Sigh... I bought the German Ocean Blue Warwick $$ that was on sale in the classifieds here. Now am torn between it and my 2000 Stingray 2EQ.
Of course i'd wanna keep both - but with life being what it is, one HAS to go. But which!?
The stingray does THAT sizzle thing... that punch and sparkle and bark.
The $$ can approximate that, but not quite as sizzly and agressive. However, it does all those single coil tapping, parallel/series, and additional blends going on... and man, that groowwwwlllll!
The fret arangement are so different too. The MMSR has the 22 fret, while the $$ has 24. The inserted steel reinforcements in the $$ make the action super low right up to the 24th without 'ski jumps'. The action on both and playability are super awesome.
At the moment i'm leaning toward the $$ as it'll be my only bass (i'm a guitarist) and versatility is cool. However, with the $$ I do end up fiddling with switches a touch too much . The MMSR is 'set and forget'.
Another thing is that warwicks are everywhere on the 2nd hand market, whereas cheap 2EQ rays are a bit like hen's teeth, so if I decided to come back for another bass, i'd be better keeping the ray for now...
somebody give me some words of wisdom!