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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. It should be noted that the acoustics and the Memphis-built semi's are quite nicely made if a bit on the pricey side. One can only assume that top honcho Henry Juskiwicz is unaware that these operations are part of the Gibson group's portfolio or he would have f***ed them up the arse the same way he's done the solid bodies.
  2. As entertaining as the review are the peevish 'Who do you think you are?' replies from offended Muse customers. And is it really 25 years? Ou sont les neiges d'antan?
  3. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1435072081' post='2805121'] ... a confidentiality contract Ms Moore required me to sign before the commencement of works prevents me from revealing what it was that I found the blockage to be -- suffice it to say that it no longer worked, even with a new battery [/quote] Having not been party to the confidentiality agreement I can reveal the item in question was an early prototype Peterson headstock strobe tuner, the remains of which are now in the R S Laing collection. Peterson had loaned it to Demi's then husband the musician Freddie Moore for the purposes of evaluation. Freddie's onstage schtick was doing a cat impersonation (fact - check wikipedia if you don't believe me). I remember him 'doing the cat' at The Whisky in 1981 and noticing a young George Galloway in the audience, an expression of rapt attention on his face. Perhaps Freddie might have risen to greater heights had I not introduced Demi to Bruce Willis at one of Alice Cooper's golf days. The experience of being dumped completely unmanned Freddie and he sank back into an obscurity relieved only by NAMM demo gigs with Jeff Berlin who eventually sacked him for crying every time they played a piece in a minor key. I feel myself partially responsible for Freddie's downfall and relate the tale as a corrective to those who might inadvertantly bring disharmony between a fellow muso and his main squeeze. The same thing happened when I tired of Patti Scialfa and laid her off on Springsteen during a long weekend at the Kennedy compound in Hyannisport. I remember Harper Lee giving me a very hard time about that, even though I was fellating her most industriously during the conversation. The only way I could get Harper to shut up was to progress to 'the main event' - and that, of course, was the night I got to drill a mockingbird. Great days, good times.
  4. I bow to no man in my admiration of Mr Van Halen. When I was living in LA in the 80's I popped round to see Demi Moore and discovered Eddie sat at her piano executing a flawless Chopin nocturne while simultaneously conducting a conversation about the painter Caravaggio with Bernard Berenson. Not so much, one might say, except that they were both speaking in an obscure dialect found only in the remote villages of the Veneto region of Italy. Berenson kept trying to put Eddie off his stride by pulling faces, all to no avail. At the conclusion of the piano piece we all applauded. Eddie smiled modestly and made his exit through the door to the sun terrace. I never saw him again.
  5. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1435061473' post='2804991'] [i][b]Exercise 1.[/b][/i] Q. Multiply 0.0004p by 1000. A. 0.4p [i][b]Exercise 2.[/b][/i] Q. Multiply £0.0004 by 1000. A. £0.4 which is also known as 40p. [i][b]Exercise 3.[/b][/i] Learn to distinguish between pounds and pennies, especially if you hope to earn a living from music. [/quote] So a million plays would net me £4000! And all I have to do is put my song on spotify and hit play a million times. I could get someone to write a macro or something and put it on my old PC and just leave it clicking away. These people who say there's no money in music. Talking out their arses.
  6. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1435048277' post='2804850'] Alternatively, maybe Mick was actually singing "scarred old slaver", which is what the lyric has been for over 40 years. [/quote] In an interview with Derek Pippin published in Kreem magazine in 1972 Bill Wyman insisted that the lyric is 'sidecar raver sinks his dong all night' - a reference to the band's early days when he - Wyman - would transport himself to gigs on an Ariel Arrow motorcycle and sidecar combination. Upon leaving the gig with female company Mr Wyman would repair to a layby on the Western Avenue near Denham where - being of sufficiently diminutive stature - he would engage in sexual congress in the sidecar. This arrangement continued until March 1964 when Wyman bought his first car (an Austin A40). (Reproduced from 'Bill Wyman - Minute By Minute: 1962-1982' / Rocco Siffredi / Backdoor Press)
  7. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1434733388' post='2802357'] There's always Star****er of course. [/quote] Great song, especially the little twist they put in the chorus when they truncate one of the lines.
  8. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1434728123' post='2802286'] Very few people listen to the gear. Most folks listen to the player. [/quote] Apart from other bass players who stare intently at one's amp settings, turn to their wives and observe that 'the sound is too scooped and needs more low mids'.
  9. We dropped Brown Sugar from the set after an unfortunate contretemps when we played Diane Abbot's birthday party. After discussion we decided to go with Honky Tonk Women instead but rewrote the lyrics to avoid giving offence. I met a gin soaked bar room queen in Memphis I put her in a cab and sent her home Paid her tab and went back to my hotel And read the Gideon bible all alone It's the Honky Tonk Women Who would most benefit from gender identity counselling I met a divorcee in New York city Exploiting her vulnerable status ran entirely counter to the personal guidelines I have set for myself The lady then she covered me with roses "I hope these flowers came from a fair trade partner who pays their workers a living wage and respects diversity standards which would meet with the approval of enlightened progressives everywhere" I said, knocking back my glass of herbal tea.
  10. What would I do? Probably suck my teeth and forget about it. The pedal wouldn't have been much more protected had the box been wrapped in a couple of layers of brown paper, which is my usual [i]modus deliverandi[/i] and which seems to give satisfaction. That said, I was once a bit taken aback to receive a semi-acoustic where the only packaging material was about 30 foot of cling film wrapped round the case [color=#ffffff].[/color]
  11. [quote name='simon1964' timestamp='1434158642' post='2797290'] Really? Seems a legitimate question for those of us who pay to advertise on here, so why not ask? [/quote] Possibly because 98.7% of members and 83% of the mods don't have a f**king [i]clue[/i] how to work the payment system when it goes wonko. Only a tiny cabal of uber-mods have been vouchsafed the dark secret of ungumming the works; it is no light matter to arrange an audience with these celestial beings, a process which Dad3353 has set in train. Doubtless all will be well come sun-up.
  12. In addition to selling 80m albums, Mr Last was - apparently - an award winning bass player back in the fifties.
  13. I'm thinking of promoting a festival. The bands will have to sell all the tickets, provide the PA / back line, hire the venue and arrange the shuttle buses. People don't get that it's a demanding job, being a promoter.
  14. [quote name='Iheartreverb' timestamp='1432807722' post='2785109'] Thanks for all responses guys... [snip] and sorry this has some of you fairly riled up! [/quote] Don't worry about it. 'Riled' is a resting position for many BC-ers and the simple phrase '[i]my sound[/i]' is guaranteed to set some of them off alarming. Though not as much as '[i]dialling in my signature tone[/i]'.
  15. Just sacked myself from a band after 4 'rehearsals' in reaction to a lazy, incompetent guitarist. It doesn't really matter because I was doing it as a favour to a mate. Being the last member to arrive, I asked for a set list and keys in advance of the first meet. These [i]still[/i] hadn't materialised by the time I left. Though the guitarist did on one occasion hand me the lyric sheets to a couple of songs as if he was giving me the keys to the kingdom. Having - by means of enhanced interrogation techniques - managed to get [i]some[/i] idea of the names of the songs the guitarist wanted to play I assiduously learnt the various progressions. Quite clearly the guitarist had not. On most songs, every pass he played different chords. When I tried to encourage him towards a consistent approach this total bozo would sit there with a passive-aggressive, sh*t-eating grin on his face. Then he'd continue with his Woolworth's pick'n'mix approach to delivering a song. And he'd frequently end a song by hitting a 12th fret harmonic G chord - irrespective of the original key - with this look on his face that just screamed 'I'm a clever boy, I can play harmonics'. In the end I called my mate and told him I was out, toodles, sayonara, etc. See, I'd forgotten the two golden rules: * 95% of local amateur bands include at least one member who's a complete and utter cock * Life's too short and precious to do time for GBH.
  16. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1432767602' post='2784898'] Your right, I'm even starting to say pubs instead of bars.lol [/quote] Well, you are from Millwall. So draw on your cultural heritage. Next time someone gives you some lip, look at 'em slow and growl 'Gertcha'. Then lamp them with a 'Millwall brick'.
  17. To summarise: a young person (not noticeably intoxicated) approached the stage mid-gig and informed the OP that he and his band were 'no longer relevant' and that what they were doing was 'history'. Frankly, I suspect the chap who approached Blue was possibly a Media Studies major expressing a moderate and balanced viewpoint. In recognition of the 'academic' tone of his observations one might lure the precocious young shaver to a deserted warehouse, mitigating the punishment to the amputation of a finger rather than administering the time-honoured bullet in the face. We more - [i]mature [/i]- citizens should encourage the young to rehearse their thinking in public, always provided they understand that blood may flow and it won't be ours.
  18. I've recently played country on a (Encore P-Body from the local tip + Vesta 'jazz' neck off BC + loaded P-scratchplate off the bay + some used Elixirs): Total cost =£48 Lashing out on foam for a mute seemed a bit extravagant though.
  19. Truly the end of a golden age
  20. [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1431418897' post='2770979'] My pet hate is "minty", which seems to originate with [url="http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Septic"]Septics[/url] that don't know why it's supposed to be "mint" and assume it's a contraction of "minty fresh". [/quote] Robinson: So, minty. Frank? Muir: Minty. [i]Minty[/i]. It's a variant on the term 'mint condition', a description originally used by numismatists when describing coins of such exceptionally unblemished quality it might seem as if said metallic units of money had just left the mint wherein they assumed their delightfully circular and sometimes milled-edge form. Not to be confused with 'minty butter', a confection oft found atop a bowl of steaming, delicious new potatoes. So: [i]minty[/i], a frequently hyperbolic term indicative of an item's contemporary proximity to its native state. [i]Minty.[/i] [i].[/i]
  21. Nice box, Sir. Long may you enjoy it. As an aside, it should be noted that the Italians are crazy for old Italian guitars. The weirdest sh*t goes for bundles on the Italian ebay - metallic finish Meazzis for £700-800!
  22. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1431359600' post='2770456'] Err...did they miss the Punk revolution in 1977?? and what happened in 1983 that was so "revolutionary"?? [/quote] They missed the Punk Revolution because the study's about the USA and draws its stats from the Billboard Top 100, wherein punk left not so much as a trace. As for what happened in 1983, I have no idea. I was around at the time but I was very, very drunk.
  23. Andy from Pro-Guitar Shop when he was doing it. End of. Ever since Burgerman took over it's been a mushy pentatonic distortion fest. Actually - sorry - that's guitar effects. I don't think I've ever watched a bass fx vid except the Cbread SFT, on the basis of which I bought one and was savagely disappointed with its - er - 'widely respected' guitar tone.
  24. Congratulations! The NWOBHM revival is just around the corner.
  25. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1430589023' post='2762949'] I hope it goes well young Skankster , I guess you upstarts need to grab every chance you can [/quote] Thank you - we certainly do. Two of the buggers are off in France for 5 weeks in June (doing up a flat in Nice). When they get back in July we'll be auditioning fiddle players and firming up the new set. So a Saturday afternoon in August in a brewery just down the road from us is perfect timing and location. Even if it's sh*t and there's no one in the audience it won't matter. The additional wrinkle is that everyone in this band is playing their 'second' instrument. So I'm on ac guitar / vox, the bass-player's a harmonica-ist and the drummer's a guitarist. Based on the potential auditionees for the fiddle seat we'll probably be looking at a folkie tin-whistle player, a female goth drummer and an elderly jazz pianist.
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