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Doctor J

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Everything posted by Doctor J

  1. By the power of Larry Graham's thumb that is a beautiful instrument!!! Wow. Stunning. I think I need to sit down with a nice cup of tea now.
  2. There's no point going over to poke the wasp's nest and then whining when they show up pissed off with you. Leave them crazy people be, I say, at least they seem to be largely self-contained over there, even if it is fun to have a quick peek at the mentallers from time to time. Honestly, the "take a bullet" line... FFS let's not bring that to basschat, please. It raises and interesting issue though. Given how much forums like this are now responsible for instrument reputation and, arguably as a result, sales, I'd be amazed if some companies don't have someone somewhere on forums all the time asking about weak G string output on MusicMans or poking at Fender build quality, for example. The internet is a great place for baseless and outlandish claims which quite frequently are taken as gospel and, let's be honest, something which photographs well will always generate more interest from the masses no matter what it's non-aesthetic features entail. That being said it's just a surprise when the head of the company is capable and seems to revel in generating such bad publicity.
  3. I think the problem with bass cutting through or not is purely down to the player - their technique and how they EQ. I've never encountered a model of bass which wasn't capable of cutting through, just the players change.
  4. You didn't get to the "take a bullet" line... keep reading man, it's all gold.
  5. [quote name='Johnston' post='926341' date='Aug 16 2010, 12:21 PM']As someone who doesn't own any EB items but would love a Big Al if I ever got the money together. It makes you wonder what would happen if you ordered a bass and something just wasn't right.[/quote] That reminded me of a thread on talkbass from a few years back. Most of it was removed but it's still an eye-watering read. [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=245614"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=245614[/url] And then there's the shockwave on kiss-arse central... seriously, get a cup of tea and a comfortable seat for this [url="http://www.ernieball.com/forums/music-man-basses/14847-response-customer-service-thread-tb.html"]http://www.ernieball.com/forums/music-man-...-thread-tb.html[/url] If you ever have an issue the lesson here is don't tell anyone or else!!!
  6. Snapped the truss rod while making a fairly basic adjustment on a Corvette. Fine, my fault, I'll pay for it, I thought, even though I've been adjusting necks for 20 years and have never had a problem before. Spent about a year trying to [b]buy[/b] a new neck from Warwick but, as there isn't a Warwick dealer in ROI, they were as accomodating as a crotch rash. They're just not interested in dealing with customers directly and, if you can't go through a dealer, it's tough sh*t as far as they're concerned. You'd think a neck that chubby might be a bit better built but, wh, there you go. Never again.
  7. Doctor J

    Yamaha BB's

    [quote name='martin8708' post='917215' date='Aug 6 2010, 05:44 PM']do they justify the price tag for essentially a Japanese guitar?[/quote] What is wrong with Japanese guitars?
  8. [quote name='douggie' post='915507' date='Aug 5 2010, 12:07 AM']Sad that I have time to read it all really..[/quote] Felt the same way reading the book
  9. It'd be great if you got a gig playing A Streetcar Named Desire
  10. Find a Godlyke. MM tone with a comfy thin neck.
  11. There's nothing wrong with three bolts as anyone with a 70's RI or early G&L can testify, the main problem with the original 70's Fenders were the neck pockets were usually routed wide enough to sail a barge through and they widended the holes that the screws went into, meaning there was lots of wiggle room. My old 77 was like that and a friend of mine has a 75 Thinline Tele where you can pull the neck so far over, the high E string leaves the neck by about fret 18.
  12. We're happy to release our new E.P. for free download, available to stream on our website [url="http://www.acridnebula.com"][color="red"]acridnebula.com[/color][/url] and also available for free download [url="http://www.acridnebula.com/Acrid_Nebula_Born_With_Teeth.zip"][color="red"]here[/color][/url]. We think these tunes are a good step forward from our old demo which is still available [url="http://www.acridnebula.com/AcridNebula_BlackDays.zip"][color="red"]here[/color][/url]. Physical copies are on the way too. We've got some shows coming up to celebrate, starting tomorrow night, Friday 23rd of July, at [url="http://www.metalireland.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43352&start=0"][color="red"]Valhalla[/color][/url] in the Academy, followed by the [url="http://www.metalireland.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=42746"][color="red"]E.P. launch night[/color][/url] in the Stables in Mullingar next Saturday the 31st. We're also making an appearance at the [url="http://www.metalireland.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=42483&start=0"][color="red"]Dio Memorial show[/color][/url] on the 14th of August plus the [url="http://www.metalireland.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43172&start=0"][color="red"]Templemore Metal Festival[/color][/url] on the 28th of August. We hope to have more dates around the country to announce shortly. Any comments and critiques greatly appreciated. Cheers.
  13. It's always been pretty expensive. Last time I sent one to the UK about a year ago it was just under €100. As mentioned, they using size as a weapon now, so take the neck off anything you ship if at all possible.
  14. Ehhhh... 32" isn't exactly small. Good luck to you, sir, I think you're going to need it
  15. Definitely shield the cavity and the pickup routes too (connect the pickup route shielding to the cavity route shielding so it's all grounded) to try to minimise the interference and then go after the source. My house has some lights which cause interference, you should test to see what's causing the problem where you are. Here, we have some dimmer-compatible lights which each have a transformer which converts the power to 12V and they cause a lot of noise (on MW radio too), so they're going to be removed. Shielding has helped but it's till a problem for any single coil pickup.
  16. [quote name='alanbass1' post='894376' date='Jul 14 2010, 08:14 AM']They have a nice second hand CS '55 P bass at Bass Direct.................umm[/quote] Shhhhhhh, don't tell anyone about [i]that[/i] particular instrument... need money quick
  17. [quote name='flychris' post='893131' date='Jul 12 2010, 08:12 PM']then you've got "Bacchus", really good basses. For the best quality/money/sound ... I'd go for a bacchus ...[/quote] This. One of their Woodline J's would fit the bill to a T!
  18. We were only following orders... hmmm, heard that before alright Sometimes you've got to be a man, stand up for yourself, and do what you think is right. I've no doubt he would've been under pressure from the wicked witch to do what he did, but that still doesn't make it ok. Maybe he didn't have a problem with it at all? It was a sh*tty thing to do, a sh*tty scheme to be a part of and will always tarnish his legacy and I say this as someone who saw him with ST when they toured with M.O.D. in 89, used to have a lot of time for the guy. I wonder would you be so forgiving if Metallica released a bass-audible version of AJFA with him replacing Newsted? I imagine that'd make Lars happy
  19. Was it already repaired? Looks like a sloppy glue job between the neck and fretboard already... and what's the black block where the crack starts?
  20. You think he enjoyed replacing Daisley's parts and helping them screw him out of his royalties?
  21. [quote name='megallica' post='891033' date='Jul 10 2010, 07:56 AM']I'm sure Rob knew what he was doing was wrong but if your boss asked you to do something that you didn't agree with, would you say no?[/quote] Yes.
  22. [quote]Don't waste your time buying a modern Bass, they don't compare at all... ...Save some more money and buy a classic Fender sunburst 5 string[/quote] The pre-CBS and vintage 5ers are the best, there can be no doubt about it.
  23. Excellent stuff The single coils themselves, do they have a Fendery tone to them or does it carry over the MM character?
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