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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Agnesi: (speaking in tones of hushed reverence) "The one I got in my hands. The big daddy of them all. The Les Paul." Ah, yes. A Gold Top with a visibly squint bridge pick-up. Screengrab from Agnesi video
  2. Most threads I start seldom get beyond the first page, so I wouldn't want to damn its chances Excellent choice, Sir. "Do you know, when I were a lad you could get a tram down into t'town, buy three new suits an' an ovvercoat, four pair o' good boots, go an' see George Formby at t'Palace Theatre, get blind drunk, 'ave some steak an' chips, bunch o' bananas an' three stone o' monkey nuts an' still 'ave change out of a farthing".
  3. Me mum won't let me mend it in the kitchen. I've got to fix it in the garding Produced by Jeff Lynne Musical backing by Gonzalez who charted with Haven't Stopped Dancing Yet We really need a thread about UK novelty singles.
  4. Johnny Cash's version is probably the best known but ... Wikipedia: "written by Danny Dill and Marijohn Wilkin and originally recorded by Lefty Frizzell."
  5. As is the case with many songs, a cursory examination of the lyrics to Brown Sugar suggests that it would be perfectly possible to re-write them for a female singer. For example: Drums beatin' cold, English blood runs hot Lady Master of the house wonderin' when it's gonna stop This would provide a happy resolution for everyone
  6. It's a very clever bit of work. Ostensibly a simple love song, closer inspection suggests it's about a stalker. Indeed, Sting has at times suggested that it's based on his break-up with his then wife Frances Tomelty. Then years after its release he finally reveals that it's all about him as a child observing his mother's infidelities and betrayals. What to believe?
  7. When I mentioned earlier that the Greens might displace "one of the two great parties who have dominated German politics since 1949" I spoke too soon. It seems they might displace both great parties as two recent opinion polls show them ahead of Mrs Merkel's CDU / CSU alliance. Ach du meine Güte! Is a Green Chancellor in a broad left coalition with the SPD on the cards? Or is this simply mid-term blues for a tired administration? Either way, it points to a fragmentation of the traditionally dominant broad left / broad right alignments. This is Skank Del Var for BassChat Euronews. Now back to the studio.
  8. The bugger in the short sleeves f*cked my wife Did it quick and split Back home, fresh as a daisy to Maisy, oh Maisy And the twelve-bore it stood in the corner Quite operatic in its self-disgust It blew him all over the living room floor Like parrot sh*t, parrot spit, parrot sh*t was shot John Cale - Guts (Written shortly after Mr Cale discovered that Mr Kevin Ayers had trespassed upon Mr Cale's marital relationship)
  9. Presumably the preppers think they won't be needing guitars when the Illuminati deploy the black helicopters. And they'd be right.
  10. Could be tendinopathy. I've got this and it's taking months to get better. Worse, it's led to a bit of frozen shoulder. If you've got the same problem as me then a combination of rest, exercises, physio, NSAID's, painkillers, time and cursing will sort it. Either way, get it looked at by a pro rather than a GP and see if you can get the shoulder scanned in order to correctly identify the issue.
  11. Welcome M-rek! Hope you enjoy the forum
  12. TBH, I think Albrecht did most of the smashing and trashing. He looks like a harmless, rather bookish ethnologist but put a few Jägermeisters into him and he's a total beast. Anyway, the details are all in my privately-published monograph 'Debauchery In Europe: a vade-mecum for the degenerate traveller'. You may judge for yourself.
  13. I really couldn't agree more. As has often been said: '"If a mighty falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" A point to ponder given the importance of the forest in the German cultural psyche as exemplified by the works of Grimm, Von Kleist, Hebbel, Stifter and Rainer Maria Rilke. According to my old drinking pal and wing-man the ethnologist Albrecht Lehmann, the German national self-image is still nourished by the forest: “The Germans are the people of the forest par excellence”, he maintained in 2001 in his essay Waldbewusstsein und Waldwissen in Deutschland, a magisterial work completed only a few weeks before we rampaged together through the bars and bordellos of Hamburg in a feat of heroic decadence perhaps unmatched in the history of that city.
  14. That's right. (i) Wishy-washy Adjective: insipid in quality or character. Synonyms: (Food, drink) Thin, watery. (Personality) Vapid, milk-and-water, effete, limp, namby-pamby, wet, pathetic, weak-kneed Example: "So he said 'The world's about to end and we're all going to die!' and I said 'Don't be getting all wishy-washy' " Adverb: Wishy-washily - in a wishy-washy manner (ii) In the 2019 German EP elections the Greens increased their vote share by 9% and nearly doubled their number of Europarl seats to 21. This reflects a wider trend where the previously ascendant centre-left SPD has rapidly been losing ground to GRÜNE. In the event that the SPD withdraw from the current grand coalition (GroKo) it has been bruited by some that the Greens could strike a deal with the CDU/CSU and enter government, thereby displacing one of the two great parties who have dominated German politics since 1949. Or not. Who can really say? Either way, we face the possibility that the nation of Frederick the Great, Bismarck and Moltke the elder might be run by a bunch of tree-huggers. Personally I blame Udo Lindenberg, Ton Steine Scherben and Nena for this frankly terrifying development.
  15. IME, ruthless Teutonic efficiency is very much a thing of the past. The last time I encountered a ruthlessly efficient Teuton was about 1987, since which time they've all been wishy-washy Green types driving around in cars with 'Atomkraft? Nein Danke' stickers on the back. That said, it was a slightly eerie experience travelling on Chiltern lines a few years ago and seeing the ticket office people with their DB (Deutsche Bahn) staff lanyards.
  16. One time during an interview I realised that I really didn't want the job. When the guy asked me if I had any questions I replied: 'If Train A leaves London at 9 AM and proceeds north at 60 mph and train B leaves Edinburgh at 10 AM and proceeds south at 50 mph, at what time will the two trains pass each other?' Worked a treat.
  17. Best paid and most mind-numbing job ever was when I was attached to an 8 person sub-team on a project led by Hewlett Packard and working on a staff internet usage policy (!) Six months on site, five days a week to turn out a 4 page document which basically said: Don't view porn via the company network Use 11 point Arial for emails Er... ... that's it As one might expect the company in question was an absolute swamp of management-speak.
  18. In fairness, both situations might pertain. I consulted to a number of companies where the management asked me to help them establish KPI's where the brief was usually heavy on the objectives of the exercise but were significantly light on specifics. So I'd toddle off to have a chat with the people on the front line. Then I'd come back and marry up the actualities with the objectives. I often got the feeling I was there to spare the management the necessity of discussing specifics with those they employed to do the job. Might this have been because so many senior personnel these days seem to be management generalists who flit between industrial sectors and are happier talking about management theory and strategy rather than the nuts and bolts? Who can say?
  19. When reading job ads I enjoy speculating as to how the employer came up with the list of 'character requirements'. When an ad emphasises a need for 'honesty' 'directness' and an unwillingness to 'play the blame game' I wonder about the previous incumbent and whether this weighed upon the recruiter's mind. "So what kind of person do we need?" "Well, no one like Bob, that's for sure. Got up everyone's nose, his team hated him. Totally clueless about the industry" "Stole the cash from the coffee fund. Boffed his PA. Got drunk and slagged us all off at the Trade Show, totalled his car and said someone had stolen it" "So: open, direct, a great mentor, a passion for values alignment..." "Values alignment? What does that mean?" "Dunno, but it sounds good".
  20. I feel sorry for young people today. IME, job ads have been heading in this direction for the last twenty years or so. Tons of pious crap like "must be prepared to crawl over broken glass and barbed wire to deliver against key performance metrics; world-class team engagement skills 200% essential". IMO, bonkers job ads stem from the fashionable idea of superimposing inappropriately controlling and over-complicated management techniques on otherwise simple jobs. It's all of a one with the kind of buzzword bingo which suffuses meetings, 'mission statements' and corporate press releases. Hot drinks machines become 'beverage vending solutions'. Ratcatchers become 'rodent extermination executives'. It is not enough that a company simply does whatever it is they do; they must be 'passionate' about it. It's linguistic hyper-inflation. I am reminded of the Simpsons' episode where some Hollywood types are sat round a table discussing something and one of them is banging on in corporate speak and a colleague says something like: "So, basically, we're all randomly using big words so that other people think we're smart? (pause) I'm fired, aren't I?"
  21. Worst case scenario, all you're out is a couple of quid for a nail buffer and it's given you both something new and different to talk about.
  22. Use this 'setback' to further build upon your relationship by demonstrating a wish to share your partner's interests. For example: Beauticians are sharply divided about the merits of nail buffing e.g. "You risk wearing away the surface of your nails, making nails thinner and thinner, more and more weak. Extensive buffing causes heat as well which makes the nail surface brittle and prone to chipping. "If you have healthy, moisturised nails, they’ll have a pretty natural shine without mechanical buffing". Explain to your spouse that you were thinking only in her best interests by rendering her nail buffer inoperable and that it is your intention to purchase some nail moisturiser for her. Better still, book her an appointment at a local nail bar and bank the brownie points against your next incoming bass.
  23. Spreading disaster wherever I go.
  24. Oh, absolutely. The nail-buffing stick-thing is a cheap and inferior option to Crinson's task-specific fret rubbers.
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