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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. I very much hope this isn't an indication that a certain Milwaukee bassist is about to quit his band... But if so, here's how I do it: * Tip up for rehearsal without your gear * Tell them you've always hated them * Chin someone * Leave the room and go straight to the parking lot * Shove a potato up the tail-pipe of each of your bandmates' cars. Or p*ss in their tanks. It doesn't really matter. * Call the promoters for all the band's upcoming bookings and tell them the band can't do the dates. Let the band find out the hard way, the bastards. * Change your name and appearance (maybe shave your head and grow a moustache) and move to another city
  2. It's nice to see that Eastwood have made a substantial commitment to getting a number of John Backlund's designs out there. A few years ago I was reading a thread somewhere about his guitars and the man himself popped up to say that he'd had to go back to driving a truck because there wasn't enough money to be made from luthiery. Interview with Backlund on the Eastwood website here
  3. The utterly enthralling modern Athenian poetry of Stassina Xeropopoulos (1902-1989) set to a sparse bouzouki accompaniment. Or Showaddywaddy.
  4. Runny Eggs The Del Var Way * Fill a medium saucepan nearly to the top with cold water * Place eggs in the cold water and see what happens. * If the eggs float freely in the water they're a bit old and therefore potentially not good for runny egg, i.e food poisoning, so discard or leave for hard boiled. If they lay on the bottom of the pan or just stand upright they're OK. * Pour off the water until the eggs are mostly covered but with a hint of shell showing above the water * Dry the outside of the saucepan. Place the pan of cold water and eggs on the cooker top and turn heat to full * Once the water comes to the boil cook for three and a half minutes. All cookers are different therefore you may need to experiment with timings until you achieve a satisfactorily runny egg. * If an egg cracks simply sprinkle a few drops of vinegar into the water. This will help any escaping egg white to bind more quickly and seal the crack * Remove eggs from water, place in egg cup and top with a colourful knitted egg cosy * Serve to the table with buttered soldiers * Fashion tip: Wear a dainty pinafore bearing the picture of an adorable Victorian street urchin with a tear in one eye and the legend 'Won't Somebody Love Me?'
  5. Well, it would be if I hadn't been futzing around here. Eggs ended up totally hard boiled and I'd already cut the bread into soldiers. So I mashed up the egg, put it on the bread and it looked like a kids' party circa 1965, where's the red lemonade, Mum? Last time I'm doing anything public-spirited. They can all go f**k themselves next time
  6. Couple of things: * On some forums 'completed' info request threads are closed either at the OP's request or as a matter of course. On some other forums OP's are required to request such a closure on pain of a bollocking. The OP in this thread is a light BC user and may simply be unaware that we don't do it like that here. I don't think anything sinister should be inferred from his request. * Historically we've taken the view that publicising specific details of an ongoing dispute with a retailer can sometimes be counter-productive to a successful resolution. The OP should not (and cannot) be compelled to rehearse his woes here unless he wants to. * Now can everyone dial it the f*ck back. I'm boiling some eggs for tea, I like them runny and I don't want to take my eye off the timer
  7. Frankly, this is now getting out of hand
  8. I'm not entirely sure how to respond to that. Let me talk to my people and I'll get back to you.
  9. Being as the site owns the thread, would they be interested in selling it on? Best price guaranteed, ready cash, we collect, no hassle, no quibble.
  10. Jesus, that's just an appalling set of events. You (and your band mates) have my complete sympathy It's the sort of thing that would throw anyone for a loop so, like you say, maybe let everyone cool down for a couple of weeks.
  11. The dead who lived before us, everyone alive now, all those yet to be born, all life anywhere in the universe and people who put the milk in the cup before pouring the tea rather than adding it afterwards.
  12. You left out: singers who forget the words, singers who use music stands so they can remember the words, singers who talk too much between songs, singers who don't talk at all, singers with either too much or too little 'personality', guitards who play too loud, guitards who tune up between songs, guitards who don't tune up between songs, guitards who use capos, drummers who play too loud or slow down or speed up, promoters who don't promote, charities or mid-range dining establishments looking for free bands in exchange for 'exposure, band mates who arrive late (or not at all) for rehearsals', band mates who leave rehearsals early, band mates who don't learn the songs, bands who play covers too closely to the original, bands who play covers too differently from the original, bands who play covers at all, audiences which are too lethargic, audiences which are too lively, audience members who ignore the band, audience members who ask for requests, audience members who try to speak to you before during or after the gig, work colleagues who ask if you're in a band, couriers who don't turn up, couriers who do turn up but put the parcel in the wrong place, bassists who play solos, bassists who think solos are bad, bassists who slap, pub landlords who fail to put up gig posters, pub landlords who place the band too close to the audience, pub landlords who place the band too far from the audience, people who use a 4x10 on top of a 1x15, John Hall of Rickenbacker, Henry Juskiewicz of Gibson, any New York luthier who charges more than £500 for a bespoke hand-made bass, people with basses that cost more than £1000, young people, middle-aged people, old people, Americans, vegans, vegetarians, plantarians, carnivores, theists, anti-theists, cyclists, people who drive Audis or BMWs, tail-gaters, speeders, overtakers, Cliff Richard fans and anyone who is prepared to see both sides of an argument.
  13. Career tip: Be as humble as you like when you're here on BC but when you're out there you're a rock god howling defiance at the heavens with your enemy's skull for a drinking goblet and a chick wrapped round your leg. Think Frank Frazetta artwork and you won't go far wrong
  14. According to Wikipedia (and other sources) Roxette were named after the Feelgoods' song. "Capitol (Records) ... insisted on a different name for the band. Gessle and the other members of Gyllene Tider (Swedish for "Golden Times" or "Golden Age") chose the title of a 1975 Dr. Feelgood song, "Roxette"
  15. Mr Mac nails it ^^^ Frankly, just stick a wig and some shades on the front man and and you'll be sorted for those 'purist' gigs. He's got the right shaped head, he seems like the sort of chap who wouldn't mind going a bit over the top and he could always sing a few notes a bit flat. In a world full of sh*te it behoves one to applaud the good stuff.
  16. REM's Michael Stipe Just Made His Big Comeback And Some Bass Players Are Furious With Him Stipe: "You only need one hand to play bass"
  17. I frequently remove my fretting hand from the neck in order to point at random strangers in the audience and wave to them, thus conveying to my band-mates the (false) impression that those at whom I am pointing are my own personal fan-base and have come to see me perform. I have pulled this flanker on many, many occasions and can recommend it as an effective tactic for establishing psychological dominance over otherwise unbiddable guitards and front-persons.
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