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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1441714496' post='2861084'] Hmm, could that be a bit of a "light the blue touchpaper and stand well back" moment from Milty there? [/quote] It [i]may[/i] be a reference to the occasional short sailing trips organised by the cancer charity for him and other young people who are either undergoing treatment or in remission.
  2. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1441665255' post='2860790'] The OP could have easily accomplished that if he'd conceded this point made days ago............ [quote]Maybe it would be less of a curse and just accepted that what was earth shattering to you was different to others, and stop trying to make the point to people who disagree![/quote] [/quote] I see what you mean and you're right. If the OP had caved in to pressure from certain individuals he wouldn't have been subject to personal abuse ... er ... doesn't sound so good when we put it like that But it still comes down to the fact that some peoples' self esteem is so fragile that they perceive a politely expressed general observation as a specifically personal attack to which they respond with ad-hominem insults. So it all turns nasty and eventually you get muppets turning up to further their pre-existing vendetta. There's another thread running at the moment where exactly the same thing is happening. And where are the mods while this is happening? Are they putting out the fire? No. With a couple of honourable exceptions, they're lobbing brick-ends along with all the other malcontents. It's just horrible. All part of the general forum decline, I suppose. The country's going to the dogs, I tell you.
  3. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1441658190' post='2860719'] [b] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/25488-miltyg565/"]MiltyG565[/url][color=#475769][size=3][/size][/color][/b] [color=#777777]Low end offender[/color][list] [*][url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/25488-miltyg565/"][/url] [*]Members [*] [*]3,340 posts [/list][list] [*][color=#505050]Gender:[/color]Male [*][color=#505050]Location:[/color]Wild West Antrim [*][color=#505050]Interests:[/color]Music, cars, hockey, life. [/list] [color=#5A5A5A][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#A4A4A4]Posted 02 September 2015 - 09:28 PM[/color][/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#282828][size=4]I'm going sailing for a few days next week . [/size][/color][/size][/font][/color] [/quote]
  4. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1441645918' post='2860552'] I don't have any strong feelings one way or the other about the Beatles issue (despite having been around at the time), but I have to say I think the OP has been pompous, arrogant, condescending and more than a little ridiculous in many posts (in this and other threads), and I'm not at all surprised that people have reacted to this. [/quote] So what you're saying is you've nothing to add to the thread but basically you've never really liked him and now is a good time to share that thought with us. Well, people, that's what happens when you get a witch-hunt going. Posters think it's safe to join in and hand out a beating because someone else has already set a precedent. Well, that sucks. Notwithstanding whatever the OP may still have to say that may be offered as a polite observation but perceived by a vocal minority as a dire insult, it's probably best to kill this thread before anyone else decides to get their cosh out.
  5. Over the course of this thread there has been a stream of posts about 'Why can't I have an opinion?' as if it were unacceptable to say - quite politely - 'Frankly, I'm not interested in countervailing views'. Some of these posts can be attributed to skim-reading or misunderstanding. More than a few have their roots in a desire to 'punish' Blue's been harried from pillar to post because for some it's a golden opportunity to displace their aggression onto someone else for expressing an unfashionable view. So they have a pop and then get even more annoyed when he doesn't bow and scrape to them. Next thing a bunch of self-appointed forum vigilantes start forensically dissecting his words to try to make their case. It's so beyond pathetic and so inimical to the idea of 'community' that it beggars belief. Fair play to those who engaged with Blue on an intelligent or accepting or friendly level.. Shame on those who saw it as a opportunity to start a witch hunt or make sniffy jokes at his expense. I suppose it's my own fault for expecting too much of some members. Again.
  6. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1441563232' post='2859861'] I can count on one hand the number of strings I've broken in 35 years [/quote] So that's like what, six? Don't keep us in suspense.
  7. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1441557343' post='2859795'] I wasn't allowed to go on a bus alone when I was 9. Does this explain my lack of wisdom and perspective? [/quote] You lack neither wisdom nor perspective. It is simply that you (may) not have travelled on the number 11 bus, resplendent - as ET avers - in its handsome blue and cream livery. Frankly, blue and cream is only the bus colour scheme that matters. Young people talk to me about London Country green and I laugh in their silly faces. For myself, the only real though wisdom-free Midlands bus perspective I can offer is in respect of the number 452 and its Midland Red equivalent the number 107. But ask me about the 38 that goes down Oxford St and I'll be here all day. [size=3][b]London Country Green[/b]: Fatuous[/size]
  8. Birmingham Corporation Bus? I remember those from my youth. Love the sloping driver's windscreen.
  9. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1441554154' post='2859745'] I have two towels. This means when one is damp I can bring the dry one into play (that is not a euphemism) and of course after they are laundered I can fold both of them, thus providing some meaning to my pointless existence. Are more than two towels necessary......? [/quote] Face towels, hand towels or bath towels? Lateral, longitudinal or napkin folds? My rule of thumb is to have a ratio not exceeding 6:4:2, always presuming that one has a back up towel for each one in use. A cursory review of that ratio suggests an absolute minimum of twelve towels per person, hence 28.8 towels per average household of two adults and 2.4 children. So, yes, more than two towels are necessary. How you fold them is a matter of personal preference.
  10. Thing is, having that early perspective is like being in at the start of anything. You know what things were like before it started and then the situation rolls away and it's like - er - being on a bus and you can see what's happening out the windows as you go along the way and you know where the bus has been because you got on at the bus station rather than further on along the road at the bus stop by the abbatoir, say. But if you're waiting for the bus further along the road you only ever see the [i]front[/i] of the bus coming towards you while you're waiting at the bus-stop by the abbatoir and then you get on the bus and you only see what's happening out of the windows [i]after[/i] you get on the bus but you don't know where the bus has been and you don't what it was like on the bus before you got on the bus at the bus stop you did. I can see how that might give one a kind of perspective. And wisdom.
  11. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1441552472' post='2859731'] Pfft - who do you think you are, this bloke? [/quote] More... this bloke
  12. To be fair, if I was gigging bass regularly I'd probably take two. Not because of string breakages (though they're inconvenient) but because I once had the end of a nut snap off, leaving the E-string nuzzling the edge of the board in a frankly lascivious way. It's not because I'm a poser (which I am). That said, for highly specific purposes and in preparation for my soon-come acoustic 'chick-bait' act I am amassing a veritable arsenal of acoustic guitars. There will be a guitar (and back-up) in each of the following tunings: * Standard E (also used for drop D and double drop D) * Open G * DADGAD * Nashville high-strung * CGCFCE This will total ten guitars in two on-stage racks of five, not counting a tenor banjo, a mandolin, an auto-harp and an Appalachian dulcimer (each with its own back up). It may also be the case that I commission a [i]fabulously[/i] expensive blinged-to-the-nines jumbo with S K A N K D E L V A R in mother of pearl letters along the fretboard. Thusly equipped I shall pose and sashay and swoop and randomly point at people in the audience and smile as if I know them. It's stagecraft, you see.
  13. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1441493199' post='2859323'] It later turned out that the frets were a bit soft too - but that might have been me being heavy handed. [/quote] Commonly agreed to be a fault with some Squiers and certainly the case with my Squier Std from about 2005. ([i]Returns to towel folding, whistles theme to Workers Playtime[/i]).
  14. Outstanding value, it would seem! Enjoy your new Stomplab, Sir
  15. Well, this is all very interesting but these towels aren't going to fold themselves.
  16. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1441483928' post='2859221'] Outrageous. [/quote] I know. The internet is the place where everybody's special and everybody goes home with a prize.
  17. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1441482286' post='2859201'] If only we could incorporate "which bass is best for metal" too, we'd essentially have finished Basschat. [/quote] It was finished years ago. What we're hearing is just the farting noise that corpses sometimes make. Over and over and over again.
  18. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1441474282' post='2859134'] I'm currently a guest at Warwick Bass Camp, sitting in a room spending the day with the likes of Abraham Laboriel, Billy Sheehan, Lee Sklar etc, and thinking of this thread, asked them how important they felt The Beatles were to them and music in general? They all looked at me as if I was mad. A Laboriel said, "It all changed with The Beatles". That was pretty much the general consensus. [/quote] Interesting. I expect someone will now post something like: 'How dare Alphonso Johnson, Bobby Vega, Chester Thompson, Chuck Rainey, David Ellefson, Divinity Roxx, Frank Itt, Gary Willis, Hellmut Hattler, John B Williams, Kai Eckhardt, Lee Sklar, Rhonda Smith, Ryan Martinie, Stu Hamm and Steve Bailey imply that I can't have an opinion. They sound like my Dad. 'Who are these people, anyway, and what makes their opinion more valuable than mine? Seeing Crispy Ambulance at the Spurley Hey Youth Centre in 1978 was ten times more influential for me than the Beatles ever were'. I love the internet. [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  19. Well, we've now got clear laboratory evidence of what happens if you accidentally combine thread topics. Adding '[i]Why do people buy expensive gear?[/i]' to '[i]Is expensive gear better?[/i]' and '[i]Do you ever gig expensive gear down the pub?[/i]' results in bangs and smells. Back to the drawing board.
  20. The Canadians banned that song from public radio for being racist. IIRC. Possibly. Go Canada!
  21. One time, I bought a tuna sandwich from George Best. George Best the former Man United footballer. Spooky coincidence or what? [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1441395406' post='2858672'] There weren't no grassy knoll guvnor ... see for yourself ... [/quote] That's a CIA black ops safe-house. Obvious to the trained eye. The lady on the pavement staring at her shoes waiting for the little blades to spring out a la Rosa Klebb? Trained assassin. Spot 'em a mile off.
  22. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1441392791' post='2858634'] Probably, in the same way as soap powders need promotion, despite their being all from the same company..! Exotic perfumes for Mother's Day and Christmas, latest X-Box mega-hit, a totally new spongy chocolate wafer... All these and more are vying for the attention of those willing to have their attention turned. If it's consumers one is after, it's part of the way of life, I suppose. Is any of it really genuine..? I have a certain cynical streak which precludes faith in such stuff; I tend to filter it all out as best as I can. I don't think I'm alone. Quality speaks for itself, in my (blinkered, old-hat, provincial...) view. If you need to make a ram-dam, there's summit innately up with the raw product. The more 'hype', the less I'm likely to react positively. It takes all sorts, of course, hence the continuing success of Nigerian presidents asking for help getting millions out of the country, promising a quick buck for the gullible. It seems to work for them, so there are, indeed, enough fools, duffers and idiots out there. Not a following I'd like to have, but why pick and choose..? A 'like' is a 'like', isn't it..? [/quote] As a huge fan I'm disappointed. You didn't sign off with your usual '[i]...but what would I know?[/i] ' If this is the big comeback tour you're going to have to raise your game a bit. Maybe tweet a few thoughts about chocolate wafers? [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  23. [quote name='Slipperydick' timestamp='1441389612' post='2858605'] Small world, I was lyin on a grassy knoll. trying out my new bolt action rifle. [/quote] [size=3]Grassy Knoll welcomes careful shooters. Please form an orderly queue.[/size]
  24. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1441388497' post='2858593'] ( ( N / B ) - 50 ) For clarity. No need to thank me. [/quote] Thank you. That bloody insideparenthesessunglasswearingsmuglittlebastardsmiley B is getting right on my wick. He'll get a punch up the bracket next time. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1441391684' post='2858619'] that's why bands and artists do things like Reddit "Ask Me Anything"... Bands should probably work out a way to bring a small slice of that into every social media post, shouldn't they? [/quote] Indeed so. My question would be: Hey Ed: If you laid all your fans end to end along the M1 can I drive my car over them? And what's your bank card pin? That's virality in action, see. [color=#FFFFFF].[/color]
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