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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Only private event I've done was a JP Morgan 'Family Fun Day' for the staff. Going on after the 12 year-old dancers and before (name redacted) out of 'It Ain't Half Hot Mum' was a surreal experience and not actually very pleasant. (Name redacted) was there as a charity auctioneer. He was very drunk and it was all 'Put your f**king hands in your f**king pockets, you stingy f**king c**ts'. The family audience was understandably appalled. After that fiasco it was two blokes cross-legged on the stage with an acoustic guitar and a set of bongos. First song lasted 19 minutes (I timed it). The only other offer I've had for a private gig was a drunk punter who wanted us for his birthday and offered us a grand as long as we got rid of our singer. I was tempted.
  2. From China but only £3.19 shipped (check dimensions) Here
  3. Before I forget, a two sided triangle is a V (depending on which way it's pointing, obvs). If it were a little V pointing upwards it might be one of those things that indicate the absence of the letter S in French words like Hôtel. But you'd know that.
  4. Why is an elephant large, grey and wrinkly? Because if it was small, white and round it would be an aspirin.
  5. In some circles 'Taking liberties' might include: robbing a post office on some else's turf without first asking permission; failing to repay an agreed sum of money; confiding sensitive private information to a third party. The variant - a 'diabolical liberty' - would probably be something like unexpectedly shooting dead a business competitor while he is quietly drinking in his locale of choice; or for the purposes of internal discipline razoring a subordinate without just cause. Big Vern
  6. Anyway, just to cheer everyone up here's the Ace of Spades album cover with some kittens on it.
  7. Ha! This was exactly the problem I had with a neighbour. A fundamentally ghastly woman, not improved by her unfortunate divorce. Her son was the aspiring bass player I mentioned above and they rowed about 3 times a week. She also had an ill-tempered little terrier that terrorised every dog in the road. Thankfully for us she snared a rich farmer and buggered off elsewhere with her nasty dog and bass-mangling spawn.
  8. A few thoughts: * It is suggested that the neighbour has downsized from a larger house, argues with her teenage son, is difficult and has 'mental issues'. Sounds like a bad divorce to me and this should be taken into account. I would avoid 'retaliating' with one's amp or going round to complain while any argument is taking place. This will exacerbate matters. * Getting on with one's neighbours is more important than the difference between headphones and an amp. Bad relations are far more sapping than any fleeting loss of engagement with one's instrument. A good neighbour is to be treasured. * Practicing un-amplified does not impede one's progress. It's less fun than playing through an amp but that's not the point of practice. * I once lived immediately next door to a slightly angry and bewildered teenage bass player who practiced through an amp. Speaking from bitter experience I can report that there is little worse than fragmented passages, muffed notes and repetitious whomping on E. I imagine that non-musicians would find this sort of thing even more debilitating.
  9. I've mentioned this before: Saw Phil Lynott's back-up P-bass (black w mirror pg) in an auction catalogue about 25 years ago. 'Won't bother bidding,' I thought. 'It'll be silly money'. It went for £800 (about £1700 in today's money).
  10. Magic always comes with a price: every time a mod re-opens a closed thread a tiny wee fairy gets a nasty case of the trots.
  11. Perhaps the Christmas break has impaired your recollection of events during the course of this year. For indeed, you have form for jumping into sales threads to point out logo transgressions: Prior to the 'triggering' incident of a week or two ago, you commented in a sales thread in October: Ped replied to you saying: On June 18th you replied to an ad for a bitsa Jazz saying: Then on Jan 17th you expatiated in a more general sense on logos: THAT! There are so many fake/counterfeit "Fender"s around, selling with a "Fender" logo is dishonest, just waiting for some poor mug to buy one thinking they've got the real thing. (I also think Fender have muddied the waters a bit by branding Squiers as "Squier by Fender", so that people can advertise them as Fenders. Funnily enough, only three days before you had described taking delivery of a Rickenfaker with a fake Ric logo. Fair play for removing it as you did. But surely in buying it you were party to a transaction where intellectual copyright was infringed. So basically, you want to stop people selling basses with fake logos but it's OK for you to buy one? I put it to you that your unhappiness with fake logos in sales ads is nothing new. You have repeatedly broken forum rules by posting in sales threads where you should have PM'd. You have already had a discussion about fake logos with one of the forum's owners who has made his position clear. I suggest that far from being a spontaneous expression of concern you started this thread in an attempt to change forum policy. You want to stop people selling items with fake logos but you're happy to buy them. Shall I go on?
  12. For immediate release: The Logo Police are pleased to announce the appointment of Mrs Larly Crudgington as Commissioner for Fake Logos with special responsibility for the letter F. Mrs Crudgington will commence her duties on Jan 2nd and will immediately address the issue of counterfeit FMIC (Fender) logos in the private sales sector. Addressing a gathering of her fellow Commisioners, Mrs Crudgington said: "I am deeply concerned at the rising incidence of fake Fender logos. There are literally thousands of recorded instances of death and serious injury associated with Squier Affinity instruments being sold as the kosher item. Knock knock, who's there? It's Larly C, so felons beware".
  13. If anyone would shove his old chap through a pre-drilled hole in his guitar the better that a groupie might perform fellatio upon him it would probably be Mr Francis Rossi. Quite ingenious, when you think about it: "...and here, just behind the bridge, is the pink wang bar. Give it a go..."
  14. Yes! Yes, he did! Mind you, he's modded that Tele so much it prolly no longer qualifies as a Fender even though it's got a Fender logo on the headstock. Nee-Ner-Nee-Ner-Nee-Ner! Logo Police Assemble!
  15. IIRC, the question was asked only after you'd already jumped into a for sale ad here to express your view about logos. Moreover, Karl alleges you recently piled into his FB ad. Look, it's OK if you want be a logo vigilante. Do what you like; no one can stop you. But with respect I don't think this thread was started from a neutral viewpoint and as a disinterested solicitation of opinion. I do think that it will end up making more work for the mods and for microscopic practical gain.
  16. That's no way to speak of Mr John Hall.
  17. Prepare yourself to be disabused of that notion by our resident legal expert.
  18. We seem to be arriving at a situation which creates additional work for the unpaid volunteer mods because of a single member with an agenda. Fantastic start to the year.
  19. It's nice of you to pose the question, Douglas, but I suspect that the boundaries of the existing T&C's will be put to the test with increasing frequency over the next while. Indeed, I venture that basses with non-compliant logos will now regularly be flagged up by at least one individual. At that point the mods will have to decide whether to ask the seller to remove headstock shots or face the possibility that the OP's campaign be escalated. The thread has majored almost entirely upon legal minutiae, the details of which are entirely beyond my interest. I care only whether this thread and the intent behind it will entail more work for the mods. Some have laboured the point that it is illegal to sell re-logo'd replicas; they are legally correct but in practice it makes f**k-all difference and hardly anyone but them gives a sh*t.
  20. I find your lack of faith in the location field disturbing.
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