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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Then there's: Why do Elephants paint their toenails red? So they can hide in cherry trees Why do ducks have flat feet? So they can stamp out forest fires Why do elephants have flat feet? So they jump out of the cherry trees and stamp out the blazing ducks
  2. Reminds me of the old gag: "My dog's got no nose" "How does he smell?" "He can't. He hasn't got a nose. Are you deaf or just stupid?"
  3. I can't remember who was behind FinnBass (was it Finn?) but I'm sure tBBC went over there some time after it launched Absolutely!
  4. Seconded. I remember a few years ago reading a scattering of very unpleasant posts about Ped and BC on Finnbass. I'd joined Finnbass because a couple of people I liked had gone over there. I visited on a number of occasions but the traffic was a little slow and threads took time to evolve (which is perfectly understandable and reasonable in a spin-off forum, NOI). It struck me that far from being a cross between TB and The Lord Of The Flies Finnbass was simply a bass forum where 99% of the members seemed entirely normal but a tiny number of them exhibited two striking characteristics. The first was that they were obsessed with BC and the second was that they were horrible c*nts.
  5. Although Godin has almost the same sized body the Bridge / saddles on P are much nearer the end of the body so 12th fret and nut feel 'closer'. (Ikay got there before me and explains it better )
  6. You're much too kind. The BBC was in a whole different league, looked better than me in a beret and is a very nice man in person.
  7. One time I affectionately referred on BC to FinnBass as being a sort of Devil's Island and a tiny but vocal minority of the islanders failed to see the funny side. Like I f*cking cared. Still miss the BigBeefChief though.
  8. Good job I fished this out of your dustbin last year. No, you can't have it back.
  9. It has much to recommend it. I would add that the development of the guitar amplifier permitted blues guitarists to translate acoustic Delta Blues into the amplified Chicago form which - having achieved sectional popularity - merged with country music to give birth to Rock 'n' Roll which itself influenced the Stones and The Beatles, giving shape to the twin predominant strands (blues-based / pop-based) of Rock, the musical genre which flourished from the early '60's to the mid-90's and which continues to inform the common cultural paradigm embraced by approximately 92% of BC's membership. TLDR: No guitar amps > no Chicago Blues > no Rock > prolly no BassChat.
  10. I never said that eyeball vices don't work and even if I did my words have been quoted out of context. I may on one occasion many years ago have said that eyeball vices don't work but I was a young person at the time and I have since been on a personal journey which has taught me that eyeball vices work. Many of my best friends are eyeball vices and my record as a supporter of enhanced rights for eyeball vices is unchallenged. My supporters will tell you there is not an anti-eyeball vice bone in my body. Any suggestion to the contrary will attract the attentions of my solicitors Messrs. Sue, Grabbit and Run.
  11. Anyway, I'm off out for that spray paint. Laters, gators.
  12. An unfortunate faux-pas on her account. Good job you saw the funny side.
  13. I rather think you are In the pre-YT era Mr Jemmot released a teaching video which was - I regret - somewhat disappointing. There is a wealth of recorded material out there to explore and which indicates that Mr Jemmot is a very fine and nowadays overlooked bass player.
  14. This reminds me of former BC-er BassFerret whose reply to most polite enquiries was 'Google it, FFS!' Eventually he went completely mad and passed over to the other Other Forum - FinnBass - which was in part a sort of refuge for disaffected former BC-ers who thought BC was just a wee bit too uptight. At one time we spoke here of little else than FinnBass and the possibility that it might pose an existential threat to BC but everything went quiet and we just carried on as normal. Great times.
  15. Oh, ffs Ricky, you mentioned the War. We'll have that chap here any minute going on about 'unjustifiable pride in militarism' and everything will go to sh*t. Well, even more to sh*t than hithertofore.
  16. I know. It's what they put in their sausages.
  17. Number Six: Whose side are you on? Number Two: That would be telling. We want information… information… information. Number Six: You won't get it. Number Two: By hook or by crook, we will. Number Six: Who are you? Number Two: The new Number Two. Number Six: Who is Number One? Number Two: You are Number Six. Number Six: I am not a number! I am a free man!
  18. Buy this stuff. It's not cheap but it does the job. Four years later and my ears are as firmly affixed as the day I glued them on.
  19. So many responses have occurred to me that I regret I must defer my reply until such time as a clear winner has emerged.
  20. I realise that now might not be the best time to be at variance with you but I would respectfully submit that you may have forgotten Mr Michael Manring, he whose oeuvre consists in the main of pingy-pongy harmonics and whose magnum opus is his Variations On A Theme Of Extreme Mundanity. Scientific studies have proven that Mr Manring is a gateway drug to Class A 'wood shedding' and no effort should be spared in keeping his name in front of a justifiably alarmed public.
  21. No. Keep the John Hall. Fretmeister's peeing his pants at the thought of Hall suing the forum, whether through abject terror or the expectation of a massive payday it remains to be seen.
  22. No, don't! Strike that! Do it, do it, do it!
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