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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. 'Isolated Guitar' Recording Emerges of Hendrix Playing All Along The Watchtower Live and Guitarists Everywhere Suddenly Feel Better About Themselves
  2. Chas Hodges was in the 2008 movie Telstar: The Joe Meek Story. 1. The real-life Chas Hodges played the part of Joe Meek's neighbour 2. The part of the young Chas Hodges was played by the actor Ralf Little
  3. And he plays with his thumb - at 0:48
  4. The mystery deepens. According to Wikipedia the jazz bassist Brian Brocklehurst claimed in 1995 to have played on the Downtown sessions. Brocklehurst is definitely credited with backing Clark on other recording sessions so who knows? Either way, it's a cracking song with a great arrangement.
  5. Producer / Engineer Eddie Kramer says it was Hendrix and only Dave Mason's left alive to contradict him and (afaik) he hasn't.
  6. Four, if you include the intro and the outro. I know you already knew that, your's being the rhetorical observation of a seasoned professional and a respected commentator. But younger people might not know this and might in consequence venture into adulthood unprepared for the tsunami of opprobium that would break over their heads were they not to be cognisant of the 'four-ness' of Hendrix's Watchtower solos. It is for the benefit of our nation's smiling children that they be apprised of this grave matter; our knowledge is our legacy and it would be churlish to deny them this boon.
  7. If one cannot transpose a half step one would be best advised not to play jazz gigs. FWIW I once found myself depping a jazz gig entirely by accident and without any warning. There was a fearful stramash, hard words were exchanged on stage and the gig ended prematurely. In this example, I would have been advised to practice saying 'Maybe' rather than 'Yes' to every dep that came along.
  8. First heard the expression 'Po-Po' in The Wire and the last season of that was 11 years ago. No, the police-y epithet du jour here in South Central Wiltshire is 'Some Pilchards', as in: 'Gim muh wrap a facefizz*' 'Ess U some pilchards?' 'Nah sai if wuz. Hur hur hur'. 'Hur hur hur' * Cocaine
  9. Why Festivals (Especially Reading) Are Perceived To Be A Wasteland Of Musical Ghastliness * Festivals used to be about the music rather than 'the festival experience' because 'the festival experience' was usually very unpleasant * Shrewd business tactics on the part of festival organisers led to an improvement of 'the festival experience' to the point where 'the festival experience' became the main draw rather than the music * In consequence, most people who go to mainstream festivals do so for 'the festival experience' rather than the music * People who prioritise 'the festival experience' are often people who like music made for people who don't like music * Festival promoters therefore book bands who make music for people who don't like music * People who don't like music made for people who don't like music don't like the bands who make music for people who don't like music * People who don't like bands who make music for people who don't like music won't go to festivals because the bands at festivals are mostly those who make music for people who don't like music but who prioritise going to festivals because of 'the festival experience' * People who inhabit bass forums tend to be people who don't like bands who make music for people who don't like music * Festival line-ups comprised of bands who make music for people who don't like music will attract criticism on bass forums Ergo: Most festival threads on bass forums will be critical of festival line-ups. See also: festival selfies, banners, performative display, DJ sets.
  10. Don't get me started about parking in Devizes. I used to live there (well, couple miles outside) and parking was a complete mare unless one left it until late in the afternoon.
  11. It's a live stream from Santa Ana, California of a Rickentank being taken out by a Standard Fireworks 'Merlin' rocket (£5.99 from all good retailers). The entirely useless Rickentank is constructed from Rickenbacker's shoddy R tailpieces which explains why it flies apart like a Vegan finding a pound of sausages in his Tesco home delivery.
  12. My apologies for the error above. This should have read: 'a Wallis Simpson coach'. 1936: Mrs Simpson and King Edward VIII prior to the abdication
  13. Calm down, dear. My associate @lozkerr is totally across this. She'll be coming down in a Wallis Arnold coach with her silent disco radio jammer, the cast of the Edinburgh Tattoo and a couple of tasty* Albanian geezers. The kiddie-winkies'll be home in no time. As for the other matter... * Albanian gangsters taste like smoky bacon crisps. Fact.
  14. [Pedantry] With which to knock me about the head [/Pedantry] Anyway, I'd like to see him try. Take him easy. At NAMM 2017 Chris Martin IV (who's a little skinny bloke maybe 9 stone wringing wet) put him in a headlock and simultaneously gave him a wedgie. Of course, Hall went on the Rick Resource and claimed he'd won and they all went 'Woo-woo! Mr Hall, we love you, you're such a dude!' Then the pictures came out and he was reduced to saying it was just play-fighting. Another time, he got into it with teeny-tiny Susanna Hoffs out of The Bangles over a QC issue and she cleaned his clock, knocked three of his teeth out and sent him home in a f*cking ambulance. So, no. He could try and then I'd go...
  15. Why this seeming unfinished guitar on the wall of RIC's gallery?
  16. Bridge lift as illustrated by a lift bridge* *OK It's a bascule bridge but you know what I mean.
  17. Quite so. In 1936 Goering addressed a meeting of the Air Council, observing: 'Diese Rickenbacker-Kampfflugzeuge können nur so lange als Notlösung angesehen werden, bis das Reich die Nationen beherrscht, die von Aluminium überflutet werden. Sie sind ein bisschen scheiße, und der Mann, der die Rickenbacker Fabrik Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts leiten wird, wird ein Schweinehund sein'* (These Rickenbacker war planes can only be considered a stopgap until such time as the Reich has established dominance over those nations which enjoy a surfeit of aluminium. They are a bit stinky poo and the man who will be running the Rickenbacker factory at the end of the twentieth century will be a pig-dog). * source: William L Shirer - The Rise And Fall of the Third Reich
  18. I know. When the Nazis secretly stepped up re-armament in 1934 it was discovered that German domestic production of aluminium was insufficient to meet the Luftwaffe's needs. Increasing imports of block aluminium would have tipped off foreign intelligence services. Ernst Udet Goring's Director of Aircraft Research and Development the veteran WW1 fighter ace Ernst Udet hit upon a cunning plan to secretly acquire the aluminium necessary for air frames. Through intermediaries in Portugal, Spain and Switzerland Udet purchased 40,000 Rickenbacker Frying Pan guitars, the bodies of which were made of cast aluminium. The guitars arrived in Lisbon, Madrid and Basel and then secretly shipped to an off-the-books foundry in the Ruhr where they were melted down and recast for use as aircraft components such as fuselage longerons, ending up in Junkers bombers including the much-feared Ju87 'Stuka' dive bomber. Due to combat attrition in Spain 1937-1938 and replacement for wear and tear it is unlikely (though not impossible) that any of the Rickenbackerkampfflugzeuge (Rickenbacker war planes) flew in action during the period 1939-1940. As every schoolboy knows, the ME109E's which fought the RAF during the Battle of Britain had nothing to do with Rickenbacker, being constructed from melted-down Kramer necks.
  19. 1. It's a bloke on his own who wants to start an originals band which straddles sub-genres. The point where those bands overlap is basically a swamp of stodgy, re-tread 80's / 90's rock. Avoid. 2. It's a covers band. Show me the money. 3. Eagles Trib. Six (biggish?) gigs a year. Nice side project but I can't sing that high (or at all). 4. I think it's great that young people still want to be in bands. But I'm old enough to be their grandpa and I don't think they want to hear stories about how I got up one morning and made myself a piece of toast and set the toaster to three. Medium-brown.
  20. Doubtless this may have been the case for many dab consumers and I wish them joy of it. But liquorice is a line beyond which I will not go and my aversion goes so far back that I cannot now recall its genesis. I may as a small child have once choked upon a Liquorice Allsort. Perhaps Bertie Bassett awakens an unreasoning primal animus deep in my psyche. It is all rather difficult and even discussing liquorice is putting me on edge. Deep breath in, deep breath out, deep breath in, deep breath out.
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