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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Beneath The Roses, eh? No chance of that being remotely creepy.
  2. It's a great choon, isn't it, which I think it's held up pretty well in terms of fidelity considering it was recorded through this desk ↓ then through a single-channel valve compressor to 1/4 inch mono tape, mastered with an in-house disc cutter and eventually to a cheap 45rpm single. FWIW, Norman Petty spent $100,000 in 1954 building and equipping his studio. Which would be just short of a million dollars in 2019. Today we can record in pristine digital then chuck the output through a free VST plug-in to make it sound (a bit) like Norm's studio recordings. It's a funny old world.
  3. The golden age of pause / interjection was the 1950's, perhaps the best-known example being the spoken interludes in Mr Eddie Cochran's Summertime Blues. My favourite, however, is Mr Peanuts Wilson's Cast Iron Arm a song of 2'26" duration which pre-dates Summertime Blues by four months. The space at the end of a verse where a turnaround would go is occupied by a voice which says, first, 'Siddown, boy' then, later at 1:37 'So I hit him in the head'. The song concludes with the voice saying 'That'll teach you to mess with me, boy' followed by a cymbal crash. Frankly, I'd like to see Ms Eilish pull off something like this without introducing the currently ubiquitous ennui which would undoubtedly be fatal to the enterprise.
  4. Something else that stopped evolving in the 90's. Not that it's a bad thing. It just gives us nothing new to laugh at.
  5. So did I. My immediate reaction was 'That's Johnny Rotten with Neil Young on guitar'. At that point I didn't think they sounded remotely like the Beatles, except when they covered I Am The Walrus. That said, they nicked chord progressions and lyrics from pretty much everyone else including Stevie Wonder (chorus from Stevie's Uptight copied and pasted into Step Out)
  6. Been watching the Ken Burns Country Music documentary. During one episode Elvis auditions for Sam Phillips. Sam says 'That sounds different' and signs him. Ten minutes later the doc reports Johnny Cash auditioning for Sam Philips. Sam says 'That sounds different' and signs him. The Sam Philips' of today audition someone and say 'That sounds the same' and sign them.
  7. On behalf of a grateful membership I welcome this communiqué and wish you the greatest of joy in your purchase while observing that recent events have gifted you not one BJ but two.
  8. Indeed so. Any ref to the RickResource as fanboi central is intended as affectionate mockery Were it not for my inflexible policy of conducting permanent asymmetric warfare against Mr Hall I would myself almost certainly be a Ric fanboi. My good friend Mr BassTractor puts his finger firmly on the nub of the matter. Quite. No one here really hates John Hall or wishes to construct a fiendish pungee trap into which he might plummet, there to experience a lingering demise. Apart from me, obvs, and no particular inference may be drawn from this revelation as for many years I had something very similar planned for Gibson's Henry Jusckiewicz, an animus which has been transferred to the increasingly absurd new CEO Mr JD Curley
  9. Indeed so. Mind, if you think John Hall comes in for some stick here you'd best steer clear of some of the Gibson threads of the last couple of years
  10. Timing It was Spring / Summer 2013 and in some respects the biggest thing to happen around here for years. The timeline Phase 1: Hall starts a dialogue with the admins, necessitating complicated sequence of changes to faker image posting policy. Phase 2: Hall gets snarky with Hamster. Admins draw themselves up to their full height and issue a chilly nolle prosequi while notifying members that pix of fakers likely to be pretty much banned Phase 3: Hall throws down. Admins consult membership with poll on what to do next Phase 4: The forum speaks. Admins ban sales of Fakers and genuine Ricks because, well, obvs risk of counterfeits Phase 5: Hall wanders off to fanboi central the RickResource, claims victory over BC and trash talks our admins and the forum. Rickresource mistakenly thinks BC is banning any mention of Rickenbackers; uproar ensues. Phase 6: RickResource fanbois mostly apply their moist, moist lips to Halls glans penis. Secret cabal of BC-ers plan to burn Hall in effigy Phase 7: Ric sales ban imposed. Admins cool as cucumbers while certain forum members (buffs fingernails on lapels) swear eternal blood feud. This brings us up to date. Resources The threads Post of email chain Hall > BC Hall's version of events http://www.rickresource.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=409369&p=801294#p801263"
  11. I wish much joy to those who play, buy, trade and otherwise cherish Rickenbacker basses. I defend to the death their right so to do. That said, the controversy occasioned by these legendary events is such that I have recently been dabbling in a Western movie screenplay which I intend to shop around the major studios at such time as it is completed. I reproduce below two key scenes which go to the heart of the matter The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this draft script are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.
  12. Mr Charles Drake's heartfelt protest against the cruel exclusion of those members of a community who are scorned by the socio-normative hegemony.
  13. I can see how the ongoing vendetta might seem slightly excessive to those unacquainted with the lamentable events of yesteryear. But the exchanges are there in black and white even though it would now take some time and effort to unearth the threads, the emails and the external posts on the Rick forums . Some may wish to search out the links but even now I find the matter still too painful to rehearse in any great detail.
  14. Indeed so. That's about the size of it. Which, funnily enough, I do. The appearance and sound of the 4000 range is very much to my taste and many of my favourite players have sported Rics at one time or another. The first 'expensive' new bass I bought was a high-end Ibanez faker and doubtless I might have gone on to buying a real one in late life had not fate intervened (see below) When hero admin Hamster found himself on the sharp end of bellicose legal threats and outrageous personal obloquy I invoked the NATO principle that an attack on one is an attack on all. I suspended with immediate effect my then imminent purchase of a JetGlo 620 until such time as either Mr Hall is looking at the grass from the wrong side or I am.
  15. One I always enjoy is the Elmore James classic 'Dust My Broom' which is a long change under the slide part, a short (quick) change under the vocal verses and stays on the I at the end of the turnaround rather than go to the V. Another is 'I Can't be Satisfied' which is (IIRC) 11 bars. There's footage somewhere of Jagger leading the Stones in a cover of this. Jagger sings at as a 12 bar while Keith quietly seethes in the background.
  16. If you do, make sure you get a version with the original 1973 mix. From the mid-80's up to 2006 the only CD / digital release available was a horrible remix of the original recordings and there are still lots of copies floating around out there. Speaking from bitter personal experience here.
  17. Welcome to the forum Panzerschreck. Enjoy the journey
  18. Yes, but you can still play it on bass. I've got the tab somewhere.
  19. It is beyond time that BassChat instituted a Lonely Hearts sub-forum. Given the membership's (advanced) age and disproportionately male profile I predict that such an addition would meet with unqualified approval while providing a useful revenue stream with which to fund Mr Ped's account at Messrs Gregg. Of course, I use the term 'Lonely Hearts' in the loosest of senses, my implied meaning being somewhat grittier but regrettably open to bowdlerisation by the much-detested profanity filter.
  20. I am immensely grateful to Ms beabadoobee for having taken such trouble to release this song. It is very easy to evaluate one's like or dislike for a piece of music but far more difficult to quantify one's indifference. She Plays Bass will in future be the yardstick against which I shall compare my apathy towards other releases. I shall ask myself: 'Does (song X) provoke a greater or smaller amount of crushing ennui than She Plays Bass? Is it more or less mediocre?' and the answer will be either 'Yes' or 'No'. To be gifted that sort of mental clarity is to receive a priceless boon.
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