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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. @thebrig - I may have misunderstood what you've tried so far but have you attempted playing this like a guitar barre chord? That's to say, with the index finger laid across the G D and A strings at the tenth, the ring finger holding down the D at the twelfth and hammering on with the pinky. I've got freakishly short fingers and using a barre was the only way I could play these Sparko shuffle parts. Forming the interval by placing individual fingers on individual strings was too hard for me and a barre gave me the extra little bit of stretch I needed.
  2. Hi Tim and welcome! Enjoy the forum
  3. We'll be avin' a party for yer dahna Queen Vic when yer gets aht. Big cake, stripper n'orl.
  4. People who disparage plodding bass lines should be sentenced to ten years of root / 5 in a Country band fronted by a malodorous, moustachioed pervert who hails from Shepherds' Bush but peppers his everyday conversation with 'Y'all this' and Y'all that'.
  5. Vivaldi, Verdi, Puccini, Corelli, Paganini, Respighi, Pavarotti, Bartoli, Morricone and - er - Zucchero are all good musical reasons to be proud of being (half) Italian
  6. A hired room just off the Hull Uni Students Union Bar in 1978.
  7. To paraphrase the novelist Mr LP Hartley: 'The past France is a foreign country; they do things differently there'.
  8. Still got them. They're looking considerably more wrinkled now and so am I.
  9. "A guitard is a man who knows the solo of everything and the chords of nothing" Oscar Wilde - Lady Windermere's Fan
  10. "It is never difficult to distinguish between a banjo player with a grievance, and a ray of sunshine." P.G. Wodehouse
  11. BassChat is a considerably less fractious environment than it was when I joined and it's been even more matey than ever during its most recent evolutionary cycle. There's a natural churn to the forum (beyond which we also lost a clutch of regulars during that period which some have dubbed 'The Weird Times') but an influx of fun, witty and informed people have added much lustre to our common enterprise during the last couple of years. Yes, there are localised outbreaks of snark; contextually inappropriate political pronouncements continue to make themselves unwelcome. But there's a generally more relaxed feel to the place; mad rants tend to be greeted with a quizzically raised eyebrow or gentle mockery rather than feverish declarations of war; most importantly, people are no longer completely losing their sh*t over the issue of mixing driver sizes in a multi-cab rig (afaik).
  12. Something which often gets forgotten when we talk about moderation on the forum is just how incredibly handsome @ped is. I'm completely heterosexual but he's so lush I'd go down on him, no question
  13. He's on holiday. From the About Us section on their web site: Planned Holiday Dates, 2018-19 (Days when the shop will be closed) Dates: Closing at 5.00pm Saturday 22nd December 2018 for 2 weeks Open next 10.00am Saturday 5th January 2019
  14. Very sorry to hear about this development, chum. Hope you're feeling a bit better now. If you're sufficiently doubtful as to be asking BC / your cardiologists whether you should take your DB out then don't, particularly as: "On electric, I can play for hours without a problem but, on double bass, I struggle by the end of two sets". Onward and (cautiously) upward
  15. Used him. Good bloke. Diagnosed the problem, showed me how to fix it (re-humidifying a flat-top Jumbo) and didn't charge me a penny.
  16. Oh, that's just outstanding work! HST was - and still is - one of my greatest heroes.
  17. An interestingly different approach to defeating the profanity filter. Avoids necessity for diacritics, alt codes etc. This merits further exploration. Well done, Sir
  18. Pro bassists favour the Precision because it produces a pleasing sound and is visually appealing in almost every colour scheme*. The controls fall easily to hand and the instrument can be field-stripped and reassembled by an average player in under ten minutes. Most importantly: research has conclusively proved that bass players are 42% more likely to get laid if they appear onstage with a Precision than any other bass. This is because the Precision is a manly instrument which combines earthy sexual power with a sensitive vulnerability which appeals to women of all ages and social classes. Gig a Stingray or a Rick and the only date you'll be having is with Mother Thumb and her four daughters. * Excludes Antigua and International Blue
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