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Everything posted by Archetype

  1. [quote name='jensenmann' post='403670' date='Feb 8 2009, 07:16 PM']And if your "engineer" lost files in a HD24 then he´d better not call himself engineer as this box is very straightforward and easy to use. Maybe he did other mistakes in recording bad signals, too low signals or whatever what will give you headache now.[/quote] The HD24 is a great little multitracker. Sounds great, i get the pleasure of using one runnin off a Neve VR desk. Sounds lovely. But they are prone to issues. especially with the hard drives which when they go can cause data loss. So i wouldn't say the engineer did something wrong as it could very easily have been the multi track. [url="http://www.saecollege.de/reference_material/audio/pages/fullindex.htm"]http://www.saecollege.de/reference_materia...s/fullindex.htm[/url] Have a look at that link. Tonnes of info on all the EQ, compressors etc that you should find useful. I would also look into another DAW as mentioned since Garage band is pretty poor for what your using. Plus consider which monitors you are using. Laptop speakers or basic desktop PC speakers will sound very poor especialy in their bass deptartment. Best of luck though! G
  2. Wish i had money right now... i need to complete m studio again in 2009
  3. I know. Just noticed i forgot to put ono on the post. i always enjoy a good haggle
  4. Hey, So i need to downsize my recording rig, need more mobility with it, and since I'm using the studio's at college this is going to waste. Needless to say i could use the money instead. So anyway. This is the console version with 8 motorized faders. Its got 4 preamps and can have upto 18 inputs on it at any time. It also comes with the factory plugins and all the bits it should have. Since I will probably be getting a smaller setup i will either send the ILok with the 003 or send a new one to transfer the licenses to. Looking for 1200 shipped and with all the transfers done too. Also worth noting v8 of protools is due out december, and i went to a demo of it. looks amazing!!! Any questions let me know. Can also try to get pics up soon as. All info can be found on www.digidesign.com Archetype
  5. Good question, i forgot about this. Hope its me cause i just broke my gig bag and 2 tuners in the process Archetype
  6. the best way i use is to turn the monitors up. When recording have the meters average around -18dBFS (use a tone generator to find where this is in your software cause i does move alot) this will keep the signal to noise ratio at a very good rate. and bring in signals that leave plenty of head room. This will look really low on the meters. and you may find your turning the monitors up. but it means when your recording the vocals and the singer suddenly shouts your less likely to clip. Clipping in digital audio = really bad, data gone and lost and not coming back. so lave yourself plenty of room. Now if you did that and got your mix sounding amazing the bouce will sound really quiet compared to other tracks. thats where some mastering would come in to bring that up without clipping. as for getting big thumping kicks and the likes. spend time with your mic's when you record. dont just throw it in and fix it in the mix. get it placed well and giving the sound you are looking for. The use of EQ's should be giving everything that extra definition and sparkle, not polishing a turd for lack of better words. With that said, experiment and see what work. every producer/engineer has their secret tricks. so play about and see what you can get. Archetype
  7. I can second the MOTU stuff. top quality gear without a doubt!
  8. no need to pull threads together. I will probably just write it up with input from other people. will help me rememeber it all, and revise fr my college exam Archetype
  9. no need to pull threads together. I will probably just write it up with input from other people. will help me rememeber it all, and revise fr my college exam Archetype
  10. [quote name='clauster' post='308159' date='Oct 16 2008, 09:07 PM']+1 or perhaps put it in the Wiki?[/quote] Forgot about the wiki! would probably be better so it can be split into sub catergory's etc to make it easier to read. Archetype
  11. [quote name='bubinga5' post='308241' date='Oct 16 2008, 10:53 PM']garage band at the moment, but when i get to know it i wold like to get pro tools..[/quote] Just plug it in then. once thats one on your macbook go into the apple logo then into system preferences. Under the sound option you should see the saffire listed under input and output tabs, make sure you select it for both. Once thats done, fire up garage band and away you go.
  12. been reading a few posts and it seems most are asking about how to set things up get going etc. So should we get a sticky thread with a how to guide? Im more than happy to put it all together but was wondering if people would find it worth while? Archetype
  13. Yea, just plug it in and your mac should detect it and set it up. Which software are you using to record? Archetype
  14. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='303653' date='Oct 10 2008, 10:28 AM']I thinks its straight from my bass into the back. I struggle to recall under the red mist. Although I'd rather mic up my amp and plug the mic into the audio interface (because I like my amp).[/quote] Ok, well if your plugging the guitar right in for now, which i think would be best for now to keep it simple. plug the bass in to the back and make sure the little button is in the out position. Plug your headphones in and set the Mix control to 12oclock. Then when your playing bas you should see the signal light come one, then turn the mic input up till it just starts to clip with the red light. Then follow the steps for Audacity and away you go. The input device should list the "M-Audio ASIO drivers" or something similar, just use them. And you should e all ready.
  15. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='303642' date='Oct 10 2008, 10:19 AM']This one: [url="http://www.dv247.com/invt/24169/"]http://www.dv247.com/invt/24169/[/url] Its quite a nice looking box. So far I've managed to hear my bass thorough my headphones when I plug it in, but its slightly quieter than a mouse.[/quote] Right then. last question is how are you plugging your bass into the interface? is it the bass right into the back. or as it the bass to the amp to the interface? if its via the amp what kind of cable is it connecting the amp and the interface. If you can answer these then i will have everything i need Archetype
  16. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='303635' date='Oct 10 2008, 10:06 AM']Dunno. Its a box with a few knobs and some sockets. The knobs don't seem to do much. I'd try Audacity, but I just can't warrant spending any more cash on this stuff. And I'm pretty sure I won't find it simple at all. In fact, its not even the cash. My sanity can't stand these type of things. The rage keeps me up at night causing me to come ranting and swearing on here. I just can't understand why I need to set any parameters,twist any knobs, tick any boxes to record a four string instrument. It f***s me off so much![/quote] Well they will all have some for gain, that way what your recording is nice and audible. Give Audacity a try, I have heard plenty of people who have said they love it for its simplicity ( ) If you can find out which interface it is i will help you out, but i need to know which interface you are using. And once you get started its very easy. Archetype
  17. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='303613' date='Oct 10 2008, 09:45 AM']Dunno what its called? Ableton? Appleton? Something like that. I have a feeling I'm going to find them all as sh*t as each other though. I can't even use itunes. But itunes is for c**ts. These things seemed to be designed for music producers. I just want to record basic songs. I tong want to twiddle knobs. I can do that on my amp. Has technology not progressed to a stage where we can just plug things in and go? As you can tell, I'm not the most patient of people and tend to overeact. I almost put a hammer through the audio interface last night.[/quote] Lol, feel sorry for the interface. which interface was it? Archetype
  18. [quote name='BigAlonBass' post='303397' date='Oct 9 2008, 10:51 PM']"tuner on the preamp out of the amp?" "effects loop?" "tuner on the preamp out?" "if the effects loop is in parallel, then you would have a clean and compressed signal.....?" It sounds VERY impressive, but what does it all mean? You have absolutely no idea how thick I feel, when I don't have a CLUE what you're talking about, do you? [/quote] Then lets make everything simple what model of amp is it? that way i can have a look and find the info i need for you. Archetype
  19. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='303391' date='Oct 9 2008, 10:42 PM']Well, I've just got my hands on this stuff and I'm pretty sure its going back in the box and then probably into the bin. All I want is a big red button that says "record" and then be able to drag what i record about a bit. This peice of sh*t makes absolutely no sense to me, and I'm pretty sure it never will. f***ing buttons and knobs everywhere. What a wind up. £100 down the f***ing drain.[/quote] Agreed, What gear did you go for maybe we can help to Archetype
  20. Ive not done any charity stuff this year cause ive been skint, an i still am. PM me the paypal details and i will chip in too Its a good cause. Archetype.
  21. [quote name='slaphappygarry' post='303374' date='Oct 9 2008, 10:18 PM']Dude, I simply fancy being on the other side of the glass and getting a closer look at the Neve SAE have and helping someone out. Please drop me an email or whatever and we will sort something out. [email protected] G[/quote] Yea, its a beast of a desk, wish i knew how to use it yet Anyway. will drop you an email. Any other bands looking for recording? Archetype
  22. [quote name='BigAlonBass' post='302297' date='Oct 8 2008, 04:01 PM']I've been using a 3630 for the last 7 years, and I didn't understand it either. Do what I did Wayne-take it into a spare bedroom and plug things into things until it does what you want. It must be a resilient unit, because I haven't been able to blow it up yet. [/quote] options are 1. bass goes to compressor goes to input on bass. with the tuner on the preamp out of the amp. 2. bass into amp,effects loop to the compressor with the tuner on the preamp out. It depends on the amp, if the effects loop is in parallel then you will have a clean and compressed signal running which will make the compressor kinda pointless. If its in series then it would work better. What model of amp is it? Archetype
  23. [quote name='slaphappygarry' post='303100' date='Oct 9 2008, 03:48 PM']Hey Dude, How about: www.myspace.com/kjkband Regards Garry[/quote] Hey Garry, More than happy to o your band Was rather worried when i saw you replied incase i was stealing your business Archetype
  24. Hey everyone. Not sure if this is the right section, but since its not really "for sale" then i thought this was the best place. Anyway, since I am cirrently studying at the SAE in Glasgow i am in need of bands to use for a load of recording projects. For the lovely sum of £0 you get myself to help get all the recording done including the lovely Pre-Production, recording, editing, mixing, and mastering. which costs you nothing! (Beat that in the current credit crunch! ) The only drawback is you need to supply all gear including the drum kit and drummer. And maybe buy me some lunch open to any band/style/setup so just let me know if your interested. Archetype
  25. Anyone? Dont want this going on the bay! Archetype
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