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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. My compliments to Mr @NancyJohnson. This is turning out to be one of the most entertaining threads for ages
  2. Arian's a lovely chap, a rotund little ball of fun when he's not stabbing Triad envoys in the eye; but it's his older brother Fatbardh who takes care of the money. 50% upfront, 50% within 28 days is the deal, all expenses must be receipted, so pretty much industry standard. Thankfully, Fatbardh doesn't have the Kukësa lip, but try not to notice his missing ear, nose, hand and foot, his twitch, his shrill, high-pitched voice and his inability to pronounce the letters R, W and Y. Other than that it's a cakewalk.
  3. My apologies for the typo in my post above. My friend and former business associate Mr Arian (redacted) is neither moustachioed nor possessed of a cleft palate. It is simply the case that those who hail from his particular mountain village of Kukësa exhibit a localised genetic abnormality which causes excessive hair growth on the lower lip. Not below the lip, like an inverted moustache or a goatee beard, but actually upon the lip. Hence, poor Arian has a hairy lip - which is what my original post should have made clear and to which end I have corrected my error. Mr (redacted) is sensitive about this abnormality in part because neighbouring villages have traditionally cast scorn upon 'the Kukësa lip' and oft-times joke about Kukësaians fellating the mountain Ibex indigenous to that part of Albania. To this day Arian feels the whiplash of shame and is not unnaturally prey to sudden outbreaks of extreme violence should he feel he is in any way being disrespected. In drawing @lozkerr's attention to Arian's chief visual characteristic I was animadverting her to the potentially catastrophic outcome of even appearing to notice his lip-beard. The last chap to do so ended up with a K-Bar knife in his eye.
  4. I detect the hand of a seasoned professional in these proposed arrangements. Although I'm now retired please don't hesitate to send me your details so I can pass them on to an Albanian of my acquaintance who's got something lined up. Arian's a lovely chap but try not to stare at his hair hairy lip. He's a bit touchy about it.
  5. From a quick search of Mr Carruthers' name I suspect there are any number of people who might relish a face-to-face encounter with him. If you're going to drive I'd recommend you hire a minibus. In any event, let's hope the legal beagles can resolve matters to our satisfaction.
  6. I think basically my reason for supporting this campaign is to help the Bonzos to get their name back ... Then changing the law so that this sort of thing can't happen. Send money now, worry about the details later https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/bonzodogbanned/
  7. Band names being stolen in exploitation of 'figurative trademark' registration loophole. Support campaign here: https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/bonzodogbanned/ Straight cut and paste below from campaign: ________________________________________________________________________ THE BONZO DOG DOO-DAH BAND WANT TO GET THEIR NAME BACK! PLEASE HELP 'THE BONZOS', MODERN ROMANCE AND THE MUSICIAN'S UNION CHANGE UK TRADEMARK LAW! In 2017 the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band discovered that in 2015 an entity had registered their name as a 'figurative trademark' ; the name that they have been associated with since the 1960s when they had a Paul McCartney produced hit ‘I’m the Urban Spaceman’ and appeared in the crossover Monty Python TV show ‘Do Not Adjust Your Set’. The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band trademark registration legally entitles the owner to both the name and the associated goodwill and was registered without the consent or the knowledge of the band. As a result of the grant of the trademark The Bonzos may never be able to record an album or perform a concert under their name ever again. In the two years which have elapsed since this dispute began one member of the band, Sam Spoons, has sadly passed away. The band are challenging the decision to grant the trademark but need your help. To make matters worse The Bonzos are also facing a lawsuit by the trademark owner that asserts the band does not own the name and that their attempt to win it back through the IPO Tribunal service amounts to a fraudulent conspiracy. The band are vigorously contesting this COSTLY claim AND URGENTLY NEED YOUR HELP. Even when the Bonzo's win, the legal loophole in the UKs Trademark laws that threatens artists and their intellectual property in every sphere of the industry will remain. This is not an isolated incident. The 1980's band Modern Romance are known for their hits 'Best Years of Our Lives' (re-recorded by the Baha Men for Shrek) 'Ay Ay Ay Moosey' and 'Everybody Salsa'. Recently they had to fight a two year battle to get back their name. They lost thousands of pounds worth of live work after someone registered Modern Romance as a trademark without their permission. HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN ? Under current UK legislation anyone can register a band's name, i.e their Intellectual Property, by simply logging on to the IPO (Intellectual Property Office) website, paying a fee of £200 and ticking a box that confirms they are the owner of the name. The IPO does not ask applicants to provide any evidence of ownership, and unless the name has already been registered, a trademark is granted to the applicant. The next time the rightful owner decides to use the name, they can be held to ransom by the new owner. The band are appealing to their fans, musicians and lovers of music to help by contributing what they can to assist them in their struggle. This is an issue critical to every performing artist in the country. Whatever you can give will be put towards ensuring that these National Treasures are able to retain the name that they believe is rightfully theirs, as well as amending the arcane legislation which is currently ripe for exploitation and causing widespread harm and expense to the artistic community in the UK. If you are a performing artist or are in a band you are at risk. ______________________________________________________
  8. Here's a link to the luthier thread. Like someone above I'd also recommend Peter at Guitar Technical Services near Warwick. https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/26654-recommended-luthiers/
  9. I believe the considered view at the time was that Knopfler minor exhibited the capabilities of a competent rhythm player who favoured solidity over complexity; an approach which many us might profitably espouse. In any event, Knopfler major was content to keep his brother in the band until they fell out during the recording of the Making Movies album. Legend has it that the rupture came about in this way: the producer Jimmy Iovine took MK along to a Springsteen session where everyone was crawling and fawning and generally toadying to 'The Boss'. Iovine pointed out to Knopfler that the only way to make a great record was to impose one's will upon events and people. Knopfler returned to his own sessions where he adopted a slightly less 'democratic' persona than hithertofore. Brother David resisted this development; harsh words were exchanged; bags were packed. The rest is history.
  10. About 20 years ago our then next door neighbour says: 'My sister's going out with a bloke who plays guitar. You should get together'. 'Oh,' says I. 'Is he any good?' 'He used to be in a band with his brother. His name's Dave ... Knopfler, I think'. "
  11. Classic example of mission creep brought on by personnel turnover. The band has clearly descended into a vortex of ego, narcotics and procrastination so you're better off out of it. Now go find another band, gig yer ar$e off and trouser some wedge.
  12. WD Music do three-ply plates in BWB and WBW for the Jap RI and likewise for the American vintage, cost £26.95. Also tons of other colours for more money.
  13. Quite so. A single cut and a double cut with the softer radius edges to the body. An option of a proper TV yellow rather than the mustardy colour they used in the mid-2000's. Gloss rather than satin finish. A fix for the age-old problem where the wraparound bridge leans slightly forward in the studs and which doesn't involve shelling out £35 for Tone-Pros locking replacements. A basic hard shell case. For £800 rather than £1500. The late Mr Johnny Thunders with his DC LPJ
  14. Les Paul Standard: Eric Clapton / Mike Bloomfield Les Paul Junior: Leslie West / Johnny Thunders / Mick Jones Mosrite Ventures II: Johnny Ramone Ibanez Tubescreamer: Stevie Ray Vaughan Schaffer-Vega Diversity Wireless: Angus Young Marshall Lead 12: Billy Gibbons
  15. There's nothing wrong with purloining the occasional sartorial cue from those musicians who have played a formative role in our personal development just as long as we don't overdo it. For myself, I specifically wear the same brand of socks as did the late Mr John Entwistle during the period 1973 -1998 (M&S towelling socks / Black) but I don't make a song and dance about it; it's a discreet homage between me and my shoes. But dressing up as Hendrix in a tie-dyed tee-shirt and a bandana would be de trop unless, perhaps, one were performing in a Hendrix tribute act like the gentleman pictured below. Crikey! You'd swear it was Jimi come back from the grave.
  16. You won't be thanking us when the GAS kicks in, your house fills up with basses and rigs and your partner starts giving you the hairy eyeball
  17. Oh, Jack! You're such a cutie, there. Your life ahead of you and a full head of wavy hair. Anyway, the sideburns. Were they an homage to Mike Nesmith or a pre-cognitive stab at the Wolverine look as latterly popularised by Mr Hugh Jackman? Joshing aside, that's a lovely picture
  18. Hi Chris and welcome to the forum. If you decide to check out gear for sale here on BassChat be aware that there's a Feedback sub-forum where members review other members with whom they've transacted. Not everyone is on there but it's a useful indicator. There are also helpful threads on Avoiding Rip-Offs, Couriers and Packing and PayPal Gift Payments Have a great time here
  19. It's a bit like the Gibson Hendrix Strat package over in the current Gibson thread which included a (printed) tie-dye tee shirt and a bandana. It's all a bit w@nky, as if we're really going to dress up like our heroes and go 'Look, Mum, I'm Hendrix'. If manufacturers are going to be doing retro classic rock case candy then they should strive for greater authenticity and include a handwritten set list, an empty miniature of Jack Daniels, a cling film wrap of red Leb and an opened packet of Benson & Hedges.
  20. Absent any further details this looks quite interesting. In short, it reads like Gibson are (i) granting certain independent boutique luthiers and peripherals makers a license to use Gibson-trademarked shapes and (ii) promoting those individuals / companies through Gibson's marketing channels. It's not clear how the new licensees are expected to reciprocate. Must they pay a license fee? Promote the fact they're now licensed? Say nice things about Gibson? On the face of it, this development is in line with Gibson's stated preference for collaboration rather than confrontation but begs the question as to why they released the - er - confrontational 'Play Authentic' video. Perhaps this was what they meant all along but Agnesi either got the tone wrong or was poorly briefed. Either way, it seems to be a step in the right direction but only time will tell.
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