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Everything posted by goonieman

  1. thanks guys. The issue was basic idiocy on my part - the key is to be wary of truss rods that get 'gunk' caught up in them and only move in ratchet amounts... I thought that last bit of the turn was just another ratchet step (like the previous seven or eight steps before it. Hard to explain. As we all already know - if you encounter a lot of resistance - just STOP! Anyway, its a bolt-on. I doubt its the nut. Taking to tech tomorrow. thanks again
  2. Hi All, Schoolboy error: I've been doing my own setups for 20 years. Today the dreaded 'snap' finally caught up with me. Long story short: any ideas on how to fix a 2007 Warwick bass neck - truss rod replacement? the OLD warwick necks used to have replaceable trusses - but not anymore. Does it require heating the glue and lifting the board? EDIT: I found a youtube about the old warwick trusses with valuable info if anyone is interested just google it. cheers
  3. thanks guys. I would have loved to put it away, but I need to get things moving i've decided. I've listed the Stingray on gumtree! The Warwick is just giving me that growl I need... now i'm going to try a thumb and maybe a different type of corvette hopefully...
  4. Howdie folks, I had a jam on saturday and managed to blister my middle and index fingers pretty bad. I did not feel them during the session as I was on adrenaline, but was astounded to see them there after all these years playing (albeit after a small hiatus) So after doing some googling on other forums I decided to take the sanitized-pin-burst option, but added a twist: super glue. I've read there is stuff called '2nd skin' - but I wanted an immediate fix. I would not try it at home because obviously there is a risk the super glue can get into the pin-prick that I made and infect (I assume quite badly? who knows...). Anyways, that did not happen. I think the trick was to pop early before the skin 'died', cover with a bit of glue, and keep on playin'! HARD! After 48 hrs, my skin is re-attaching nicely and the whole area (now minus super glue) is feeling pretty well calloused. (your mileage may vary!)
  5. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1433703197' post='2793261'] I just don't get why the resale on such awesome basses which cost so much new is so low, Warwicks seem to offer unbeatable value in the used market right now [/quote] ^ this. Crazy good value. I imagine these must have real terms value of over a grand (retail). Maybe more. I guess that they are just seen as session basses, without the 'cool' factor of a J or P.
  6. yeah, it's not a majorly urgent issue right now... why would you keep the $$ ? I'll have to see after the honeymoon on this warwick wears off (if it does!). I'm astounded by the quality in this instrument. I'm getting action just under 5/64ths or 2mm on the low e all the way up to the 24th fret with low buzz. The intonation is great, and there are now buzzes in dud frets. Only thing I might change is a getting a brass nut to get away from the composite one in there now. Just for the h3ll of it.
  7. Sigh... I bought the German Ocean Blue Warwick $$ that was on sale in the classifieds here. Now am torn between it and my 2000 Stingray 2EQ. Of course i'd wanna keep both - but with life being what it is, one HAS to go. But which!? The stingray does THAT sizzle thing... that punch and sparkle and bark. The $$ can approximate that, but not quite as sizzly and agressive. However, it does all those single coil tapping, parallel/series, and additional blends going on... and man, that groowwwwlllll! The fret arangement are so different too. The MMSR has the 22 fret, while the $$ has 24. The inserted steel reinforcements in the $$ make the action super low right up to the 24th without 'ski jumps'. The action on both and playability are super awesome. At the moment i'm leaning toward the $$ as it'll be my only bass (i'm a guitarist) and versatility is cool. However, with the $$ I do end up fiddling with switches a touch too much . The MMSR is 'set and forget'. Another thing is that warwicks are everywhere on the 2nd hand market, whereas cheap 2EQ rays are a bit like hen's teeth, so if I decided to come back for another bass, i'd be better keeping the ray for now... somebody give me some words of wisdom!
  8. Yeah, the reason I bought it was for practice use - but then could always plug in a 2x10 or 15 if need for extra girth. The best thing about the EC28 is how compact it is. Same size as most practice amps (a touch wider) - but with all that backup tone and headroom. However, does it SOUND like an eden? I have no idea. I'm loving the 'enhance' control though - it really adds a hi-fi element and great for slap tones.
  9. I bought an Eden EC28 for a song on ebay recently - and am enjoying it immensely. I was wondering why there is so little traffic or discussion on these? Anyone else have one? http://www.edenamps.com/products/eseries/combos/EC28.html The 180W series have the same amp for the 2x10, 1x15 and 2x8, and they have sweepable mids. That sweep allows enormously flexibility in finding the growling sweetspot for my stingray. It has all the usual attributes, inc. 3.5mm input, headphones etc. I don't really know what an eden 'sound' is (although I do love the rounded, punchy and even growly nature of this - especially with headphones as I can't crank it in the apartment. The built-in compressor helps!) Are these true to their namesake?
  10. Thanks guys. That is a warm welcome. Nice to be hanging with a bunch of UK folks. I'm on US guitar forum and sometimes they think i'm speaking japanese.
  11. PM'd again! Are you on holiday BassVentura? This cash is burning a hole in my pocket. I have been looking for an affordable German Warwick for ages.
  12. Howdie All, I've been lurking here for ages and decided to finally dive-in. I'm London based and although I have primarily been a guitarist and feel myself rapidly morphing toward the dark side! Bought a Jazz bass about 6-7 years ago, and ever since I have got more and more into it. Lately I have a Stingray 2eq which is just awesome with that high-end sizzle and bubble. Also recently bought an Eden 180w 2x8 (EC28) on ebay which was a fantastic upgrade from my Hiwatt 25W!!! Loving the EQ and sweepable mids on the Eden. Now looking for another bass to accompany the stingray... sigh. G.A.S. Glad to be a member finally
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