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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. Making a mountain out of a molehill is perfectly acceptable unless someone tries to pass the molehill off as a mountain. That would be an attempt to deceive and I would probably have to go onto mountainchat to denounce the practice. In fact, I've seen several molehills for sale recently, each of which had been described as being a molehill but nevertheless had a little cocktail stick 'flag' stuck in the top with the name of a celebrated mountain written on it in biro. There was a 'Snowdon', a 'Ben Nevis' and - unbelievably - an 'Everest' with a little plastic figure purporting to be a representation of the Dalai Lama. I have referred the latter instance to dalailamachat and enjoy considerable optimism that the moderators will recognise their duty of care to Buddhists and stamp out this repugnant trade in fraudulent models of this much-loved religious leader. Imagine the pain and suffering when someone thinks they've bought the real Dalai Lama and it turns out to be a tiny bit of cheap Chinese sh*t. Some people might think that's acceptable. I don't.
  2. Were I in your position I would caveat the above as a suggestion for discussion. Some might read it as a commitment to action. In which case, do you and your chums really want to be trawling through every ad to (i) ascertain the nature of any logos and (ii) make sure that in given circumstances any headstock shots are removed? For was this not the ill-favoured reef upon which the Hall / BC dialogue monologue foundered? That the bloviating buffoon demanded an eyeball inspection of any ad which might fall foul of his trademark?
  3. You'd have to address your query to Morrisons' customer services department; they would be best placed to resolve the issue. I'd check myself but I've got a batch of 1959 Les Pauls to 'age' before the end of the week. These things don't relic themselves, you know.
  4. I feel that the voice of the counterfeiting community is sorely under-represented in this discussion. We counterfeiters provide a useful service to impecunious consumers and concerned citizens alike. The thrifty musician benefits from our admittedly variable skills in replicating desirable instruments; the 'worried' individual is afforded the personal satisfaction of broadcasting their concerns in public forums. Moreover, the spare parts industry receives a useful boost while artistically inclined individuals are rewarded for honing their skills on Photoshop or similar software packages. Likewise, manufacturers of specialist water-soluble adhesives receive a financial fillip above and beyond their trading turnover with the original manufacturers. Most importantly, counterfeiters contribute to enhanced GDP, the benefits of which ultimately trickle down to the poorest and most vulnerable members of society. Those who parade their indignation at our valuable role in eradicating inequality should perhaps look in the mirror and ask themselves 'Who is the real criminal?' I am ill-suited to render an aesthetic verdict, being habituated to covering bacon in maple syrup. Nevertheless, I sympathise with your concern, being myself similarly agitated by Morrisons' Cheese and Tuna butterfly cakes. I might be tempted if it's the bacon and maple couscous with cash my way.
  5. I've got some loose Tesco popcorn that I've put in a 'gourmet brand' bag. £1.99 posted or WHY
  6. Quick google image search of other Ga-620's suggests the knobs are all original apart from the Strat knob and in comparatively good nick. If you decide to remove them there's probably a Guyatone obsessive in Japan who'll sell a kidney to buy them off you.
  7. The only version I could find was horridly low res - so here's a new one
  8. May I offer a suggestion? * Identify some rock cover bands that work in your area / region * Check out their web sites and look for setlists * Copy the setlists into Word. Note songs played by more than one band. Decide whether to (i) adopt them because they're absolute classics or (ii) avoid them because everyone else is playing them * Keep an eye out for songs that make people say 'I haven't heard that for ages'. If all else fails, google '100 best classic rock songs ever', print out the results, give copies to your band mates and tell them they can only choose 10 each. My suggestion: Bad Girl by ZZ Top. Dead easy guitar part and much less obvious than Legs or Sharp Dressed man
  9. Most talented musician ever. Not enough people say that.
  10. Good luck with your project, chap. It's a handsome little amp; love the Strat vol knob
  11. Slightly iffy upside down image of a GA620 schematic here and a better one here: https://imgur.com/GYC295B
  12. A few years ago I found myself living next door to an 'erudite' musician. A brass player, a teacher, a composer; as a conductor he's done the Proms for years, works regularly with major international orchestras. We had a few conversations about music which I found enlightening from my very limited perspective. This chap had a way of explaining things which made things very easy to understand yet I never felt like he was talking down to me or using his knowledge as a tool to buff his self image at my expense. The thing that sticks in my mind was when he scored a gig with the Berlin Phil. He came round to tell me, bringing his unaffected delight and a couple of bottles of wine for us. Such a nice man.
  13. Interesting piece here which supports the view that Ringo was a talented and innovative drummer who played for the song. As evidence it analyses his parts on Ticket to Ride and In My Life. IMO, Ringo was by no means the Beatles' weakest link; Lennon was a very basic rhythm guitarist and - it has been suggested - frequently prone to error. Great frontman, though.
  14. I once auditioned for a band where the drummer had a shiny new huge elaborate kit and a shiny new huge electric fan pointed at him. He couldn't play either but he sweated buckets.
  15. Songwriter, guitarist and a band-leader in both the sense of dynamics and musical direction. Though overlooked by critics and record-buyers, Malcolm Young exerted a force upon rock music that cannot be underestimated. How cruel that his life ended so early and under such sad circumstances. Let us remember him in happier times - a bit more of him in this vid than usual.
  16. 3 US Billboard Top Ten, 3 UK Top Ten. Not exactly a ton but still respectable.
  17. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1509896289' post='3402386'] You can't give yourself kudos or credibility that has to come from other people. [/quote] Very good point. So: Kudos to Blue; he has credibility. Sorted
  18. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1509382082' post='3398475'] Hey groove-hacker! I will show you two notes that will completely overhaul how you play! Plz send PayPal... [/quote] Troublingly accurate parody
  19. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1509387692' post='3398547'] Did you see what happened to the German Autobahn thread? [/quote] I did. A credit to Off Topic. I even searched for a clip from the Brothers McGregor (ITV) where they explain Einstein's theory of relativity by using the example of a bag of chips thrown from a moving car while overtaking a cyclist. To the occupants of the car the chips appear to be going backwards yet they hit the cyclist in the rear of his head, thus proving the chips are moving forwards.
  20. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1509320166' post='3398113'] Just to cancel out the appalling patriarchal misogyny of the thread title, may I observe that I [i]don't[/i] find the performer at all physically attractive. That's the [i]opposite[/i] of sexism, y'see [/quote] [quote name='dyerseve' timestamp='1509361846' post='3398261'] excuse me? WTF is wrong with me saying that I find a girl attractive? How dare you accuse me of being sexist and mysoginistic simply for paying the girl a compliment on her physical appearance as well as her musical talent! You guys should buy yourselves a dictionary before you go slinging insults at people you have never met! [/quote] I knew [i]someone[/i] would fall into my punji trap of irony. Just didn't think it would be the OP. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1509382465' post='3398484'] I think the politically correct term you are searching for is, "in my opinion she's a three pinter"? [/quote] Not at all. I don't find the performer at all physically attractive yet neither do I find her physically [i]unattractive[/i]. I am position neutral on the visual scrumptiousness or otherwise of the individual Indeed the young lady's 'stunningness' is entirely subordinate to the far more entertaining narrative of a member failing to appreciate that in the wake of Weinstein and amidst a blazing public debate about institutionalised harassment (including but not limited to bodies such as the UK Parliament, Holyrood and the European Commision) it is the case that any comment which bears however lightly upon feminine pulchritudinousness is likely to excite disapprobation among those whose abhorrence of non-21st Century attitudes is so lively that they will apply their sledgehammer of justice to a peanut of offence. In other words, they're all as bad as each other afaic. Apart from Douglas, of course.
  21. Just to cancel out the appalling patriarchal misogyny of the thread title, may I observe that I [i]don't[/i] find the performer at all physically attractive. That's the [i]opposite[/i] of sexism, y'see
  22. IIRC Faith are the in-house brand of distributor Barnes & Mullins. Most people seem to rate the guitars highly. Enjoy
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