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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. [quote name='scoobystig' timestamp='1430496360' post='2762090'] [url="http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/musicians-bandsacts-t746888.html"]http://www.joinmyban...ts-t746888.html[/url] Just like this !! [/quote] [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1430513509' post='2762296'] FFS a brewery in Holt , Wiltshire [/quote] Actually, my thanks for the heads-up to Scoobystig for posting this info about the unpaid brewery gig. Following a brief consultation with the new band, we'll be giving it a go. Ideal 'no pressure' run-out for some new material after the summer hiatus.
  2. Good job no one here is playing in an orchestra. The conductor is - by design - usually a half-beat or a beat ahead of the orchestra, while some instruments (bowed basses) open their note even a little bit ahead of the other players to allow for their instrument's attack. In any case, playing ahead of or behind the beat is a legitimate and widely recognised musical practice.
  3. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1430513509' post='2762296'] FFS a brewery in Holt , Wiltshire , you have NO chance of getting spotted there , I mean Holt , who goes there ? [/quote] I do. Quite often :-)
  4. [quote name='Muppet' timestamp='1430569769' post='2762705'] Was he clear it was an audition, rather than a 'we're having a practice before a gig, do you want to pop along?' sort of thing? Had you agreed what songs he was to learn etc..? Sounds like a communications issue to me. [/quote] That would be my understanding.
  5. I'd like the marketplace sub-forums divided up into manufacturer, type, colour, board type, scratchplate, number of strings, geographical location down to ward level and price bands in £10 increments. Example: [b]Forum[/b]: [size=3][i]Fender[/i] / Jazz / [i]Natural[/i] / RW / [i]Blk[/i] / 4st / [i]England / [/i]South Midlands[i] / [/i] [i]Oxfordshire[/i] / North Oxfordshire / [i]Banbury [/i]/ BA15 / [i]Shenington with Alkerton[/i] / £500-£510[/size] The benefit of this approach is that it would make things much easier for me and more difficult for everyone else. That's right. I said it.
  6. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1429801539' post='2755115'] Re the counter itself, I am sure darker forces are at work suppressing the clicks as I believe a green-eyed monster lurks within. [/quote] Dark forces. Green-eyed monster. A dark green monster. With eyes.
  7. This 'views' counter thing is a [i]complete swindle[/i]. Clearly someone has their thumb on the scales and is suppressing numbers which indicate the [i]true[/i] popularity of the endeavour. I've just now come in and out of this thread three times, refreshing my browser each time. Yet the counter is still sitting on 32,113 views which is what it was before I started. To paraphrase Mr Richard Keys' observation at the time of his enforced departure from Sky Sports: '[i]Dark forces are at work[/i]'.
  8. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1429786290' post='2754895'] I was once asked to get my low ball offer [/quote] It's the gentlemanly thing to do.
  9. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1429634052' post='2753471'] You are guitar, bass and drums now so you should sound like that, and not try to sound like your old band. [/quote] Wisdom. Slimming down the line-up makes for interesting possibilities with arrangements, dynamics, etc. Rather than everybody playing more stuff to fill, try stripping each song down to its essentials and re-building from there using different parts for different sections. Bob Mould (guitarist Husker Du, Sugar) records songs with multiple simultaneous guitar parts. When playing live he plays just [i]one[/i] of those recorded parts for verse 1. Under verse two he plays a [i]different [/i]one of those parts. And so on. Anyhow, history evidences plenty of three pieces which recorded ambitious, sprawling studio material but still sounded epic live on their lonesome. Best of all, you don't have to split the money five ways.
  10. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1429480058' post='2751870'] I think they have. What they use now is "Nanoweb", which is a flexible, thin plastic coating. They used to use something else which wasn't a coating per-se, but more a "filler" that filled in the gaps between the windings. [/quote] Now I never knew that. You learn something new every day.
  11. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1429468002' post='2751661'] Yep it`s bizarre, the pound gets you much more Euros for your money now than last year, but far less USD in comparison to the same time. [/quote] [color=#008080][b][font=verdana, geneva, sans-serif]MARKET VIEW[/font][/b][/color] [b]DOLLAR: YUMMY[/b] [b]£GBP:[color=#ffffff] .. ...[/color]IFFY[/b] [b]€:[color=#ffffff].......... ..[/color] NASTY[/b]
  12. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1429464752' post='2751624'] Maybe you should tell Elixir and ask for a lifetime's supply of strings (3 sets) [/quote] Two sets would probably do. The only trouble with having such old strings is that Elixir have probably changed the formulation / manufacturing specs at least twice in those 11 years and they might well now be sh1te, for all I know.
  13. Indeed. The £ has dropped 4.3% against the dollar since January and about 10% since the peak last summer.
  14. Though not particularly zingy, the Elixirs on my bass still sound fine after 11 years (as close as I can reckon).
  15. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1429371761' post='2750913'] Wady's canal water? [/quote] 6X with a Cillit Bang depth charge. Yum. [quote name='Tuco' timestamp='1429381382' post='2751006'] That made me laugh out loud Mr Skank[/quote] Excellent.
  16. If you [i]really[/i] want to distance yourself, let the wife sort it all out and check in once a year to assess progress.That way, everybody's happy.
  17. [quote name='bootsy666' timestamp='1429372474' post='2750926'] what's the equivalent of 400watts valve compared to solid state? [/quote] More. Just more. Of everything. Actually, I agree the VBA will be fine. Just that a handmade, Savile Row Gentleman's rig should [i]probably[/i] include a suitably excessive head. Preferably about six foot wide with a strobing faceplate and a Martin-Baker ejector seat.
  18. Frankly, I think a mere VBA might be a bit of an anti-climax. Perhaps Mr Bootsy666 might have a word with John Chambers and see if he'll build another one of his 1000w valve amps.
  19. In the event that your combination ever plays Devizes please alert me in advance. I'll arrive very drunk and ask you if I can have a go on your bass.
  20. RIP Mr Sledge. Perfect delivery of an achingly beautiful song.
  21. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1428869554' post='2745558'] I guess as the OP is from Wilts he may be more interested in a Wilshire Bash than a Dorset one ? [/quote] Wilts now, but before we moved no one was as big a NOBBer as me.
  22. We had girls at the NOBB. Well, prostitutes, as it happens. We paid them to stand around and say things like 'So, speaker excursion? That's really [i]interesting[/i]'.
  23. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1428867092' post='2745501'] contestants produce an old string and those assembled (in a circle) try to guess the makers name and for an extra point, the gauge. [/quote] That game [i]never[/i] gets old. One time at the North Oxfordshire bash we tried sitting in a [i]square[/i] formation but it just wasn't the same.
  24. My understanding of jamming coincides with Blue's observation. Some friends would get into a room with no pre-planned song list; someone randomly starts playing a pattern, a riff or some chords and everyone else follows along. Over time the 'song' mutates, winds down, re-starts, wanders off and comes back. There may be a pause while someone puts the kettle on or - perhaps - constructs a Camberwell Carrot. Then you start playing again. Repeat until everyone's bored or the neighbours call the council. It [s]can[/s] used to go on for ages - the longest I ever jammed was about ten hours including comfort breaks. You'd come back from having a piss and they'd have moved the jam on a notch. Or not
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