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Everything posted by SH73

  1. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1458774611' post='3010886'] I don't use Ableton; I was hoping [i]you'd[/i] recognise what an 'Arrange' window was..! I'll have a scout around and see what I can find. Meanwhile, don't you have a manual or guide..? Back shortly... Edit... OK, have a read of this ... [url="https://www.ableton.com/en/manual/arrangement-view/"]Ableton Arrangement View ...[/url] As always, I'd pass on the invaluable 'helpful hint': RTFM. No, seriously; it's a great short-cut, saving oodles of time in the long run. Hope this helps. [/quote] Haha I know what the a range arrangement view is and read the manual too.Thanks anyhoo.I always ask as it may have saved me tons of time.
  2. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1458757142' post='3010598'] Is there a menu entry for effects Does this make sense to you..? [color=#800080]Ableton normalizes when it consolidates audio, but it compensates by bringing the clip volume back down. [/color][color=#800080]So, in the arrange window, [/color][list=1] [*][color=#800080]Right-click ---> Consolidate. [/color] [*][color=#800080]Reset the clip volume to 0 db[/color] [/list] [color=#800080]... and you've got a normalized piece of audio.[/color] Give it a try; tell us how it goes, please..? [/quote] No idea where to right click. Any suggestions please
  3. [quote name='roman_sub' timestamp='1458761259' post='3010651'] Sounds like your output levels are quite low... you may get more volume by turning up the individual tracks, but compression / limiting is likely to be needed fair soon to avoid the peaks distorting. If Ableton can normalise (close) to 0db, that's easier. Quite a complex subject, but reading up on mastering is probably a good start. "loudness wars" may make interesting side-reading, too... [/quote] Individual tracks turned up.It's the final product where the volume plays up.
  4. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1458757631' post='3010605'] I'm not familiar with this software, but assuming you can't increase the volume on your final mixdown, compression and limiting could be the answer [/quote] I used compression and can increase volume but increasing volume affects clarity
  5. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1458757142' post='3010598'] Is there a menu entry for effects Does this make sense to you..? [color=#800080]Ableton normalizes when it consolidates audio, but it compensates by bringing the clip volume back down. [/color][color=#800080]So, in the arrange window, [/color][list=1] [*][color=#800080]Right-click ---> Consolidate. [/color] [*][color=#800080]Reset the clip volume to 0 db[/color] [/list] [color=#800080]... and you've got a normalized piece of audio.[/color] Give it a try; tell us how it goes, please..? [/quote] It does I'll give it a go. Many thanks
  6. I have been using Ableton live lite 9 for recording. I record mic up bass amp and guitar amp.The sound is outstanding.After mixing and adding effects everything sounds to my liking but the output is weak and when I play it on my phone or car I have to almost max the volume to hear it loud enough. How do I get the output volume right like if I listened to a CD or mP3. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  7. Just to add I also use focusrite scarlet 2i2 and windows7 via laptop .no issues.
  8. SM 57 in front of a cab. You need to experiment with mic positioning ie place it in front of the centre of speaker, move it slightly to side towards the rim of speaker. Also the distance from speaker will give you a different sound.You can place it at an angle etc. I recorded two different guitars and effect set up. The slightest mic positioning returned different sound.unbelievable how good sm57 is.as for the bass recording I finally managed to get the sound I wanted.no wonder sm57 has been around for donkey's years.
  9. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1448883005' post='2918766'] [size=4]Bass is an instrument that [i]really[/i] benefits from compression… so in my opinion you should all be using it! [/size] [size=4]The confusion around compression typically stems from it being perceived as something that “squashes all of the subtlety and dynamics” out of a sound - or that it’s some kind of “cheat” that compensates for poor technique (“for me it’s all in the fingers”, etc). Both of which are missing the point.[/size] [size=4]Fact is, an electric bass is capable of throwing out a very wide range of frequencies with widely differing ‘energies’, or volumes. A compressor - if correctly used - helps to even out the signal level so that each note played by the bassist has a similar ‘volume’. This helps each note to be heard and enables the bass to sit better in the mix.[/size] [size=4]Used correctly, compression is a very creative and musical tool. It can be subtle and virtually unnoticeable - allowing plenty of room for dynamics and expression. Or it can be aggressive, pummelling the sound into all sorts of cool distortion.[/size] [size=4]I’d wager that nearly every recorded bass that we love listening to has had compression applied to it (almost certainly if it’s been recorded in a studio). It’s really not some kind of artificial ‘performance enhancer’ - it’s a necessity for achieving a great bass tone, IMO.[/size] [size=4]Me, I always record my bass dry (without any effects) and then apply compression afterwards. I don’t currently play live, but if I did I’d probably prefer to invest in my own compressor (not one of those 'one knob' pedals; a proper one with variable attack/release/ratio, etc) [/size]or have a friendly chat with the sound tech to get it set right during the warm up. Either way, I’d want compression on my bass. Period. [/quote] I agree. It's nearly impossible to play low and high end notes in fast lines with an even outputhough and post recording the sound can be even out with a little compression. I am new to this so still experimenting before I buy one.At the moment using Red3 within DAW.
  10. I've managed to decrease latency but it's still there.Thanks for advice I'll give them a call.
  11. https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ7Y2dCoOsm_8u8cQWP6uktGT6ZzOL_bLdC_SCFzRmVEj4mwsPs
  12. I recorded with two mics. One in front of dustcap and one on the edge of cone.The recorded sound was better than through interface. I ran the bass through a bass pedal. Good sound. Little tweek and I ll get what I am looking for.
  13. Tomorrow I'll attempt recording my bass using microphones. I will try two methodes. 1.two mics 2.one mic and one line out from bass amp to inerface via hartke di box Any idea on mic placements.
  14. SH73

    Focusrite 2i2

    [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1446801447' post='2902398'] I don't use live but, it sounds like you have a high buffer setting. Or, Live is using the Realtek drivers. You shouldn't need to use the asio4all drivers. The Focusrite drivers should be up to the job. Have you looked at these videos? I think it's a nine video series. It should help you understand a bit more. The guy is using Mac, but does reference PC options. When choosing the input, just use the Focusrite option. [size="2"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtE5hjF8Hb8[/size] [/quote] I watched these, but to be honest it's only references to Windows.
  15. SH73

    Focusrite 2i2

    Cheers for the replies gents.I sorted tge issue eventually before reading the responses. I needed asio4all. It strarted working well for strange reasons. The you tube videos are good but not enough info fir windows. Suppose I need a di box or a mic to get the desired sound. Do you gents like your 2i2 and what Daw do you use? Thanks
  16. SH73

    Focusrite 2i2

    Is focusrite as good as they say it is. I bought one last week. It's my first device for recording. It comes with ableton live 9 lite and plug ins. The latency is bad, I use Sony Vaio with Windows 7 intel core i3 laptop. Have both realtek and asio4all installed. Most tutorials use mac even the ableton tutorials. Any suggestions on latency?
  17. Thanks for the reply. It`s still a struggle to use focusrite.
  18. Is that a SH bass? lovely.What wattage is the gear?
  19. I just bought Focusrite scarlett 2i2 and cannot rid off the latency with windows 7. any suggestions?
  20. I use focusrite 2i2 and asio4all, still lots of latency.
  21. Hello Can I connect my Fender rumble amp to Focusrite then Pc for a better sound. The focusrite ableton live 9 lite seems to be rubbish. Thanks
  22. Thank you. I now upgraded the bass with spb4 with Fender pots. The volume pot doesn't seem to work in gradual increments. Any ideas?
  23. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1443725474' post='2877248'] You won't need to, unless you fancy upgrading the pots. If you do, give Kiogon a shout. He makes up high quality kits, consisting of everything you need. It will drop right in and you won't even need to solder your new pups in, as there is a connector which will allow you to screw the cables in. [/quote] Who is Kiogon.
  24. [quote name='Fisheth' timestamp='1443900318' post='2878639'] Yeah, it's A LOT heavier than I was expecting. I should have asked about weight. [/quote] I am jealous.
  25. Thanks for your help
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