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Everything posted by goonieman

  1. which model? what for? how much do you want to spend? what's your favourite colour? i.e. how long is a piece of string?
  2. I'm with everyone else - it takes quite a bit of cash to convert to a decent fretless actually... and the results are not guaranteed. I humbly suggest you save or sell some other stuff/music gear. At the end of the road, you'll most likely have saved money AND be happier.
  3. Yeah, I have been tempted to add a natural colour dye too... but held back. Kind of tempted to do a thin skin nitro shoot in olympic white, with clear coat as well - which is sure to relic quickly and nicely. That would mean not playing it for a while though... that ain't gonna happen for a while!
  4. I just got a GWB35 (see recent thread here). These have a ramp that comes standard. It really works for me and my style. I love having that limit to prevent me digging-in, and it evens-out the attack and volume of the notes. I normally use the pickup as a ramp - (not best practice! - as it has to be raised for comfort, not ideal sound). I say definitely go for it. Try to get two ramps if you can: one for between pups, and one for between neck pup and heel of fretboard!
  5. Hi All, I bought this off EZBass - of this forum - a few days ago. Great chap! I'm loving this beauty. Been wanting to try one for ages - but they are quite rare. This was full-on black - but was stripped back to bare wood and lightly varnished. EZBass had a bit of enamel on the top, with a bit of plastic laminate, which I removed. I got over-zealous taking the paint off, which left witness lines. I ended-up having to sand the whole thing back down through the varnish - took ages , even with a sander. I've put some beeswax polish on it now, and I thought I might as well sand the neck down too to remove the roundwound marks and take away the slightly proud and sunk fretline markers (impercetible to some, but you can 'sense' these lines when wiping your hand across - and they do interfere with the 'mwah' too). Anyway, I levelled the neck and wet-sanded from 400-1500, then used T-Cut for a mirror finish, and light coat of lemon oil... I can almost see myself in the neck now! I also re-cut the nut. the factory setup was crazy high. Just silly. Strings are now pretty much on the fretboard, where they should be. Plays wonderfully with the flatwounds. The preamp and pup are very decent to my ears, although it's true that it can be a bit hissy with treble boosted right up (but nobody should go that far anyway really) The ramp is a great bonus. For me, it aids speed and fluidity substantially. Winning! [url="http://s723.photobucket.com/user/bassfiend3000/media/IMG_5387_zpspfhnsqmc.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s723.photobucket.com/user/bassfiend3000/media/IMG_5388_zps8frjpyab.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s723.photobucket.com/user/bassfiend3000/media/IMG_5389_zpshepebhau.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s723.photobucket.com/user/bassfiend3000/media/IMG_5390_zps2jtqsg2x.jpg.html"][/url] [URL=http://s723.photobucket.com/user/bassfiend3000/media/IMG_5393_zps2rcr05vr.jpg.html][IMG]http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww234/bassfiend3000/IMG_5393_zps2rcr05vr.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  6. Crazy nice, for a straight-up price. Someone please buy this before it puts a spell on me. I'm trying to downscale here. It is your civic duty to look after your fellow BC'er.
  7. Not hugely - but PM'd anyhow. I don't really 'get' the Starbass thing. Maybe i'm silly.
  8. [quote name='iMilanek' timestamp='1452543835' post='2951073'] Hi, I love your Sterling. It´s awesome. Got a Warwick Streamer Pro M 4 String, made in Germany 1996, for trade in very good condition ... interested? [/quote] Would be nice - but i'm downscaling. Trades would need to be for 'cheaper' basses + cash. Thanks anyway!
  9. Anything with a non-adjustable nut. Warwick are streets ahead in getting this right, especially on their first brass nut which had individual saddles. I used to think an adjustable nut was just 'more to go wrong' - but changing out strings from flatwound to roundwound, as well as changing playing styles, means that an adjustable nut is a life saver (you have to be a setup fuss pot like me though to worry about this stuff). Another thing that gets me is the dreaded F****r shim requirement, as well as ski ramp issues. Oh yeah, the last few frets being not hammered in properly - this is ridiculously commonplace, and very annoying.
  10. I must say, if I was not not scaling down, I would trade this in a heartbeat. What a looker!!
  11. It sure is a looker, GLWTS!
  12. squier classic vibe - any variety, can't go wrong. The new warwick rockbass' are fun too - i've played a few of them and liked them a whole lot. They can all be got 200-250 on 2nd hand market
  13. BUMPIN' I tried some fancy ASCII art of a fist - but the editing software no likey. Sorry to be boring.
  14. ---------SOLD-------- ---------SOLD-------- Hi everyone, [color=#333333]Apart from one small paint chip (see pic) and some scratches on the neck plate at the back where it has rested on the stand, this is an immaculate musicman sterling bass. No other bashes, dings, buckle rash, or other worrying elements whatsoever! [/color] [color=#333333]It's a 2002, but you can tell it has spent the vast majority of its life in the case! Comes with new-ish D'addario balanced tension 45s.[/color] [color=#333333]£750 - with case, shipping is extra. No trades please unless you have a cheeky Warwick-Rockbass fretted/fretless for cash+trade, or a monosynth! (or modular synth!)... or a Sterling SB14, or... sigh...[/color] [color=#333333]I have traded a few times on this forum and I have positive feedback. I could furnish you with more info as required! [/color] [color=#333333]It really has ZERO fret wear, and the neck is a pure joy to play and hold. [/color] [color=#333333]The nut and bridge are setup to utter perfection, and the action is low! (I can adjust for your tastes - inc. truss rod adjustments). [/color] [color=#333333]This is a very rare colour (stratus blue) and catches the light beautifully. The rosewood is wonderfully rich and void of imperfections. [/color] [color=#333333]This has the fast neck profile (38mm) and you can really fly around the board if you want. Also has the single coil and series/parallel switching. [/color] [color=#333333]Sadly, it is only used on the odd track, so I am downscaling to free up cash for synths. I am truly gutted because - as a guitarist/bassist of 20 years - I know an outstanding instrument when I play one. [/color] [color=#333333]I will reluctantly post in the UK - but I am London based (can travel within London). You are also more than welcome to come and plug-in, no obligations! [/color] [url="http://s723.photobucket.com/user/bassfiend3000/media/IMG_5364_zps9ygoczfx.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s723.photobucket.com/user/bassfiend3000/media/IMG_4736_zpshaevklq7.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s723.photobucket.com/user/bassfiend3000/media/IMG_4733_zpsjrx1utfq.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s723.photobucket.com/user/bassfiend3000/media/IMG_5367_zps8uithypa.jpg.html"][/url][url="http://s723.photobucket.com/user/bassfiend3000/media/IMG_5373_zpsykx85xrd.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s723.photobucket.com/user/bassfiend3000/media/IMG_5372_zps27n4qmcp.jpg.html"][/url]
  15. Yeah, this has certainly got me thinking about actually taking the plunge on a VM.
  16. Hi All, I have been GAS'ing for ages for a CV60s Jazz and finally one came up on gumtree recently. (These are VERY hard to find on the 2nd hand market nowadays - what gives?) Someone slap me some skin. I had played a precision a few years ago, as well as a CV stratocaster, and I owned a CV telecaster - so I could recall that they were great. However, I was not prepared for the level of greatness - reminding me actually how stellar these instruments are. In fact, I think that the bass series are somehow a level above the guitars. I don't know why this may be - but it is my experience. [u]Construction[/u]: AAA. I mean really... REALLY?! The neck pocket is tight as a ducks backside, as is the pickguard fit (see photo). I usually find - even on some Fender USA - there is some space or fit errors. But this CV is TIGHT yo. [URL=http://s723.photobucket.com/user/bassfiend3000/media/IMG_0494_zpsaqvudpxn.jpg.html][IMG]http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww234/bassfiend3000/IMG_0494_zpsaqvudpxn.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s723.photobucket.com/user/bassfiend3000/media/IMG_0495_zpsjzdha0vv.jpg.html][IMG]http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww234/bassfiend3000/IMG_0495_zpsjzdha0vv.jpg[/IMG][/URL] The strings alignment is absolutely bang-on. It is not even 0.5mm off at the pole pieces on each string. That is a tight error margin - and usually a dead giveaway on sub-par instruments. The nut, sadly, is that junk plastic material - but still cut perfectly. The neck is slinky and the gloss finish to die for. I think this is a 2011, and the stickiness of the varnish is all but gone. [URL=http://s723.photobucket.com/user/bassfiend3000/media/IMG_0496_zpsgaovcjve.jpg.html][IMG]http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww234/bassfiend3000/IMG_0496_zpsgaovcjve.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Fret finish quality is outstanding - on a par with with USA fenders. I'm not even kidding. They are also level! [u]Hardware[/u]: Nothing new here: it's all great - except the tuners which are in the 'acceptable' category. The bridge is obviously the star of the show. [u]Sound:[/u] Treble pup has a mid-scoop, and a good dose of growl (i'd prefer more - but i'm fussy). Neck is more balanced (no scoop) and the tone is very round, with plenty of bottom end. ...in all in all, another glowing review. I'm a very happy person today.
  17. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1451521671' post='2941313'] As a general rule if it is made in the USA it is imperial if it is made in the far east it is metric. If I had to choose just one I would go 5mm on a sqeiar. [/quote] thanks mate. That's sensible - and half the challenge complete. Are the threads uniform?
  18. Hi all, I got a classic vibe 60s today and its great! - however, the truss rod nut is on the TURN (pun intended - or not?!). I'd like a new one - but do I get a 3/16 or 5mm? close enough? (i'm worried about the thread more than anything). This stuff takes ages to sniff out on the global inter-web world-space. Anyone got experience?
  19. cheers HowieBass!
  20. Hi All, Pretty noob question here. I want to use my bass cab with a synth box (Yamaha AN200). Do I need to run this through my head - or can it go straight into my TC electronic RS112 (8ohm) ? AN200: MAXIMUM OUTPUT LEVEL Phones +0.5dBm (33ohm) Stereo Output +9.0dBm (10kohm) What's the deal with kilo ohms!? Thanks!
  21. yeah, get one, and doll it up like mine! http://basschat.co.uk/topic/269011-nbd-fleabass-street-bass-upgraded-with-stingray-parts-etc/
  22. indeed, but they're back in stock in a few weeks. A purchase should still be good to go.
  23. 58.25% discount. Thank you Thomann!
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