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Everything posted by MutatisMutandis
Would anybody know where I can get edge binding from in a dark charcaol grey....6mm x 2mm? Failing that a supplier who can get me ABS, Nitroceluloid or High Impact Polystyrene of the same cross-section in continuous lengths of 2 metres or over....'tis for a rebuild project I have just started.
Possibly it's a 4001s... not many about.... also not many fakers look like that, but it is easy enought to unscrew a "bolt on" neck, squirt in some glue tighten it up till it sets, then remove the screws and plate... fill the holes and remove the mark that would be left by the plate, sand polish and respray with matching paint..... an awful lot of work and it would have to be done to a high standard to look like it does in the pic..... so my best guess is that it is probably genuine, with a niggling little bit of doubt. Without a photo of the jack plate it is difficult to authenticate 100%
Where is the sense in this.... picking off individuals one by one for selling items on the second hand market, items that were made decaces ago, whilst doing nothing about the flood copies being made right now in asia and southern america (even in his home town of Santa Ana). The man has a proirity crissis I think
Would this be a 1980s Rickenbacker or is it a fake.....see pic
I was just reading posts on this thread between "noirpunk" and "Beerdragon" posted on 29th of june 2008, regarding a man who make custom guitars out off metal being described as "Metalbackers" is this perhaps one of those. Any more info from that thread?
The ultimate restoration challenge perhaps?
I am amazed by the depth of knowledge pople have on this site and the generosity of spirit. I have already ordered some of the ping machines that you mention and they are coming on a "slow boat from China" at the moment. I will probably use a local firm to laser cut and etch me a TRC, I just need to find an acurate image of the correct logo for the design work. I was thinking more of a rebuild than a restoration, echoing the look of a bass I owned many years ago.....I am open to ideas
I like bass guitars.....everthing else seems so complicated.. next time I'll ask my kids to help... and leave them to it while I make a cup of tea.... Thanks for the advice.... I am sure my youngest will understand it....
A tutorial for how to work this posting pictures thing would be nice for us old geezers who still like phones wth buttons and have never touch or been touched by a touch screen interfacebucket thing
Ha... succeedingsnessess....
I have tried using BRASSO to cut through the paint.... but it look s like it was sanded down to bare wood before being sparyed with sh*t. I will try again on the neck, but as you ca see sanding scratches under the paint... I have little hope.... So here are some photos to so what I have got as my starting point. NB mixmatch neckplate screws, two of which turn with no grip.
I have tried using BRASSO to cut through the paint.... but it look s like it was sanded down to bare wood before being sparyed with sh*t. I will try again on the neck, but as you ca see sanding scratches under the paint... I have little hope.... So here are some photos to so what I have got as my starting point. NB mixmatch neckplate screws, two of which turn with no grip. Pic upload troubles..... trying one pic per post.... even that don't work.... keep getting error message " post to short" ?
Thanks Mr B... with the info you gave me and a little search round the web, I can now say that it is almost ceratainly a mid 1970s Aria RE 550. Next job is to find out what colour it used to be, under a rather thick layer(s) of waht looks like black car aersol spray and I guess in homage to Blue Peter's aproach to DIY, a lovely front covering of reflective yellow sticky back plastic (looks like something you would find on a road sign....Diverted traffic?)
Hey... thanks Mr Bassassin.... the neck plate is indeed stamped "Steel Adjustable Neck", with a seriel number under that. I don't suppose there is any way to find out which brand it was sold as. It came without a TRC, so when I have a replacement made it would be nice to get the correct "logo2 on there.... Cheers for now. Will post picks of how it is before I start the rebuild... when I get my camera back. Cheers
So you buy a bass guitar on ebay... and wait for it to arrive.... and wait for it to arrive... and you check your purchse history...and your payment has been refunded? So you check your messages and it says that the item has been withdrawn from sale as it was "not as described" ?? What? Is that the Rickenbacker police, or maybe did the seller get the higher price he was asking on another site. Can you pull something once it is sold?.... I know I have my money back, but this just seems odd. It looked like the description and by the picks that it was what it said it was... on the other site it says SOLD, but I thought that was to me?... and with all the other Rick copies going full term on ebay... are there more people finding this happening. I bought one on ebay and it arived, like the pics and description... and I am happy with it... next one this weirdness happens...... I' be keeping a sharp eye out for this one turning up again...and messaging the seller if it does. In the mean time I have one quite messed up but restorable Rickenbacker copy, but I am not quite sure what it is. It is an accurate replica in terms of size and shape, but it has a bolt on neck with twin truss rods. Cutouts for pickup clearly show that it originally had Pbass pickups at the neck and something very similar to the standard Rick pickup at the bridge and was originally Stereo and mono outs. The bridge is a good copy of the rick original but the machines were obviously enclosed Grover?schaller type as the holes arn't large enough to take the open type that rickenbacker use and the holes for the screws confirm this. The neck is laquered on the front and is three piece maple/mahog/maple sandwich and the screw holes where the scratchplate used to be line up perfectly with a genuine rick plate. The body is solid block contrction, not a laminate, haven't been able to identify the wood as yet but it is really heavy and hard. I wll post photos when I get the chance. If any one has any thoughts what this might be? Then fire away.
I gotta check out this John Birch stuff.... I'm sure my local music shop had a couple when I was a kid, but they looked more like baldwins.... could that be?
How would you spot a JBirch one? and I've just read the "Leafenbacker" build thread on Talk bass.......what a fantastic story... that girl is clever.
Did Shergold make copies of Rickenbackers? Anybody?
I got another one... A thru neck... but I don't know what i is.....
wouldn't Mr Hall be better off concentrating on his own quality control issues, rather than nerding the web looking for traces of the things his father let slide decades ago? Budwieser found to there serious embarassment and great financial loss, that this kind action cannot be applied retrospectively. I now drink the "beer of kings" (a statement which is fact) rather than the lackluster american sound alike "king of beers" ( a nonesense advertising blurb). I noticed that Coca Cola have registered the word "Happiness" as a trade mark. So it is with great Happiness that I am now the proud owner of a lovely Shaftesbury bass guitar, maybe not as good as the Rickenbacker it is a copy of... but by the time I have done I am pretty sure it will be.
just bought a 70s shaftesbury rickalike bass. slipped through on ebay..... it's a mess right now, but is the bassis of a real good machine. Will do a rebirth. Would posting pics of the process infringe the ten commandments?
They were made entirely of metal... and yes they played very well. The guitar was not as heavy as my Les Paul and the bass was lighter than my JB. Definately one offs
This is it. the only pic I have
[url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/37645-mutatismutandis/"][/url] Has any body seen either of these anywhere?