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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. It's mission creep. I joined a blues band. Within 2 months the drummer was insisting we 'do some Beatles songs'. Same thing.
  2. Welcome to BassChat You may find that you'll move your bass on a bit more quickly if you put up some images, indicate whether you'll ship (inc charges) and - if collection only - identify your location i.e town / city. Good luck with your sale.
  3. IMO, Taylor guitars fitted with [url="https://www.taylorguitars.com/guitars/acoustic/features/electronics/expression-system%C2%AE"]the Expression System[/url] are the nicest sounding off-the-peg, factory fitted system.
  4. A music publisher that specialises in independent artists explains how PPL and PRS work in the context of UK radio: https://www.sentricmusic.com/blog/2014/october/a-dab-ble-into-radio-royalties/
  5. Adrian Legg. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buvVkRtTVCQ
  6. [quote name='nicsim' timestamp='1506795500' post='3381210'] One thing that puts me off a 1x15 is the fact that if I put an extension cab into the mix (say a 2 x 10) it just looks (and possibly sounds?) odd. I've never had the luxury of a two-cab setup, but I always think it should be small speakers above big speaker. Unless anyone else has different experience? [/quote] Buy a 1x15 extension cab. Sorted. For myself, I stuck a 2x10 Mag combo on top of a 4x10 ext cab and it looked awesome.
  7. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1506702120' post='3380558'] Seems like for those of you that love gigging do it by playing in multiple bands. Problem is if your in 2 bands and both gig a lot you will have schedule conflicts. [/quote] Maybe find some guys who - like you - have regular 4 gig weekends and just do mid-week gigs. Not many mid-week gigs? Find a bar owner who'll let you set up your gear on quiet nights, promote it yourselves and do it for tips. If you went that route you'd reduce conflicts by going out as a three-piece. So, plan: find a singer-guitarist with a vocal PA, buddy up with him and advertise for a drummer. Find a couple of bars who'll have you for nix. Bang together a setlist of songs all three of you know. Couple of rehearsals just to find your collective groove, go out and wing it. What have you got to lose?
  8. Your comment about the neck is going into the BassChat Famous Quotes thread. Nice bass - GLWTS
  9. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1506106703' post='3376564'] Those of us of a certain (ahem) age will remember 'Ready Steady Go' on commercial tv on Friday nights. [/quote] On Rediffusion, to be precise. My dad did the press publicity for it . He met the Stones, the Beatles and loads of others. The silly old sausage never got a single autograph, which would have been handy these days, me being skint and all [media]http://youtu.be/fs3RXn6Jca4[/media] [i][color=#111111][font=Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]"I'm not in love with Juke Box Jury [/font][/color][/i] [i][color=#111111][font=Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]I'm not in love with Thank Your Lucky Stars [/font][/color][/i] [i][color=#111111][font=Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]I'm not in love with Twiggy [/font][/color][/i] [i][color=#111111][font=Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]Because I'm in love with Cathy McGowan"[/font][/color][/i]
  10. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1505990546' post='3375664'] We must have had half a dozen guitarists pass through so far, and not one of them was able to[list] [*]Match the right intro lick to the right song, [/list] [/quote] Sounds like they've at least nailed that aspect of Chuck's playing. He was notorious for starting songs with the wrong intro.
  11. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1505685240' post='3373605'] I wasn't too impressed by the pick t-shirts and white trousers the male members were wearing . [/quote] Well, that's the band uniform, I suppose. Big mistake by the front-man, though, going for a restrained 'baby pink' against the vibrant fuchsia sported by the rest of the band. Should have done it the other way round. Too late now. Also, should shell out for matching shades. Mostly Aviators but at least one pair of Wayfarers sticking out like the proverbial. Anyway, they make people happy and that's what counts.
  12. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1505663213' post='3373413'] Dancers' outfits are not their choice, but the costume manager's. [/quote] Frankly, a very poor choice of costume by the management. Ra-ra skirts would have been far more period correct and would have afforded the unfortunate terpsichoreans a quantum of modesty. Might also have helped suppress the unrestrained, beastly urges exhibited by those sections of the audience accustomed to greet unclothed female flesh with wild roarings and hootings. And don't get me started on those lumpy, beige high-heels-but-not-quite-stilettos. Utterly [i]de trop[/i].
  13. Some small hole Wilkinson tuners, a rail pickup, Musicmaster pickguard from WD Music, a finger rest, a couple of Jazz-type pot knobs and a Rothko & Frost decal stating 'Fedner Musicmatser'. Probably cost more than the Bronco. That's the plan, anyway.
  14. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1505458700' post='3371994'] pokies. [/quote] ... is a word that has different meanings for different people.
  15. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1505569863' post='3372921'] I always thought SRV tuned down because he insisted on using .12 or .13 gauge strings on his Strat, which would have gone some way to alleviating the massive string tension (I've also heard that he moved down to .11s towards the end of his career so that he'd have some fingertips left by the end of a tour...) [/quote] Maybe that too. Same outcome, I suppose On reflection, SRV probably a bad example. Mind you, legions of Vaughan-abees have downtuned because [i]he[/i] did and claim that there's a tonal difference. It's probably all bollocks but if it makes people happy...
  16. Then there's the issue of bands deliberately tuning down a half step because of the belief that to do so enhances 'tone' (SRV) or to suit the singer. IIRC, the Beatles did this on occasion which accounts for some of the frankly finger-tangling chords in the 'easy guitar' song books. Eb is an ugly little bugger when you try to play it as a open-ish chord up near the nut. Also, AC/DC seem to have moved a quarter tone to suit Jonners' voice in the last few years. Most confusing...
  17. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1505403367' post='3371676'] ...I've never known an Internet forum like it.... [/quote] You should try TabChat, the forum for smokers of vintage and contemporary cigarettes. Sample topics: * Vintage vs Re-Issue Embassies * What's the best humidor for 1960's Camels * Newb question: Afton Sweet Leaf - enough heft? * Relic-ing packets is just stupid
  18. Of course, when the new site launches the cry will go up: "OMFG it's just awful who chose that layout how do I subscribe to topics my old posts have been lost why can't I search for basses by colour in the marketplace I really used to like the old site this new one makes my eyes hurt the font is too small / big why do I have to pay to advertise where does the money go I expect Ped and Kiwi are rolling in it will they ever lift the stupid Rickenbacker ban it is with not inconsiderable regret that I shall be moving across to Talkbass it's all such a pain in the f**king arse and so unnecessary". And that's just me
  19. Ped Thanks for all you guys do for us ungrateful bastards. Awaiting new site with unconfined curiosity
  20. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1504462950' post='3365066'] '[i]usine de gaz[/i]' [/quote] [size=3][b]Soon Come: [/b]All-New BassChat marketplace [/size]
  21. Being refinished means it's worth less than an unmolested '68. On the other hand being refinished by the legendary [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Lowden"]George Lowden[/url] means it's probably worth [i]more [/i]than a normal refin but not by much. Unless the colour seriously bothers you why not just leave it as it is and let the next owner (if there be one) spend the money getting it re-refinished?
  22. Crazy low price from respected forum member and all-round good guy. GLWTS
  23. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1503517513' post='3358919'] Those moustaches were fine 'til he f***ed those up, too! Forget the swastika, let's all reclaim those as next summer's must have facial hair. [/quote] [size=3][b]Deceased On The Buses actor releases statement: 'I deeply regret use of Nazi symbol'[/b][/size]
  24. [quote name='fftc' timestamp='1503348512' post='3357542'] Seriously? [/quote] Yes. The unpleasant (Nazi) view that another individual is inferior to oneself for reasons of inherency and the [i]unfashionable[/i] view to be found among old rockers, etc that to display the Battle Flag of the CSA is an indicator of 'rebelliousness'. There may be an overlap between the two positions hence the 'and /or'.
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