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Doctor J

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Everything posted by Doctor J

  1. A lot of the price you pay goes to covering Fender’s quite extravagant marketing budget. You hardly think that “P bass ‘n’ flats ‘n’ Leo got it right first time!!!” wave came about by chance, surely?
  2. I’d really like to have some time with one of the Jeff Berlin models, as Cort make some really fine instruments when they want to, but that clickbait image for the video is enough to make me not want to click 😁
  3. Yeah, saw it a few days ago, a great companion to the book (which is very entertaining).
  4. The older Japanese ones were all hand made. I am unfamiliar with the different series they have now but anything Japanese pre-2012 or so will never have seen a CNC machine.
  5. It would be so much easier if you just posted a photo clearly showing the current state of the wiring.
  6. If you think you’re looking at a stock photo, or the photo is too small, or the photo is lo-res, or the seller doesn’t give you the information and the details you need you simply do not buy from them 🙂
  7. Very important. I’ve seen enough outrageously priced Fenders with shonky neck alignment to always study the pictures very carefully. So much about an instrument can be seen if you actually look for it. Pay attention to the details in the pictures, the hardware used to build it and the reputation of the builder. There’s not that much you can do, after that. You either get on with it or you don’t. You’ll never know, however, unless you try 🙂
  8. I don't even go by youtube reviews, I farking hate slap 😂 If it looks nice and has an interesting pickup/electronic setup, chances are that's enough. I don't really see the point in trying as the first thing I do is apply my preferred strings and setup to it, so it's going to feel and sound different anyway. Plus, the setups in most shops would discourage anyone from purchasing in the first place. Nowadays I tend to be drawn to instruments I haven't played, rare birds, if you know what I mean. Who needs to try a P or a J, it's not as if we haven't played hundreds of them before?
  9. Give it time. When I started playing nobody thought 70’s Fenders would ever be worth a damn and now look at the crazy, crazy world around us 😉 Everything becomes more valuable once it hits thirty years of age. A limited model like this? For sure, I think it will be priced on the higher side by our future replacements.
  10. Yes! It can't be a coincidence that the last four characters of the youtube link are "HIFI" 😂 I can't believe Dave's fringe was ever cool in any dimension.
  11. I love the thunder which comes out of G&L MFD pickups but I wouldn’t be able to live without a forearm contour. Instead of the ASAT I’d go for a L2000, but that’s just me. They’re wildly versatile basses with almost limitless low end if you want it. But G&L either way, no question about it.
  12. And the side-project Vanilli-Ice-T was an assault on the hearing.
  13. Unless Steve still owns it you’re free to do as you wish. If he wanted it to remain original he should never have sold it to you 😉 There’s no point just owning a bass you’re not happy with or which isn’t the bass you really want. Either sell it or modify it which, let’s not forget, is how Steve ended up with that bass in the first place... and his one isn’t blue anymore either 😂 If you’re really that troubled by it, pick up a cheap P body off ebay and route that. Then you can always put everything back to normal when some forum warrior is whining at you for not realising that, some day around thirty years into the future, this bass will have grown mojo and be most desirable in unplayed original form. Make sure to post the end result 🙂
  14. Every truss rod adjustment should end with a small tighten, to make sure any slack is taken up. In fact, on any adjustment of any threaded bolt or screw, always tighten up to your desired end point. Never slacken and leave it at that.
  15. It’s a copy of the Warwick Just-a-nut version 1. I have one on my old Streamer, the real JAN1, that is. I dunno, I mean, when it comes to nuts you get it right once and then you leave it alone for the rest of the life of the instrument. I’d just buy some round files with the money and learn to file nut slots to taste. It’s far cheaper in the long run.
  16. I would always, always loosen the strings before adjusting the truss rod. Having the nut work against the additional load the strings will apply on the rod is opening the door to trouble. Once they’re slack, it’s easy to move A and D aside and clear the space you need.
  17. Some sage advice for David and Pink Floyd
  18. Everyone goes nuts for the blunt force trauma these days but, if you want to make a point, use a point!
  19. Cera flew the flag in the fantastic Scott Pilgrim Vs the World. Is there another movie out there with a Bass Battle?
  20. Eddie Van Halen is an accomplished and tasteful guitarist, an innovator like Larry Graham. The problem is not the innovator nor the technique, but those who follow and think more=better... Tap isn’t the problem, it’s tappers. And slap isn’t the problem either, it’s slappers (the other kind 😁)
  21. I'm enjoying these. He's playing to Duran Duran fans rather than bass players which makes it quite charming.
  22. Doctor J


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