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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Can we please keep the Brexit stuff out of this thread? It's got nothing to do with the new single or the band's musical trajectory, it causes trouble and no one's got anything new to say. "Leavers" and "Remainers" alike: if you want to bang on about politics, please: either go somewhere else and do it or wrap your heads round the sentiment below:
  2. FWIW their last (imo) fully realised and wholly listenable album Quadrophenia was released 46 years ago
  3. ... and it's a plodding, aimless stinker with lyrics which were vaguely relevant 15 years ago. I love(d) The Who. Why do they do this to me? Now I'm going to have to go off and listen to Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy on repeat for 36 hours.
  4. You make an excellent point, Mr W. I am sure that various bass players have disrobed before an audience. It's just that advancing years have taken their toll and I can't remember much before last Tuesday.
  5. Basically, doffing one's kecks and flaunting one's trouser trout is something that a tiny minority of male singer / front-men were wont to do back in the late 60's - early '70s. Indeed, among big-name performers I can think only of Mr Mr Pop and Mr Jim Morrison who embraced this approach, though lesser or local luminaries will doubtless have followed suit in homage or in imitation. (As an aside, it should be noted that Mr Fee Waybill of The Tubes was accustomed to wear a fake penis, this peeping coyly from his shorts). We should remember that the 1960's was a decade where going 'sky-clad' was very much a thing among young people, in part because to do so symbolised a rejection of bourgeois values. Nowadays, of course, young radicals never take their clothes off, for fear of triggering other young people. Indeed, it would seem that today's adolescents and young adults consider sexual intercourse to be a hate crime. But I digress. Going butt-nekkid in front of an audience is something that almost never happens these days and in olden times it was pretty much only the singer who did it*. Back then the rest of the band customarily remained fully clothed (though I am open to correction) possibly for aesthetic reasons though - more likely - to accentuate the singer's nudity. Nobody attended a Doors or a Stooges concert in the hope that Ray Manzarek or James Williamson would haul his winkle out and in the event that other band-members had brogged off I would have expected both Mr Pop and The Lizard King to have given them a swift punch up the throat. To be honest, most audiences today would be surprised if the singer took off his clothes but bewildered if the bass player did so. 'Why has the chap with the big guitar dropped his strides?' they'd cry. 'It just doesn't make any sense'. * Apart from the dancer Stacia out of Hawkwind
  6. It's still 1972 in here Salisbury. But not in a good way.
  7. Ripe for rearrangement then. Here's my considered advice: Instead of being all tasteful, like, just keep the melody line, play all the chords as maj 5ths, crank the tempo right up up to prestissimo and wig the f*ck out. Solos? Get your guitarist to buy a kazoo and a kazoo holder (like a harp brace). Or he can kick in a filthy, dirty fuzz and play the chords without a solo. Trust me, the punters'll lap it up. Or they'll kill you. Keep us posted PS: I'm not joking. Just reduce these songs to their most basic form, kick the sh*t out of them and see what happens.
  8. Out of curiosity, which specific songs are these?
  9. IIRC, Mr Dusty Hill of ZZ Top supports Mr Gibbons' solos by triggering samples of rhythm guitar / synth parts, etc.
  10. A Fujigen-made C series for £430, maybe a bit less with a haggle? If I needed a Jazz and I was local I'd certainly pop round and have a look at it.
  11. Francis Hall retired in September 1984. That's my notional cut-off date; anything after that is the 'Post-Francis' era afaic. To give credit to Francis Hall it was he who set up Fender's distribution arm in 1948 and worked with Leo until 1953. Also, anyone who names one of his product ranges after the family cat is always going to get a gold star from me. Anyway, they're lovely instruments, even allowing for their quirks.
  12. Indeed. Joking aside and as God is my witness, I'll never buy a Ric while he's running the company.
  13. I think Rics look lovely. I like the sound they make. I've often thought about buying one and I nearly pulled the trigger on a 620 a few years ago. But there's something stopping me.
  14. Respect to you, Sir Most times I'm over in Dublin I stop by this statue and give a nod to The Great Man. I've always wondered how they did the bass and where it came from. And now I know
  15. When I first came here in 2008 a fair number of BC-ers were frequently ragging on Ashdown and alleging that the early (non-UK?) MAGs had a tendency to burst into flame at the slightest provocation. I cannot say if this was true or false. Someone here will probably know.
  16. Let's tread gently here. If we start a trend for Ashdown gear other people will catch on, the prices will shoot up and then where will we be? Scuppered.
  17. One time I boiled my strings, got a spoon and drank some of the scummy water so I could say I'd cooked and eaten myself. IIRC, I didn't taste very nice.
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