacritics are available.
  3. Emphatically not. I suppose someone somewhere might reasonably observe that a light coating of nicotine has been known to 'green up' Daphne Blue instruments.
  4. Agreed. It's edging tentatively towards Sea Foam Green.
  5. I think you'll find it's only a teeny-tiny percentage of the membership who harbour a substantial animus against The Ramones. Most people here probably don't care that much about the band either way as long as everyone's happy. Which is as it should be.
  6. That's an interesting perspective. In your opinion, who were the major players?
  7. The welcome news is that we've now got more than just The Beatles about whom to have threads which mostly comprise the observations: "They're sh*t!" / "They're not sh*t!"
  8. I take your point but would respectfully add that Mr O'Range was merely an insipid strummer whereas Messrs Weller and Davies were frenzied chord-manglers whose right hand's velocity exceeded their left hand's dexterity. For example: a cursory listen to any Jam live album will reveal that in his pomp Granny Weller sounded like an angry scaffolder trying to remove a clamp with a lump hammer yet this presented no impediment to his career. It was only when he embraced his feminine side and did that Wildwoody sort of stuff that people could hear just how stiff and forced his technique really was. All rock, no roll.
  9. I think we need a 'best worst guitarist' thread. I nominate Dave Davies. Or Paul Weller. Either will do.
  10. Hum? That's the sound of Rock and Roll. I had some hum-free pick-ups one time, it turned my stomach. Bought a hum pedal, big smiles all round.
  11. I like P90's, distinctive sound, sit well between HBs and SCs. Had them on 2 Gibson solids, a cheap Jazz box and (currently) on a thin-bodied semi. Can deliver a wide range of tones depending on how controls set, amp, etc. Good for most stuff short of surf or metal. Another popular option is to drop a P90 into the neck position and keep the bridge HB. The P90 is a very simple, very basic pick-up and it seems to me that as a result there's generally less voodoo bollocks and 'vintage tone' cork-sniffing than you get with classic HBs. To which end I'd pause before pulling the trigger on a set of genuine Gibbos (£88 each? Surely not). The P90's on my Sorrento are Warmans, fitted by the previous owner. They do the job fine and there's a pair of HB sized P90's left on Warmans web site for about £30. Other makes are available - e.g. Catswhisker do a handwound HB sized P90 for £64 each. The world's yer oyster, basically
  12. New Foxton Interview here . Host site also has other, older Foxton IVs.
  13. I'd go for the original, meaning the Paul Bigsby headstock that Leo nicked when they were still mates. A bit more swirly and exaggerated and when people say 'That's not a Fender headstock' you can say: 'Well, actually...' then bore them shirtless for half an hour and when they black out from the tedium you can nick their wallets and spend the money on hookers and crystal meth.
  14. I don't think our Bridgey was having a pop at you. You've been helpful. Anyway, you and him could meet up on a North Sea Ferry and do the deal. He'd probably like a nice ocean cruise.
  15. Couple of things about Rory Gallagher and his Strat: * His sweat may have been much more acidic than normal due to liver / kidney damage caused by a combination of alcohol consumption and - possibly - haemochromatosis (strangely prevalent in Irish men). Strange to think that the reproductions of his guitar may actually reproduce the secondary effects of the disease that killed him. Excessively acidic sweat can be an indicator of various medical conditions and should be referred to a medical professional. * A few years ago one of the guitar mags took a basic Strat and Rory'd it by stripping it to bare wood, masking off the areas of wear with a template and spraying a sunburst over the top. Outcome: pretty much a CS Rory Gallagher - as one of the earlier contributors to this thread has surmised
  16. Hi WingedWords and welcome to the forum
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