I once auditioned for a band and, during a break, the singer took me aside, said he really liked my playing and explained his vision for the band - which included masks/make-up and stage names. I get the feeling the guy had become aware of Slipknot and wanted to copy the idea. I was 28 at the time and found the whole thing quite embarrassing, even though I would be allowed to choose my own name and mask, etc. If I was 16, fine. I grew up listening to Tom Warrior, Ron Royce, Tommy T. Baron, Cronos, Mantas, Abbadon and the likes and anything goes when you're a kid. At the age of 28, though, the thought of going to my Ma saying I'm going to be known as Blacksmith Demonslayer or some such nonsense (it was a Metal band after all) just did not work for me at all 😄