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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. One's first reaction is 'Oh, do mess off, Fender'. The second is 'For how much less than £12k could I knock one of those up?' And - as I never cease to mention - Lynott's back-up P-bass went for meagre £800 at auction a couple of years after he died, mainly because he'd thoroughly wee-wee'd his reputation up the wall after he left Lizzy Don't get me wrong, I think he was a great man but there was a period of about five years either side of his death when he was regarded by many as a sad joke, hence the paltry auction price. How times change.
  2. I would defy any man to advance a more concise or accurate summary of the loon trouser. It simply can't be done. Nice work, Sir
  3. Who could forget The Captain and Chenille?
  4. Flying Vee The Gibson Custom shop knocked out lovingly handcrafted a limited run of 300 Hendrix V's in 2007 for sale at a mere $12k apiece (rolls eyes). But you're right. Anyone would think they'd have something out there for a couple of grand. That Gib-Strat Returning to the Gibson Hendrix Str*t, let us never forget that the guitar was only part of a complete entry-level guitar package that also included " a Hendrix signature Voodoo Child amplifier, and a Foxey Fuzz pedal ... an instructional DVD and a USB drive containing exclusive Hendrix media content and a “Hendrix inspired tie-dyed tee-shirt and bandana.” ' Who among us aspiring to Mr Hendrix's spirituality and technical prowess might not eagerly don the included apparel and headwear. After all, tone isn't in your fingers; it's all in the bandana. Above: Not remotely exploitative marketing exercise by Juskiewiecz-era Gibson
  5. I last saw a pair of loons in public in 1979. Any sightings later than this date? (Ironic, costume or fancy-dress purposes excluded).
  6. One might agree that Gibson transgressed the boundaries of good taste with that item were it not that Fender's current Hendrix offering is likewise a lefty neck on a righty body. Strangely, this 2019 below is the first Fender Hendrix trib since 2002, a curious 17 year gap which might reward investigation. Frankly, I have never understood why Fender no longer simply chop out a left-handed Strat with a modified logo (below). They look much nicer than the lefty-righty Frankensteins (no Eddie ref) but I suppose they're a bit more difficult to play (pots and wang-bar).
  7. Sees pics above, breaks down and weeps. You're just torturing us now, Walshy
  8. £32.40 for a Jedson in 1971 is about £450 today (source: BoE Inflation Calculator)
  9. PS: Dingwall under the cosh for Thunderbird Infringement? (Cross post)
  10. When Gibson issued their slightly more emollient statement last week it seemed like they might claw back an inch of credibility. But if there's one thing guaranteed to upset fanbois more than Gibson having a run at Dean it's Gibson's lawyers lobbing cease and desist letters at neighbourhood guitar shops while encouraging them to nark on other dealers. It's at times like this that I lie awake at night wondering if I was too hard on Henry Juskiewiecz. Because these guys seem to be hurtling off the map at 100mph whereas Hank was just a moron. And we're still awaiting any kind of marketplace reaction to the new 2019 product runs. Is the QC still sh*t? Have some of the longer term issues been sorted? Are Guitar Centre still mashing up defective Lesters rather than send them back? I do not know but I think we should be told.
  11. You could always use one of those forwarding companies like Viabox where SD ship to US address, forwarder sends it to you. Trouble with US purchases is the additional shipping, import duty and VAT. As you say, maybe a UK pickup maker's the way forward. Anyhow, good luck with your quest
  12. Maybe make an approach to the Seymour Duncan custom shop, see how much they'd charge you to build something to fit? http://customshop.seymourduncan.com/ Edit: Also Bill Lawrence's daughter's pickup company here https://www.wildepickups.com/
  13. I've said this before but various people here scoffed at the idea, scoffed I tell you. Bollocks to them. Bass V: An instrument of surpassing offset loveliness, ymmv.
  14. Welcome to the forum! Thanks for joining us and we hope you have a good time here
  15. My problem is that the song title An Old Windmill in Amsterdam immediately reminded me of the Max Bygraves 'hit' Tulips From Amsterdam and now I can't get that song out of my head. 'When it's spring again, I bring again...' Tulips song: Weapons-grade schlock
  16. Yes he did but was fired after personal tensions developed between the two anthopomorphs. Topo Gigio explained later that when he was around Calamero 'it always felt I was walking on eggshells'.
  17. True. Topo Gigio only ever played fours as seen on the cover of his early 60's single Mamma Twist. It's an unforgettable musical experience.
  18. Principality Shocked As Greatest Ever Welsh Poet Blasts Pop Star Richter Von Rickenbacher In Kids TV Sci-Fi Spat By Fox News Wales Reporter Tudor Fordor The late Dylan Thomas spells it out Le tout Wales reeled today as previously dead poet Dylan Thomas rose from the grave to denounce pop musician and respected international cheese commentator Mr Richter 'Ricky' Von Rickenbacher as a purveyor of codswallop. Said Mr Thomas: 'There I was having a fag and enjoying eternity when someone came round to my house and said "That Ricky, he reckons the whole Gerry Anderson TV show thing was nothing to do with him". Well, I'm here to tell Ricky Von Rickenbacher I don't know if it was him or if it wasn't. But it's codswallop. Or it isn't. I don't care actually. Mr Thomas added: 'Christ, this 21st century is a bit unpleasant. I need a drink. I need several drinks'. A spokesman for Mr Von Rickenbacher said that his client entirely refuted any suggestion that he was responsible for the puppet-related thread derail. The spokesman added: 'It's not the sort of thing he does'. Next story: 90 Year-old Nun in Mercy Dash To Palace
  19. Well I don't own a 70's Vibe but I played one in a shop one time and it was fine. People here generally seem to like Squiers and I don't particularly recall anyone slagging off this model. Hopefully someone will be along in a bit with some more detailed information
  20. It's certainly a mystery what goes into David's burgers. In other news: sudden decline in local rat population.
  21. For the avoidance of confusion I lay before you a map which indicates the location of the North of England.
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