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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Thanks for all the quality gear you've made for us BassChatters over the years, OBBM. I think we've always regarded you as the industry standard. Enjoy your retirement and the best of times in your new home
  2. Two options: * Put the guitarist and his rig in the car park. Set the stage up like normal people do. * Sack off the tech-nerd guitarist and get in an old skool playa with a Peavey Bandit No need to thank me
  3. Mate, I'm deeply sorry to hear this but you've given your all and now it's time to rest and re-group. Kudos to you. It'll be a wrench but with your profile and connections you can put something together that gigs a bit less frequently and nearer to home.
  4. While we're at it ... Jailbreak - Thin Lizzy A very fine verse riff.
  5. So not really a plug in and play, fire and forget amp, then? The Rivera was bit like that. Needed endless tweaking. A load of different sounds but none of them 'the sound'
  6. That all sounds jolly exciting! I hope the amp you have in mind turns out to do the biz. As far as power soaks go, I went from the Marshall to a THD and then gave up before I fell into the vortex of madness. So then I bought a smaller amp - a Rivera R55 - which was still too loud so I put a less efficient speaker in it and it was still too loud so I sold the amp and now I wish I hadn't
  7. Here be dragons. So you go off and spend £500 on a nice but too loud amp and a miserable £65 on a power soak. You get it home and play it and think 'H'mm. Does this sound as good as it could?' So you research mid-range power soaks and go off and spend £300 on a better power soak. You get it home and play it and think 'H'mm. Does this sound as good as it could?' So you research high end power soaks and go off and spend £1100 on a UA OX Amp Top box because that's apparently the best power soak around at the moment. You get it home and play it and think 'H'mm. Does this sound as good as it does when I don't use a power soak?' You have now spent £1965.00 on a rig that you're not sure about. So you sell it for a grand and spend £1500 on a small DrZ combo so now you've spent about £2500 and you think 'Blimey, I could have imported a real vintage Princeton Reverb for that money' so you sell off everything you own and enter a monastery. Here's yet another approach: Buy a 70's Silverface Champ and a quality reverb pedal. Ask a tech to put in one switch which takes the tone stack out of the circuit (dirt) and another which switches out the negative feedback ("sparkle").
  8. I've seen that big, ignorant fat f*cker before with his long hair, bald at the front and looking about sixty if he's a day. Watching his channel is like having your car towed away by a 'Private Contractor' and going to their yard to get it back and you go in the Portakabin to pay some fat moron the fine and then you have to find your car and when you do you notice there's a big scratch on your driver's door so you go back to the Portakabin and the fat moron says 'It was like that when we towed it, pal. Prove it wasn't'. Just saying.
  9. So am I, though burying burglars in the back garden is more of a long-term thing. Legal tip: don't forget to bring them with you when you move house.
  10. At this time of year - not too hot, not too cold - it would probably be safe to tape them up in a couple of sturdy bin bags and bury them in the back garden. If that approach doesn't appeal then it's probably safe to put them up in the loft as long as it's just for a few days. I left my first electric guitar in the attic for 18 years then 12 years in a warehouse then two years in a garage. It was fine. YMMV.
  11. I've got an ART MP studio V3. It's good in the sense that using it doesn't sound worse than going straight into the interface but there's no startling improvement in what you hear, IMO, YMMV, etc. The biggest audible differences occur as one scrolls through the various pre-sets and that's as much down to EQ variations. Before you lash out on a valve pre-amp, just for fun it might be worth checking out some VST saturators get a sense of what sounds are available. There are scads of freebies out there including the Ferric TDS a tape simulator which doubles as very flexible saturator / compressor, also the Shattered Glass 1566 and the Klanghelm IVGI. I've used all three, they sound nice and they have their uses.
  12. Joyo JTA-05 guts The Joyo is hand wired in the sense that Joyo's tearful, oppressed child labourers push certain connectors into certain components by hand. Being tiny children, they have tiny hands which is useful when doing detailed work in confined spaces. OTOH it seems the amp has at least two PCB's (the valves mount directly into one of them though it looks they're properly secured into the chassis as well) and those strange plastic coated multi-wire connectors. I suppose one might contend that it's a modern take on turret board construction. I've been thinking about getting one of these for a while now but I can't justify it, this on the grounds that I need to get my old Bassman properly fettled and I don't see that work coming in for less than the cost of the Joyo
  13. At completely the other end of the price spectrum there's the JOYO JTA-05 Sweet Baby. Basically, a 5F1 Champ for under £200. It's not handwired (obvs) but unlike most cheap Champs it's got a valve rectifier which is good because (i) that's how the original Champs were built and (ii) you can swap the valve out for a different sound. I've not played one but people seem to like them. Comprehensive unboxing, first impression and guts-shots review here
  14. A swift butcher's at Google images reveals that Mr Lozz196 is entirely correct.
  15. I do wish you hadn't mentioned that. My finger is now stuck in my left ear and I sound like a 19th-century East Anglian farm worker. "Ner hawlidayer, ner hawlidayer, ner vurst wunnova yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer"
  16. I think that Mr Bonnet's problem was that he had his hair cut short at a time when for a metallist to do so was neither profitable nor popular. That, and the fact that his stage-wear made him look like a Poundland Don Johnson out of Miami Vice. I'm astonished that the notoriously pernicketty Mr Ritchie Blackmore didn't have a word with him about the image thing, Ritchie being such a fashion avatar and all
  17. Actually, they seemed to be entirely unaware that their subtle costume gambit was - er - falling on deaf ears Nah. It was around 2004 at a toilet gig in London's glamorous West End.
  18. Steve Jobs paraphrasing Henry Ford True, but Ford held deeply antisemitic views which met with Hitler's approval. In 1938 Ford was awarded the Grand Cross of the German Eagle on the occasion of his 75th birthday. Hitler cited Ford's book The International Jew as inspirational while Heinrich Himmler described Ford as 'one of our most valuable, important, and witty fighters'. Ford formally repudiated his antisemitic writings in 1942, a month after Pearl Harbour and 27 days after Hitler declared war on the USA, two events which had no influence on his thinking, obvs. German consul Fritz Hailer pins Nazi medal on Ford
  19. I say! Would you like to come up and see my etchings?
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