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Everything posted by SH73

  1. B because A is always guaranteed after
  2. https://soundcloud.com/user-527099495/tecknot-1-mix-basschat
  3. It's a Hartke pedal and it goes straight in box after use. Definitely needs a psu as it let me down middle of recording.
  4. Put a new 9v battery in my di pedal last week.After about 1 hour or so playing the amp sounded distorted today.Dead battery again.Sure it should last longer.Looks like I need a psu.
  5. These are great. I've got the 100w version and can't fault it.
  6. [quote name='GILLY' timestamp='1489915364' post='3260706'] Anyone want this for the cost of P&P? Say £4.00? [/quote] That link show various psu.Which one is it?
  7. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1489773736' post='3259789'] Some people just shouldn't be allowed near a tool box. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/travel-Bass-guitar-/152467488322?hash=item237fc53e42:g:SssAAOSwNnRYk4we [/quote] It's a road worn bass. It has been played so much that the body worned off. The neck has obviously been replaced.
  8. Fat burning zone is a bit of a misconception. Simple rule more calories out than in creates calorific deficit.Exercise improves overal health.Too much can cause more harm than good.Type of food you eat is important and when you eat. There are various theories but what works for ine doesn't wirk for others. Gigging is a form of exercise but again depends how active you're on stage.
  9. I like them flat, fat, growly with a bit of distortion, bright and mid. Depends what I play.
  10. Ugly things. Doesn't the headstock meant to make the bass look good?
  11. [quote name='derrenleepoole' timestamp='1297687540' post='1126952'] [/quote] Lol
  12. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/296555-good-flatwound-comparison/page__fromsearch__1
  13. [quote name='crompers' timestamp='1489745833' post='3259356'] I was happy to pay for sabbath because it was final tour etc (and SABBATH). Metallica are money grubbing bar stewards and any love I had for them has sadly dissipated over the years. [/quote] This
  14. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1489656319' post='3258642'] Never got all this "Ex famous name, £145 squillion" nonsense. It's just a mass produced and ordinary amp, guitar or whatever. The fact that Spiggy Tope has dribbled over it makes no bloody difference whatsoever. Rant over. [/quote] This, for that cash i could get house extension with a music room and a brand new valve amp.
  15. Just bought it...well added to cart
  16. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1489597994' post='3258287'] Haha I was just about to suggest you Lozz, I'm only about half an hour away too. whereabouts are you SH73? [/quote] Kent, about 2 hours driving distance.
  17. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1489578803' post='3258054'] ...anybody with a 14 year old daughter? They've got this too.. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Collectors-Edition-Signed-McFly-The-Heart-Never-Lies-Picture-Disc-SW8-/361928797134?hash=item5444a32bce:g:yyEAAOSwuxFYyQwe [/quote] The bass is on £16 now. I wonder how the mcfly cd sells.
  18. I saw this on e bay but is collection only. Anyone living in Berkhamsted? Look at this on eBay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/361928317497
  19. I don't even know who the current stars are. I haven't bothered in past 20 odd years. I'll stick with Iron Maiden.This os where my heart is. Of course I listen to other stuff and love 80's. I could do better than chart music....
  20. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1489245228' post='3255456'] Looks great to be honest, fret edges are perhaps a little sharp. Assuming it fits ok I can't fault it for the price. I paid 29 quid delivered, it took 5 days to get here and I didn't pay any customs charges etc, just the 29 earthpounds. [/quote] Thanks.
  21. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1489239531' post='3255393'] [/quote] I have been thinking getting one of these myself. How much did it eventually cost you and how long until it arrived?
  22. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1484599704' post='3216748'] It's the normal basschat argument fodder..:-) Other examples include Pbass vs everything else Fender vs everything else Flats vs rounds Neo vs ferrite Valve vs everything else Class D vs everything else.. 😂 [/quote] Road worn vs shiny
  23. Lovely rigs in the above posts.I don't gig so mine is home friendly but reckon would be suitable for small pub gig. Bass Squier Matt Freeman bass not modified Fender Royal blue Steve Harris sig Squier Jazz c vibe classis with SD pups Fender Rumble 1x12" Bass Amp Combo (V3) Hartke bass attack pedal barely used TC electronic spectracomp still experimenting Guitars Gold top Epiphone Les paul Korean build Telecaster Affinity plays nice Chinese Gruzer by Crafter Fender Mustang II V.2 1x12" Modelling Amp Combo. Endless downloads and possibilities Baby cry wah Ibanez TS9 tube screamer And a Yamaha 6 string accoustic that plays like dream Focusrite 2 and sm57. Simple rigs that meet my needs apart from Gas for another stuff.....
  24. SH73

    Peavey T40

  25. [quote name='Mister RLP' timestamp='1488959510' post='3253178'] I have one of these. It's not going anywhere. My main bass. [/quote] +1
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