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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1483381994' post='3206728'] Yeah, I'm thinking I do use that definition. I also would add, the fan base is primarily teens. That may or may not have been the case for The Beatles. Blue [/quote] From recollection and contemporary accounts the Beatles' primary fanbase was - at first - teenagers of the female kind. As their popularity grew the Fabs' audience extended to include older people, charmed by that Liverpudlian insouciance and cheerful demeanour. This popularity among adults receded somewhat when the Beatles became 'edgier' and were seen to embrace narcotics, bushy haircuts and progressive politics. For example, my father liked the Beatles until - the final straw - Lennon repainted his Rolls Royce in a flower-power stylee. 'That's just vandalism,' opined my Pa and scorned them from that day forward.
  2. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1483291734' post='3205967'] Skankdelvar, wouldn't you agree ,the only difference is The Beatles never really drifted into obscurity. McCartney is still selling out 45,000 seat venues. Blue [/quote] That certainly holds true for the moment. But Macca and Ringo will probably hand in their lunch pails some time in the next ten to twenty years. There'll be a burst of interest and then the Beatles will go to the reservoir of forgotten artists there to languish in the shadows. Fifty to one hundred years will elapse. One day, a chap in a shiny silver suit and a Jetsons-type aerial sticking out of his grotesquely enlarged forehead will trip over some Beatles vinyl or some sheet music. He will eyeball this treasure trove '[i]like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes he star'd at the Pacific and all his men look'd at each other with a wild surmise, silent upon a peak in Darien'.[/i] Hosanna! Lennon and McCartney will suddenly be placed on pedestals alongside Duke Ellington and George Gershwin and Prokofiev as iconic 20th Century composers. Ensembles will be formed to play the music. In every legitimate [i]conservatoire[/i] arguments will flare up about 'period correct' instruments. Eminent professors will expiate upon the matter of flat-wounds. This is what will happen. Because this is what happens [color=#faebd7].[/color]
  3. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1483239342' post='3205627'] I don't consider The Beatles the past. They're the future. Blue [/quote] Indeed. Bach and Vivaldi were important in their lifetimes, drifted into obscurity and were rediscovered much later. I confidently anticipate a serious Beatles revival in about 2085.
  4. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1483067711' post='3204542'] He is very intelligent and talented and relevant to the youth of today. [/quote] Now [i]that's[/i] what I call sarcasm.
  5. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1482960902' post='3203818'] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KqYSqIHU_s"]https://www.youtube....h?v=0KqYSqIHU_s[/url] [/quote] Just astonishing.
  6. [url="http://www.angelfire.com/ny3/blindrage/zanderbio.html"]From his angelfire page[/url]: Mr Zander Starr - the guy who placed the ad all those years ago [size=3][b]Mr Zander Starr[/b]: Internet legend of yesteryear - specifically the year 2000 AD[/size] Propelled by universal mockery of the advertisement he posted all of [i]seventeen years ago[/i] Zander Starr went on to enjoy a certain degree of fame / notoriety on US musical forums such as [url="https://www.talkbass.com/threads/our-good-friend-zanderrstar.76026/"]talkbass[/url]. Then all went silent until 2003 when he placed an ad in Yahoo groups: [quote]guitarist......age 22,(playing/writting/recording since the age of 6 and producing/engineering... since age of 14, into bands like good charlotte, some linkin park, old korn, , janes addiction, crazytown, orgy, sh*t like that...lookin for some Long Island players. I have my own studio in computer, know how to engineer it very well, 32-bit digital recording-unblimited track usage. great recording technique and know alot of studio tricks. im equipt with professional large diaphram condenser mics. Im' also a web designer(like for a band page), and graphic designer, ...have written and recorded several albums, and was signed to capitol, no longer signed for its a long story i can get into later, but....looking for a bassist, singer and drummer(prefferably that plays with some triggers mixed in there). For recording...project over the summer, record album first , then play some shows.[/quote] Frankly, I think the young Mr Starr deserved a medal for his undimmed enthusiasm and plucky, never-say-die attitude. He'd be 36 now: I wonder what happened to him?
  7. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1482873801' post='3203293'] Good point. Hahahahahahaha. I reserve the right to rip however. I've bloody well earned it! I get extra Victor Mildew points for curmudgeoning in public! [/quote] Rip away, my dear chap!
  8. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1482864800' post='3203173'] Terrible, isn't it? Oh, and I think you meant grammar. [/quote] [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1482864800' post='3203173']Good luck to them I say. [/quote] Indeed so. The wild enthusiasm of youth has long fled my barren, twisted existence but I applaud the quality in those for whom it was designed. In any event, ripping on young peoples' hyperbolic band ads is like shooting fish in a barrel. The true hunter scorns such easy prey.
  9. Me, I've never seen an Affinity but when this question was asked over on Talkbass last year someone [url="https://www.talkbass.com/media/squier-jaquar-comparison.5087/"]posted a comparison[/url] which suggested the two basses had identical specifications apart from the colour options - ie the Affinity only comes in sunburst. The Squier US site currently details the VM as having an Agathis body whereas this year some UK retailers are advertising the Stop Dreaming Jag package with a spec that omits to mention the body material. Either way, there are secondhand VM SS Jags out there that are cheaper than either of the new options.
  10. Hi Ernest and welcome. Hope you enjoy the forum
  11. Hyper-enthusiastic, fun and colourful 'Party Anthem' band designed to pull the chickies and make some money. What's not to like?
  12. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1482692745' post='3202233'] In a multicultural society where the 'practicing' Christian population is somewhat outnumbered, the term 'Winterval' may not be totally off the mark. Without wishing to dive into religion (or politics), I can't be the only one who found the annual (and somewhat short) speech from Maj to be a bit patronising & over-pro CofE? Whatever, my best wishes for 2017 to everyone on Basschat. [/quote] To be fair, HM [i]is[/i] the CEO of the CoE.
  13. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1482611493' post='3201942'] A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you Skanky and to all chatters. [/quote] You too, Mr Hutton
  14. [quote name='Yank' timestamp='1482314349' post='3199393'] I always thought that Brit's said "Happy Christmas". Does that mean that you say "Merry New Year"? No matter how we say it, here's wishing you all good cheer. [/quote] And a Merry / Happy Christmas to you too, Sir! The only convention about 'Merry' is that one tends to use it in conjunction with 'Christmas' rather than 'New Year'. Happy can be used with either 'Christmas' or 'New Year' but not twice in the same sentence, hence the Happy > Merry thing. So in the UK: Merry Christmas [i]or[/i] Happy Christmas; Merry Christmas [i]and[/i] a Happy New Year; seldom if ever a [i]Merry[/i] New Year. After [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boxing_Day"]Boxing Day[/url] (26th Dec) many of us might switch to just 'Happy New Year'. Alternative versions are available: one year an unsubstantiated allegation went round that the City of Birmingham had replaced 'Happy Christmas' with the more politically-correct phrase 'Happy Winterval'. This so unsettled some citizens of Our Great Nation that it all led - eventually - to Brexit.
  15. And the very best to you, Sir and to everyone else here [color=#faebd7].[/color]
  16. Interesting that the Stones have [i]finally[/i] managed to release a decent blues album. It just took them fifty-odd years and then three days in the studio. It's a dark, messy take on the 50's Chicago electric blues tone: dirty, blurred and reverb-drenched, it sounds like it was laid down in minutes and mixed on the fly. Even though it's the Stones at work it's the least Stonesy album one might have expected: there's a lot of on-the-beat discipline and an almost complete absence of Richard's trademark 'roll' and loose swagger. Tight rhythms and smeary guitars: as an homage to golden-age Michigan Avenue and Hastings Street the album totally delivers, IMO. [color=#ffffe0].[/color]
  17. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1482255968' post='3198982'] Or John Prine's subime Christmas in the Jailhouse, [/quote] Excellent choice, Sir. Outstanding song that's sad and uplifting at the same time. Version here off 'Souvenirs': [media]http://youtu.be/jj-Vff5HPhc[/media]
  18. Do You Remember Rock'n'Roll Radio by The Ramones - Jerry Lee Lewis, John Lennon, T.Rex Who Will Save Rock'n'Roll? by The Dictators - The Stooges, Sgt Pepper Behind The Wall Of Sleep by The Smithereens - Bill Wyman White Man In Hammersmith Palais by The Clash - Dillinger, Leroy Smart, Delroy Wilson, Ken Booth and The Four Tops Buddy Holly by Weezer For you Blue by The Beatles - Elmore James Elmo' James by The Chairmen of The Board Radar Love by Golden Earring - Brenda Lee Just Like Vince Taylor by Golden Earring Just Like Eddie by Heinz Three Stars by Eddie Cochran - Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, The Big Bopper Sweet Home Alabama by Lynryd Skynryd - 'The Swampers' (Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section) All Night Long by Warren Zevon - "Sweet Home Alabama, play that dead band's song" My My, Hey Hey by Neil Young - Johnny Rotten Rockaria by ELO - Wagner, Beethoven, Puccini, Verdi, Chuck Berry
  19. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1481900350' post='3196134'] Does AC/DC count? You could argue that the Youngs were Brits and Axel Rose is definately American. A bit tenuous I suppose [/quote] On the most recent tour AC/DC comprised three Brits (Slade, Williams, Johnson) one Scots-born Aussie (Young, A) one Scot who migrated to Australia but has spent his adult life mostly in Britain (Young, S) and one American (Rose). A multi-national outfit indeed. [color=#ffffe0].[/color]
  20. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1481830781' post='3195585'] ... the biggest thing to date a record is production, and to some extent arrangement. [/quote] That's the thing, innit? If Lennon & McCartney were starting out today they'd probably be sat in a bedroom studio working on a Mac. As in history, they'd be assimilating the sounds that were around them and listening to earlier artists and writing songs and trying stuff out. The main difference would be they'd probably be wearing silly tight jeans below the arse and sporting tattoos and hipster beards. They couldn't be pro's because there's no money in music for beginners these days so Lennon would be a dog-walker / rent boy and McCartney would be working as a Barista in Caffe Nero: 'Chocolate on yer Capperchino, luv? Fab gear!' The reality is that the Beatles 'then' wouldn't cut it these days. But this is all a bit like the T-model Ford: It wouldn't sell now but there wouldn't be the same 'now' if it hadn't sold then. [color=#ffffe0].[/color]
  21. [quote name='Wylie' timestamp='1481845830' post='3195739'] My question is, Does a speaker need to be exercised, used, played, in order to retain its elasticity? [/quote] Possibly. Or possibly not. That's [i]science[/i] and somebody much smarter than me will doubtless be along presently. [quote name='Wylie' timestamp='1481845830' post='3195739']Will it deteriorate if not used?[/quote] If left long enough - in the order of years or possibly decades - I suppose the rubber bits will eventually stiffen up. That said, I had a 2x12 cab for thirty-six years, didn't use it for the last ten. Fired it up before I advertised it for sale and it sounded fine. Awesome, in fact. I doubt that leaving your Schroder for 6 months - year will cause problems in the medium term but if you're worried, it's no biggie to switch it on every three months or so and have a noodle for half an hour. Enjoy
  22. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1481722500' post='3194537'] Didn't Dee Snider sue Trump about him using "We're Not Gonna Take It"? [/quote] I think Mr Snider [url="http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/twisted-sisters-dee-snider-why-i-asked-donald-trump-to-stop-using-were-not-gonna-take-it/"]asked Trump to cease using the song[/url] at rallies and Trump complied. That said, Mr Snider 'performed' the song on stage at an Eric Trump charity gig in 2015 backed by the massed ranks of the Trump clan - including the man himself. [media]http://youtu.be/lznqdiYRsss[/media]
  23. Well it won't be Kanye West, Beyoncé, Pharrell Williams, Katie Perry, Christina Aguilera, Burt Bacharach, Tony Bennett, Jon Bon Jovi, Mariah Carey, Cher, Kelly Clarkson, Ellie Goulding, Ice-T, Ja Rule, Elton John, Quincy Jones, Bruce Springsteen, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, Ricky Martin, Janelle Monae, Morrissey, Snoop Dogg, 50 Cent, Sting, Barbra Streisand, James Taylor, Usher, will.i.am and Stevie Wonder because they all endorsed Hillary, much good it did her in the end. Given that The Donald's taste in music tends towards classic rock perhaps Mr Dee Snider (Trump's good friend from The Apprentice) might be persuaded against his better judgement to volunteer the services of Twisted F*cking Sister. [color=#ffffe0].[/color]
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