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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Seven Facts From The Fascinating World Of Carls * Carl is derived from the Old English noun ceorl (a man, freeman, peasant) and encompasses more than one social rank. At least one shonky web site suggests that ceorl means 'bonded man' which is the exact opposite of a free man and therefore complete bollocks and pretty much what you'd expect from something called babynamefinder.com * Carl can be viewed as a shortened form of the name Charles. Alternatively, Charles can be seen as a lengthened form of the name Carl. Two kings of England and ten kings of France have borne the name Charles as well as sundry other European monarchic riff-raff including various Charles's who were kings of Hungary, Naples, Sardinia, and Wüttemberg, shïtholes like that, basically * A house carl (Old Norse: húskarl, Old English: huscarl) was a non-servile manservant or household bodyguard in medieval Northern Europe. The rank was applicable irrespective of the size of the household so a house carl could be a member of the household troops or bodyguard of a Danish or early English king or noble, and therefore something of a big noise around town. * The Germanic form of Carl (Karl) translates as meaning 'strong man', a possible linguistic link to the meaning of the OId English ceorl / huskarl where strength might be a pre-requisite for a household bodyguard, on the basis that the last thing you want between you and your ravening enemies is a mimsying cream-puff quoting romantic verse and dangling a floral pomander from his belt rather than a big f*cking knife. * Other European Carls include Carlos, Carlo, Karl. The name of the Spanish chef in TV's Crossroads was Carlos Raphael (sic). Feminine forms of Carl include Carla and the diminutive Carlita, generally associated with pouting Latina chickies in high heels and halter tops whereas the Russian Karla brings to mind baldy, woke thesp Sir Patrick Stewart in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy rather than a high cheek-boned icy Muscovite beauty with a useful line to people who can supply cut-price consumer electronics and Glock pistols * Carlism is a Traditionalist and Legitimist political movement in Spain aimed at establishing an alternative branch of the Bourbon dynasty – one descended from Don Carlos, Count of Molina (1788–1855) – on the Spanish throne and therefore of no interest to anyone outside the Iberian peninsula. * Famous musical Carls include drummer Carl Palmer, rock 'n' roll pioneer Carl Perkins, singer Carl Wayne out of Brum Beat band The Move and composer Carl Orff best known for his piece Carmina Burana which is very famous but gets on some peoples' tïts the way it bangs on relentlessly like a f*cking steamroller with a wonky wheel.
  2. The Carl Swingometer * All the monumental Carl's @Trueno has ever known + Dark Cloud Carl + the six year-old Carl minus the Carl who got me a job and @mep * German Karl + Karlfer minus @mep's singer Still not looking good for Carl's on a pro-rata basis.
  3. Karl on here (Karlfer) is a good bloke but I don't think he's German. Two up for the Karl's, then.
  4. I've only ever known two Carls. One Carl was a 'monumental tw@t' but, to be fair, it was primary school and he was only six years old. The other Carl was a really nice guy and got me a job somewhere.
  5. I move the following motion: That any band follower or random 'friend' who sits in on rehearsals be henceforth referred to as a 'Carl', this irrespective of their gender. Example: 'There this Carl who keeps turning up every week. She's quite cute but between every f*cking song she asks us if she can get us some tea from the machine and frankly it's a bit off-putting'.
  6. Welkom/ bienvenue Kevin
  7. Alan! Then you'll have lots in common with the BC members who are drummers
  8. Great piece. Hats off to you, Sir
  9. Might I very politely suggest that for the sake of future relations you delete the guitarist's full name from your post. Were he (or one of his pupils) to google his name, your observations in respect of his competence might come to his attention and who knows where it could all end?
  10. This is awful. The poor man Statement from Lee and Lifeson:
  11. Burnwell Bluntë: the forgotten Bluntë sibling
  12. Acksherly, genuine prediction, I was thinking about Marshall today and I thought 'Sooner or later someone's going to come along and buy them, probably some Godawful hedge fund / venture capital mob like the one that bought Gibson and installed a slew of "Luxury Brand" experts'. Just saying.
  13. Predictions for 2020 * RIC Corp outsource production of new entry level 4000-series basses to Indonesia; mooted street price $600 inc gig-bag * Fender to rationalise guitar and bass range down to a mere 350 variations on each of the classic models * Gibson to improve their QC while dialling back on litigation, corporate bullsh*t and PR flim-flam * Marshall will introduce range of 'desirable' bass amplification * Millions of people claim that a tiny, £15 Chinese pedal 'toadally delivers the SVT roar' without ever actually hearing one * BC members will rush to declare Marketplace turnover is surging while time-wasters and low-ballers at all-time low Just kidding
  14. skankdelvar


    to the forum CPK.
  15. * £7.00 for a one-off ad or... * £20.00 subscription for unlimited ads for a year. Set up and pay via the 'Shop' tab under the BassChat logo at the top of the page. Any probs, buzz a mod and someone will sort you out
  16. Indeed, one might argue that in some instances the seeming collision between presentation and expectations are transactional in nature. Let us imagine a faraway planet where androgyny is the norm. Mr David Bowie, struggling to launch his career, might have adopted a basso-profundo singing style, glued on a chest-wig and drawn further attention to himself by wrestling a tiger onstage while smoking a briar pipe stuffed with Capstan Navy Cut shag tobacco. Older inhabitants of Planet Androgyne might have pointed a scornful finger and said "Look at that! You can tell whether it's a boy or a girl!". The planet's youth might have risen in reaction against this simply appalling prejudice and in consequence purchased Mr Bowie's records by the barrow-load. Sales of Norfolk jackets and riggers' gloves might have gone through the roof until - horror - Mr Bowie might have ditched his 'genderised' look at the peak of its popularity and gone back to wearing shorty kimonos and mascara. All of which is to say that there's money to be made in looking different and provoking a response, though not so different as The Elephant Man, obvs.
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