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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1489487593' post='3257289'] is there a poll anywhere on how old Basschaters are? we do seem to be a moaning old bunch don't we. [/quote] Detailed audience research conducted by our forum overlords indicates (i) that we are predominantly men in the autumn of our lives and (ii) we are no strangers to pessimism. [quote name='krispn' timestamp='1489480772' post='3257216'] Wasn't radio always a bit biased in what it played and was as much an influence on what people could hear/was being bought as much as reflecting what was being bought? [/quote] In the early days (ie up to the middle of the 1960's) most DJ's chose the music for their shows. As one might expect, the system was open to widespread abuse, though some argue that there was a greater chance of 'good' music breaking through. Then the Yanks got into rigid station play-listing (where a programme director chooses the music with input from assistants and - sometimes - DJs) and the UK followed suit some years later. Computerised play-listing and music rotation started in the 1980s and it's been downhill ever since.
  2. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1489511303' post='3257561'] Bit of a rarity. Definitely inspired by classis rock n roll. [/quote] Croikey! I knew he sometimes played single note passages (California Sun) but bent-note Chuck-isms? I may have to go and lie down.
  3. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1489487134' post='3257281'] The Ramones [/quote] Indeed. Even a song as apparently simple as [url="https://youtu.be/6siGKxcKol0"]Rockaway Beach[/url] has some interesting little twists and turns. A particular pitfall for the unwary is the odd little bit after the choruses. Likewise, [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlMhDfHsfDI"]Bonzo goes to Bitburg[/url] is distinguished by an almost Wagnerian reluctance to resolve the vocal part. The listener briefly experiences relief after the key change when bells pick out a sparse pattern around the chords. Then it's back to the grind. Perhaps the Ramones' interest in dislocated chord passages and twisty arrangements was driven by Johnny's refusal to play solos (or minor chords ) [color=#faebd7].[/color]
  4. ... and channelling Dusty Hill [url="https://youtu.be/z-g0pYD9wqk?t=6m42s"]here[/url] on the demo reel
  5. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1489193034' post='3255172'] There was a bit of resentment towards them for taking old ska/rocksteady tunes and making them into hits, but they made quite a difference to the original artists... Lord Creator for example being homeless on the streets of Kingston when he got his royalty cheque from UB40 and being brought out of poverty... [/quote] Good point well made.
  6. * Turn right down and play the fewest number of notes possible * If the arrangement permits, give it at least a verse before you come in so you know which direction the 'performer' is heading * Play seated and try very hard not to be noticed (wear subdued clothing and sit as far back as you can) * Suppress all visible signs of emotion and affect a 'been there, done it' disposition. It will give the 'performer' confidence that you know what you're doing even if you don't. [color=#faebd7].[/color]
  7. It's fairly well established that Holly's primary influence was Country music and that his interest in R&B dates from around 1954 by which time he was already a professional performer. Holly's principle assimilation of black influences was through the arguably diluted medium of Rock and Roll, including artists such as Bo Diddley, Chuck Berry and Little Richard (having toured with the latter). AFAIK there's no evidence that Holly drew [i]directly[/i] on the blues artists of the 1920's-1940's whereas his debt to country music titans such as the Louvin Brothers, the Carter Family and Hank Williams is pretty well documented. It's there in his music at a ratio of country > everything else of about 70:30 (IMO ) Holly's national career lasted little more than 36 months but his influence is such that echoes of his work persist to this day. Not bad considering he's been dead for more than 58 years.
  8. [quote name='Mickeyboro' timestamp='1489148702' post='3254744'] UB40 technically covered a reggae version by Tony Tribe, Jack. [/quote] Thanks for the heads up, Sir. I went and checked it out: Mr Tribe's version is a little gem and beats the bollocks off the UB40 version. [media]http://youtu.be/PNgzk0TvJJI[/media]
  9. Squier Standard telecasters are very jolly guitars whether new or pre-loved. Great platforms for enhanced pups and harness but perfectly usable off the shelf. Worth trying in the flesh to see if one gets on with the nut width which is a bit tight on the older ones.
  10. Having repeatedly been burned by 'bands' over the last few years I recently took the decision to become a singing guitard. I soon realised that I can't sing for toffee and my acoustic strumming isn't good enough to do the 'solo-guitarist-perched-on-a-tall-stool-looking-deep-and-meaningful-while-one's-fleet-fingers-unleash-an-intricate-silvery-cascade-of-fingerpicked-loveliness-of-such-plangent-beauty-as-makes-the-audience-swoon-and-the-barmaid-ask-for-one's-phone-number-on-the-basis-that-one's-evident-sensitivity-indicates-a-mastery-of-horizontal-gymnastics'. So instead I've decided my act will be to just stand in the middle of a pub and shout out the lyrics to popular cover songs. Does the team think that the standard fee of £250 be too much to ask?
  11. ? Roto basses 45-105 from £11.29 on [url="https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/B0002GO3SW/ref=dp_olp_new?ie=UTF8&condition=new"]Amazon[/url]
  12. One time I repaired and set up a Marlin Strat copy for a chum's son. It was a nice little guitar, played cleanly and even though it had a plywood body it compared well in the sonic sense to a couple of 'real' Strats I own. Likewise, I once had an 'amps shoot-out' evening with another friend where we compared a '78 Marshall JMP Mk2, a Rivera R55, a '72 SF Princeton, a '66 BF Bassman, an Epi Valve Junior and a Mk1 Peavey Bandit. In the end it came down to the Bassman and the Peavey (which triumphed because you can pick it up with one hand). The really iffy gear in my day was the Jedson and Woolies guitars but even these beasts ccurrently enjoy a certain vogue, in part for their wonderfully raucous pick-ups. [color=#faebd7].[/color]
  13. [quote name='DanOwens' timestamp='1488312309' post='3247843'] Devlar where did you get a compensated wood bridge for so cheap? [/quote] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Quality-Rosewood-Archtop-Guitar-Bridge-Carved-Select-Saddle-Jazz-Guitar-/152451941841?hash=item237ed805d1:g:gJAAAOSw-0xYVIXz"]Here's one[/url] on ebay for £2.89 delivered - though it could take 6 weeks to get to you. Just search 'wood archtop bridge'. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1488385005' post='3248494'] FWIW I think most of the wooden based archtop bridges are intended to sit rather higher than the stud-mounted tune-o-matic found on an ES335 does. So fitting a floating wooden bridge might require making one from scratch or cutting it down quite extensively. [/quote] Excellent point. I suppose one could always retro-fit [url="https://www.thomann.de/gb/allparts_tunematic_nylon_saddles_wh.htm"]nylon saddles[/url] to an existing TOM. Apparently they take a lot of the twang out of the proposition. [color=#ffffe0].[/color]
  14. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1488361879' post='3248166'] More often than not I'll put "heeheehee" or "hahahaha" in there somewhere to show that I am not taking the p155. [/quote] Ah! I originally assumed the noises were of a one with the kind of disconcerting cackle one hears in movies a few seconds before an undead axe-wielding killer relieves an unwary teenage trespasser of his head I didn't like to say anything for fear of causing 'offence' to the homicidal maniac community. [color=#faebd7].[/color]
  15. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1488321462' post='3247991'] I received this e-mail today. I'll reply and see if he's willing to assist.... "[color=#000000][font=Helvetica]I am Sergeant Leroy Nelson. I am seeking your assistance On A Project Proposal Worth Millions of Dollars".[/font][/color] [/quote] By strange coincidence I recently got on an airliner and a voice said "Ladies and gentlemen, this is Captain Tobias Willcock welcoming you aboard Coconut Airways Flight 372 to Bridgetown, Barbados.' I wonder if they are connected in any way.
  16. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1488315089' post='3247894'] Two words. Russian Hackers. [/quote] BZZZZZZZZZZRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTT! (Crackle) BZZZZZZZZZZRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTT! Hallo peoples is Russian hacker here, you call me Andrei is not my real name. You is dispoint no bear video, yes? No worry. Send 50 large by paypal giff to address I give you then you see bear. No f**king 50, no f**king bear. Bear gone. No try back-trace, I spike you good. Have nice day.
  17. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1488314190' post='3247884'] Too bad the link doesn't work be ause it features the bear hump dance. Blue [/quote] Too bad the link doesn't work? [i]Too bad?[/i] Sir - your fans are waiting. I urge you to take the necessary steps.
  18. [size=5][b]Nation Reels as Bear Dance Vid Crashes[/b][/size] [size=3]By Entertainment Reporter[/size] Less than 48 hours after the Oscars ceremony descended into chaos literally millions of eager viewers were downcast by the non-appearance of much-anticipated 'Dancing with an Invisible Bear' video. Speaking on conditions of anonymity an industry insider described the development as 'a technological clusterf**k of biblical proportions'. Facebook's stock collapsed five per cent in the immediate aftermath with financial observers seeing no floor to the dive. Social media variously blamed Mark Zuckerberg, POTUS, the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee and aliens. [i]Ends[/i].
  19. [color=#6D220D][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]The page you requested cannot be displayed at the moment. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may be broken or expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.[/font][/color] Awww!
  20. OK, pretty standard band stuff so far. * Dodgy band dynamics, deluded fantasists, audience mostly friends and wives. Issues of direction, band going round in circles. Yes, been there, done that * The unreasonable frontman who's all fired up about driving from one end of the country to the other to play for peanuts to a man and his dog and gets in one's face about commitment except he's always the first one out the door at rehearsals and seldom shifts his idle arse to help hump the backline and spends more time coiffing his (fast receding) hair than learning the words but [i]suddenly[/i] it's all about commitment and (possibly) the 'spirit of rock and roll'. * You snapped. Ah, that moment when rage boils over and hate swells like a man's biceps. One beholds a half-circle of 'shocked' individuals, their lower lips trembling and their hands raised as if to stave off a physical blow. 'We never thought you felt like that' they mumble. Then there's a long silence. Yes, entirely familiar with that situation. [quote name='hrnn1234' timestamp='1488265515' post='3247262']Phew! [/quote] Indeed. Well, no harm done. You either carry on with them or you don't.
  21. Bought an archtop last year which came with a standard 'two foot' bridge support but topped with a tuneomatic type bridge. Swapped the TOM for a compensated wood bridge, about a fiver from China. Less twang, definitely 'woodier' and looser whether heard acoustically or amplified (P90s). So a wood bridge definitely makes something of a difference though - as usual - ymmv. FWIW Fishman do an [url="https://www.fishman.com/products/series/classic/archtop-guitar-pickup/"]archtop piezo bridge[/url] for a mere £199.
  22. Plywood (?) Commodore P copy > White coily cable > AVS 100w PA amp > Chipboard 2x12 loaded with Goodmans Audiom 12PGs [b][size=3]Not my bass, but one just like it[/size][/b]
  23. So, no controversy here. Epic fail on the spleen-venting front. We really must try harder
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