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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Fine by me. These days I'm only posting stuff that's useful in a practical sense, like how* to get minor orange peel defects out of a poly re-spray. * Use a sanding block and progressively finer grades of wet and dry paper up to 12000 then finish with Meguiars ScratchX-20 on a rotary buffing attachment.
  2. @MattyBoy Ta for the update and if you see him around tell him thanks for the good times
  3. Bought an Ampeg B15-T from the Slough branch in the 90's. IIRC, the parking was awful which can't have helped in the long run.
  4. Probably a bit late in the day but Stewmac sell truss rod rescue kits designed to remedy this eventuality. Mind you, they're pricey, starting at about $200 exc shipping.
  5. Indeed so: Nice as in 'giving pleasure or satisfaction; pleasant or enjoyable '
  6. Italics indicate singing with an Italian accent. Not like Pavarotti. Like Joe Dolce
  7. It's the BassChat 'Singing Filter'. It automatically increases the font size when you sing, the final size depending on the song's key and how loud you're singing it. So that's Eb and you're singing loud enough to bother the neighbours.
  8. Flat, round, half-round and tape. One of each. Seriously, though, the world is @TJ1's lobster. There's playable stuff from the ground up, vids galore on YT and BC here to help along the way. Best wishes to him!
  9. Another question which would furnish that answer would be: Who, when visited by the bailiffs, poured petrol on the bailiff's car and set it alight with the bailiff still inside? Poor Wayne; sectioned for a year or so.
  10. Y'see, this is how de-rails begin. Did you know Carole Bayer Sager co-wrote Groovy Kind of Love as well as - er - Arthur's Theme from the eponymous movie, a choon for which she shared an Oscar in 1981, beating out Lionel Richie's Endless Love at that year's Academy Awards. This was, of course, a travesty; I saw Lionel when the winner was announced and he was spitting bullets, none of this 'nicest man in showbiz' thing. Lionel's security detail was holding him back as he struggled to clamber on to the stage screeching 'Where's my hammer? Where's my hammer?' Carole's co-winner, my old pal Burt Bacharach charitably affected not to notice Lionel's embarrassing loss of control but a dark cloud hung over our table for the rest of the ceremony.
  11. Hello and welcome to the forum It may assist your transition from Talkbass to BassChat if we outline certain characteristics of the forum: * Any specific question will prompt a range of responses which may not necessarily conform with the parameters defined by the OP. Hence, a question about live performance may veer into a sub-discussion about hats. Which brings me to the next point. * Threads on BassChat tend to be fractal rather than linear. Several conversations may proceed in parallel; of these, some might not be addressed directly to the OP but may simply be ideas going back and forth between thread participants in a discussion outside the main topic. Some forums insist that members keep discussions 'On Topic'. By contrast BassChat revels in ever-widening debates; seldom does one see the exhortation 'Let's keep this on topic', an injunction which customarily provokes a snarky kind of mirth * Any position may (and will probably) be challenged but this more often in an intellectual sense rather than a confrontational sense. A battle of ideas rather than positions. If someone disagrees with someone else it's usually in the spirit of presenting an alternative view rather than a competing position. If someone disagrees with you it's usually safe to assume they're not having a pop at you. * Most 'question threads' on BC seldom last more than a couple of pages and usually devolve into exchanges of memes, jokes and references to 1970's TV shows. This thread is unusual in so far having preserved a modicum of the original thrust. Surprisingly, a recent 'Recommend me a first bass' went to about 15 pages as the OP received suggestions, tried them out, sourced a bass, took delivery and expressed satisfaction. The participants threw in a multitude of suggestions, ideas and advice, some of which was contradictory. Yet it all turned out nice in the end and everyone went away with a little, warm glow of satisfaction. Anyhow, please try to bear this in mind. It's a welcoming forum, here, and one of the reasons for this is that we respond well to cheerfulness and flexibility of viewpoint. Have nice day SDV
  12. Here's the deal: * Buy a Harley Benton starter kit - bass, case, strap, lead - £138 (less than the depreciation on a new £1000 bass) * When the lockdown eases, take it to a luthier and get it set up. It may play better and you may want to join a band * You can't join a band playing a Harley Benton so buy a Squier * Play some gigs * When you get good and you're regularly playing gigs go and buy a £1500 bass * You'll worry about taking a £1500 bass to a gig so leave it at home and take the Squier with the HB as a back-up
  13. Most Fenders probably spend months if not years sitting in a warehouse, possibly in Arizona or Mexico. Anything from China / SE Asia probably gets stuck in a shipping container which will probably experience extremes of temperature and humidity. So warehousing / shipping a bass with a slack truss rod and loose strings makes perfect sense under the circs. In an ideal world, a bass should be properly set-up by the retailer on arrival but retailers seldom have an in-house luthier, this because they are forced by low margins to employ stupid boys who know little whereof they speak. Even if a retailer set up every instrument in the shop there's no guarantee the set-ups would suit every player. The only real solution is to set the instrument up oneself, a remarkably simple task once one wraps one's head around it.
  14. AFAIK Foxton used an Ibanez faker for the band's earliest gigs and the sessions for the first single and subsequent album. After the release of In The City the band secured an endorsement deal with Wing Music and Foxton acquired a real Ric, relegating the faker to back-up status. Foxton believed the Ric lacked low end and at one time considered having a P pick-up fitted,. In the end he simply swapped over to a Precision using it for the All Mod Cons album. The Ibanez later sold for about £12k at auction with a set-list still taped to the body, including songs which appeared on the second album The black Precision later went up for auction in 2009 and re-appeared in 2016. I cannot find the sale prices achieved.
  15. Hi Markk - that's a good looking bass which would not look out of place slung round the neck of Mr Dusty Hill. Top work. BTW, like many of our international members your English is better than most of us here so no need to apologise And in conclusion to the forum
  16. Nearly 40 years ago the introduction of 'drum machines' prompted a drummer of my acquaintance to pen the first (and last) song he had ever written. Well, some lyrics, anyway. The song was entitled 'Black Box'. It lamented the imminent replacement of flesh-and-blood sticksmen by sinister pieces of equipment and though most of the words now escape recollection I remember that the hook line was: Black box Black box Black box Now it's all up to you This, to me, rather encapsulates the mind-set of the drummer. A swift, though stoic acceptance of his fate, tinged with a hint of petty passive-aggression. In a strange way, the drummer's song was a self-fulfilling prophecy. Everyone else thought it was awful and no one would write any music to go with his words so he threw a hissy fit and left the band just before a recording session where circumstances therefore dictated that we had to use a drum machine. Alanis Marmoset would have had a field day with that set of events.
  17. After 42 years of messing about on bass and owning close to - er - 6 basses I offer you mucho congratulations on your new acquisition, in part because it reminds me of the '71 P I stupidly sold a few years ago and which by chance passed through @walshy's hands. Enjoy!
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