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Everything posted by SH73
You boys are putting ideas in my head. Setlist Bring your daughter to the slaughter Reign in Blood Hair of the dog Eat the Rich Rock Candy The crab song Hungry Freaks, Daddy Cherry Pie Inhumane Harvest
Not sure people going Sunday lunch would like listening to Metal
The type of music I like mate, and the time they start is mostly at 9pm. There are occasions bands play afternoon gigs at festivals etc and being home at 7pm would be ideal. Probably more opportunities over the pond.
Who, the grumpy gits?
Apart from a fe grumpy gits 😁...only kidding.... fantastic forum, I found out that a bass actually has tuners not just string...
I recently removed all the strings, boiled them for 10 minutes, cleaned the fretboard with lemon oil then restrung. Bass had no tension on neck overnight, did I worry? Nope. Works fine .
Anthrax and Kreator
I haven't gigged since about 1992, I got back to bass playing in 2010 and thanks to BC I've learnt how to produce music etc. I am reluctant to get gigging for two reasons. Too many day dreamers on Join my band and other sites. Two, I can't think of anything worse than being sober and playing to drunk punters late night. But , if circumstances change, I may be easily persuaded.
The hiss of opening a can of Draught Stout by Guinness
What a shame , a brilliant picture, but will have to leave this one out, not enough time in a day. Unless a 30 seconds intro I started would suffice. Rather than watching rubbish on telly or having an early night, here we go. Song called Baby Boom. EZ drums, various VST`s and heavily processed robotic singing. The song is about a family swapping a country side life for a rat race concrete build city. Lyrics: I was born through baby boom My life’s been like a hot air balloon My folks swapped our farm for a city Reflecting upon with a pity We swapped our land for a concrete field The rat race life's like a time machine I asked my mother why did we this She said my son, Ich liebe dich Rusted minds have frozen thoughts Our lives became a big fat nought You've dragged me to this so-called Wonderland I can't escape to motherland Baby boom You're living as a Baby boom Baby boom You're struggling as a Baby boom Baby boom You'll soon die as a Baby boom Baby boom Baby boom
@linear resolved the audio issue. Both a small Xenyx 8 channel mixer, then in OBS clicked the audio source as mono, tested today and works fine. Now I've been having issues with green screen/.chroma key set up 😁 works but looks like more than watermark effect. Thanks for your help in above posts
My tracking was showing regressing not progressing One day meant to be delivered today then it changed to Thursday. Despite incorrect delivery tracking it was delivered today
Not so much unable to access. The driver for our area is brilliant and very helpful, he does make sure the parcel is delivered. What I dint get is the changes of the updates on tracking. In the morning it says " in the transit, in the local depot" in the afternoon it changes to dispatched. So they work back. I previously have been advised that there were delays due to adverse weather. I managed to call them, so I advised them about the weather forecast in my area and weather forecast where the depot was. It was a sunny day with plus 10 degrees Celsius. I quoted what the weather forecast says, what there tracking claimed and what the actual weather was, a nice sunny day. Shocking company, had many parcels sent back to senders through their fault.
I didn't think you meant to criticise anyone I just disagreed that English is difficult and I still disagree no matter what the article says. In fact, I have learnt Spanish during a business course many years ago. All English natives struggled with the pronunciation and learning the lingo. My theory is that if you grow up as bilingual, then other languages come as second nature. Now, if the OP likes the feel of the base, he should of not need to worry about it's weigh. Piece! 😁
Slightly of the topic, but English is not a hard language to learn. I picked it up quick in my twenties and most kids in Europe speak English. My native language uses Masculine–feminine–neuter contrast so do some other European speakers. This changes the suffix of the adjectives etc. the verb changes depending on the contrast etc. I speak three European languages, two of them are very similar but the third one is on a completely different, Hungarian. So if you think English is hard, try learning Hungarian. I speak and read 4 languages. Write 2 and can get by writing another 2. I used to be fluent in russian , reading and writing about 30 years ago as it was compulsory to learn. I understand some other languages, very basics but I'm confident to say that English is the easiest out of all. What I do find complex about English is the amount of tense used simple tense, future in the past and some grammar. I have tried to explain this to native English speakers, but they don't understand and I have seen them often making mistakes. The most common even here is There , theirs, would have/ would of ( my biggest pet hate). I'm sure you will find grammar mistakes in my post(s) and probably notice my post is written/structured in a way that to you may sound coming form a foreign national, but my excuse is that this is my 4th language. To this day, some English people ask me how to spell certain words. I thought I share my thoughts. I won't proofread what I typed as it's my day off today and cannot be bothered. 😁
Yep, Elvis... He's not dead!
So , watched a few You Tube lessons on the subject, in OBS if you click mono all instruments should ( theoretically) output from both left and right channel. My solution, I'm after a mixer to resolve the issue. BUT, my next challenge is to tackle the green screen/ chroma key. I had some 60% success, but the webcam on my gaming laptop is ok. I've been trying to set up my Samsung "zillion" megapixel camera to OBS but all I'm getting is 🌈 lines across. Having watched and researched endless materials I have hit dead end. HDMI video capture device does f*** all. May need another external web cam , better than the inbuilt webcam. Waste of time tbh. Not sure if upgrading from windows 10 to 11 would resolve the matter. Any suggestions? On connecting external cam to OBS.I know they're some IT geeks out there.
I've read they had an bassist for studio recordings. I have always found The Doors a bit peculiar, nothing to hate nothing to like.
The guy from The Doors
Is it for recording or playing live?
That is a very thorough advice, thank you. When I use OBS it recognises more than two inputs but still mono result when played back from Facebook. MME only recognise two inputs. I have watched tones of You Tubers on this subject. I have yet to test You Tube but have to wait 24 hours for verification. I have seen few you Tubers suggesting a small mixer. I suppose it's a matter if learning the trade.
Thank you for the comprehensive answer. I fiddled around with it, so bass is in input 1, the backing track is played from my phone and dual jack is plugged in input 2 and 3. Facebook chicks the bass to left channel and backing trac to right. I will try using MMEditect X to see if there's any improvement. I downloaded OBS but it did not improve, as my previous post. I play around with it.
Downloaded OBS, the quality of the audio didn't improve at all. Apparently, Facebook output is in mono so if I record through my Focusrite into Ableton then Facebook,it sounds great through monitoring via Focusrite interface, but when I play it back from Facebook it is in mono, bass in the left channel and backing track in the right channel. I will try You Tube tomorrow.
Thanks for the advice for some reason it's now recorded fine but it was in mono bass was in a left channel and the audio was in the right channel. There was a lot of latency but I found out that I listened to the playback from the Focusrite as well as Facebook at the same time. So now the latency sorted I may download OBS tomorrow and try if the quality improves and record the song in the door then play along as you suggested.
Yes I have. When I say backing track, I'm trying to play a full song and play along in Facebook live streaming.