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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. That's the one. It's like a TARDIS - mine's currently accommodating two jumbo acoustics, five electric guitars and two basses. Yes, you have to be careful when they're close together. As for the potential nitro issues, where needed one wraps a strip of clean old cotton sheet around the foam to protect the finish.
  2. When the above is taken in combination with the signed photos offer one may conclude that any number of people have been spectacularly owned by Mr R Styxx. Hats off to him.
  3. In a deliciously satisfying twist, it would seem that Ricky Styxx is indeed a parody account designed presumably in part to snare the unwary. Most satisfactory.
  4. If I were as accomplished a parodist as the late Mr Potter I'd have written the original JoinMyBand Ricky Styxx post as bait designed to provoke people into paroxysms of hatred and sanctimonious drivel. But I didn't. Or did I?
  5. As it happens, I know this guy. Richard's been around for ages in loads of rock bands and though he's a bit corny with his 'image projection' he's actually a really good bloke and totally reliable, unlike most people in bands. When I knew him he was having trouble with a bad glaucoma but he didn't let it get him down or stop him volunteering for a local charity. If he's finally struck it lucky and got himself a gig with a signed band then good luck to him, even if he's got a bit of a showbiz way with words. At least he can quit the zero hours van driving contract if that's what he' still doing . You fell for it, you suckers.
  6. Hi Obra and welcome to the forum
  7. Meryl Streep: And the coveted 2019 BassChat award for Least Heeded Advice goes to ... (opens envelope excessively slowly, drags out tension, pin drops) Streep: LeftyBassman!!! (Camera cuts to celebs whooping and cheering. Elderly gent totters to feet, waves at crowd. Runner-up TimR sobs into his napkin).
  8. Well remembered. I'd been thinking of the Greenbaum original very much to the exclusion of anything else, possibly in a subconscious attempt to forget the Gareth Gates version (with The Kumars, my how we laughed) which in its guise as the 2003 Comic Relief single also got to #1 in the charts despite being as much fun as an outbreak of Ebola at CenterParcs.
  9. I just dragged my missus to the screen to show her your efforts and she was mightily impressed. 'Go back up,' she said. 'Show me the room again'. I complied with her exhortation. 'That's lovely,' she said. 'You could do something like that'. Seems like I owe you a beer (or even an entire crate) Matt
  10. Indeed so. Back in '77 a mate of mine had them on constant play.
  11. It seems you didn't get my retirement memo, Rich. All wet work and deniable black flag ops are now in the capable hands of @lozkerr and her team of Albanian gangsters. (10% extra for the sonic disrupter). God, yes, the trouble we've had in the past with threads about straps. Blood up the walls, mods being carried out on stretchers. I hesitate even now to mention the word 'strap'. Just too divisive.
  12. Three timeless one-hit wonders from the Sixties: Spirit In The Sky Eve of Destruction San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)
  13. Why is BC successful? * The owners have got their heads screwed on and they're basically nice people, ditto the mods * The forum's been going for years and years so everyone pretty much knows what to expect and how to comport themselves. * There are loads of sub-forums there's something for everyone * Fairly busy For Sale marketplace with interesting inventory at usually fair prices * The prevailing attitude is 'Whatever floats your boat'. Dogmatic intransigence (though not unknown) raises eyebrows * Fondness for puns (particularly fish, cheese)
  14. Welcome Joe. Enjoy the forum
  15. I suppose it would be invidious to ask who thought it was a good idea to sack the band's social media manager before torturing him for the passwords.
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