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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. No one ever got rich by being a tree-hugger. Any rich tree-huggers you encounter will have been rich long before they ever started hugging trees. I was explaining this to young Greta the other day. 'There's no money in what you're doing, my little chickadee' I said. 'You need to start out by selling semi-autos to LA gang-bangers and work up to warhead deals with Kazhakstani middle-men. Then you can buy your own ocean-going yacht rather than have to borrow one from salivating libertines like Prince Pierre of Monaco'. Did I detect a momentary flicker of interest in that tiny, grave face? Perhaps she was just thinking about saving the planet from mankind but I'd swear I could see the wheels turning.
  2. And me. Don't forget me. Every night on the Springsteen 1999-2000 tour I unloaded between 40 - 50 tiny glass vials each purportedly containing a dab of Mr Nils Lofgren's ejaculate to excited fans happy to pay me $100 a time for an engaging souvenir / conversation piece. Allowing for expenses, bribes, etc., I was clearing around $3,500 a night which might not sound a lot but netted me nearly half a million dollars over the tour, a handsome sum which grub-staked my first proper weapons deal.
  3. I understand and - in a very personal sense - I value the entirely laudable sentiment which underpins your position. It has nevertheless always been my unbending principle to embrace the philosophy expounded by the late Mr WC Fields: "Never give a sucker an even break".
  4. COMING SOON TOIce Road Truckers: Wales
  5. Same as the distance between his ears. So using the photograph and comparing the distance between Mr Curleigh's ears with the the known dimensions of the J45 he's holding it should be possible to establish the distance between his nipples. No need to thank me.
  6. to you Jeff. Enjoy BC and feel entirely free to tap the membership up about London / UK stuff un-related to bass. It's that sort of a forum
  7. Thank you. It took me ages to colour in.
  8. Ah, but you see, the OP referred in his opening post not to plasterboard but to drywall, a term perhaps uncommon in Hackney but frequently deployed in our former transatlantic colonies including but not limited to the United States of America and possibly Canada. Ergo, one may deduce with a degree of certainty (if not complete certitude) that the OP may not be 'local' and may live in - say - California, where earthquakes are - if not common - of sufficient consequence as to lead one to question the advisability of wall hangers. I present below a map of those places where wall hangers may or may not be deployed with confidence. Tip: Not in the red bits. I'm glad you asked. IMO, command strips would merit consideration whether in areas of seismic hazard or not. Moreover command strips on the rear of the body would obviate the necessity of posting the next question people tend to ask which is 'Will it affect the neck / neck relief if I hang my bass from these hangers I've just put up?'
  9. The other thing to watch out for is earthquakes. If one lives in an area prone to earthquakes one is advised to eschew wall-hangers and keep one's instruments in their cases. Just saying.
  10. Getting the screws in must have hurt. Anyway, when you shower or bathe, do you wrap the Hofner in a plastic bag? Or just give it a good shake afterwards and go stand in the airing cupboard?
  11. Meet Your Maker: #43 - Gibson's James Curleigh Gibson CEO James 'JC' Curleigh: Not even remotely a smarmy gobbin James Curleigh reclines in his very expensive black leather swivel chair. "It's made of the same leather that went into my jacket," grins Curleigh. "It's actually from the very same cow. I've got a certificate to prove it". Curleigh leans forward intently, his flowing, if slightly greasy, locks swinging like a pendulum; the same pendulum, perhaps, that has swung in Gibson's favor after the dark Henry Juskiewicz years when Gibson became a reviled name among guitarists. "It was the cow certificate thing that got me thinking. And then I had one of those ideas for which I'm justifiably famous. Why not identify every tree that arrives at the Gibson plant and note down which guitars it goes into? Then when someone buys a Gibson they can go online and type in the serial number and see which other guitars came from the same tree and who owns them". Curleigh arches an eyebrow: "And here's the killer. Those people with guitars made from the same tree can join together and form discrete, semi-autonomous online communities where they can talk about how amazing their Gibsons are and how it's great that Gibson are protecting their brand's authenticity by hunting down small-scale luthiers and threatening to kill their families unless they sign up to our 'Gibson Friends' deal where they have to make only Gibson copies and we take all their money". But what about the blowback from the 'Play Authentic' video? Curleigh chuckles. "I guess I feel kinda sorry for Mark Agnesi. He took all the heat for that video when it came out but then his boss Cesar (Guelkian) just revealed last month that Mark only made the video because Cesar told him to. So now Mark looks like a stooge and a püssy but, hey, them's the breaks when you work for a prestigious brand like Gibson. Anyhow, who cares? It's just business".
  12. Rick Beato. Not actually bass but still excellent musically-related value. His song breakdowns are fantastic.
  13. It's £244 to work in the UK for a year. No one seems to know how much the EU might charge but it would probably be the same as applies to US and other 'third country' artists. Of course, it's possible that something like this might be sorted out in discussions over the next year or so.
  14. A band coming here for 2 weeks would presumably apply for the shorter, three month Tier 5 (Temporary Worker - Creative and Sporting) Concession I detailed in the post you quoted. But of course, yes, a 10-15 person touring party expecting to make a whacking margin of a whole £200 a gig which applied for a year's visa for the purposes of doing 5 dates over 2 weeks would be out of pocket by a fair bit and serve them right for not doing their homework. Of course, the WAG's you mention wouldn't have to pay for a temporary worker's visa so that would save a few bob.
  15. The cost of £244 per head relates specifically to the 12 month visa. A fiver a week doesn't sound unreasonable to me. However, there's another way round this for the gigging EU musician. For stays of less than three months there's the Tier 5 (Temporary Worker - Creative and Sporting) concession the conditions of which are:
  16. Everybody should get the chance to play through a Marshall full stack at least once in their life. I once lent my (merely) 50w Mk2 and a 2x12 to a friend for him to play around with at home. I set it up for him in his home office, jumpered the channels, turned it up and then he hit a chord. He said 'Woah!' three times then couldn't stop laughing for the sheer pleasure of it.
  17. I recall you had an SG when you were in Kismetik (?) and then flogged it about 12 years ago. I thought it was white but I've probably mis-remembered Anyhow, enjoy the new arrival. It looks lush.
  18. That's nice. You had a white SG at one time, didn't you?
  19. You've just been gifted a 70kg 8x10?
  20. Agreed. I'm no particular fan of this type of bass but on balance I think it looks quite good.
  21. Welcome to the forum El Guapo
  22. skankdelvar


    Hi RFF and welcome to the forum
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